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Rockovnik is forty episode documentary about the rock and pop music of Yugoslavia. It was filmed from late 90s until mid 2000s. Complete series was aired in 2011 on RTS.


  • We had a concert in Križanke, this comeback concert 4 years ago for the Longplay album. At that moment, as I and this team of mine enter, I see from the side in an old peeling van or mini-truck, Marko Brecelj enters, holding a burek in his hand. I ran into myself: "Marko, Marko, I forgive you." Just one moment. I say maybe this is not the way, you have influenced my career and my life a lot. I am Saša Losić. You mean a lot to me. Your record Pljuni istini u oči defined my life". Marko looks at me like this and says: "Go fuck your mom". (Saša Lošić interview from 2002)
  • Vlatko was star before he was born. His mom acted in Mrs. Minister when she was pregnant… (Peca Popović about meeting Vlatko Stefanovski in Skopje in late 1970s)
  • He had lived and gone, like the angel. (Darko Rundek in conversation with Sonja Savić in 1992, quoted by Savić in 2005)
  • That first big performance in Belgrade on Marx and Engels Square (today Nikola Pašić Square), there were 30,000 people. That was around May 25, we could not get to Belgrade by caravan, nor by plane, nor could the van drive. […] (Dražen Žerić about Crvena jabuka's concert in Belgrade in 1986)