Talk:Maurice Duplessis

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  • The province’s [Québec's] strength lies in the depth of its religious feeling... It must be the citadel of Christian civilization in Canada and even the entire North American continent.
  • Let us remain attached to the land... In the country, there are stability, common sense and strong religious convictions.
  • Hundreds of millions in capital has been invested to develop our resources. Let me repeat: American capital, English capital, French capital: Welcome!
  • Refers to the party colours of the Unione Nationale and the Liberals.
  • The bishops eat out of my hand.
  • Education is like alcohol; some people can't take it.
  • You know, elections are not won with prayers.
  • As long as I can keep the Jesuits scrapping with the Dominicans, I can get on with the business of the province.
  • Two weeks ago, I pointed out that the Provincial Government had the firm intention to take the most rigorous and efficient measures possible to get rid of those who under the names of Jehovah's Witnesses, distribute circulars which in my opinion, are not only injurious for Quebec and its population, but which are of a very libellous and seditious character. The propaganda of the Jehovah's Witnesses cannot be tolerated and there are more than 400 of them now before the courts in Montreal, Quebec, Trois-Rivières and other centers.
  • I kiss his [the priest's] ring and he kisses my a***.