Talk:Tawakkol Karman

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Latest comment: 10 years ago by Mdd in topic Unsourced
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All has been transferred over to the article. -- 03:18, 16 October 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thanks, you obviously are putting a lot of effort in your work. However, ten quotes still missing proper references and have been added back here. Also in the lay out some titles have been corrected, the sections have been arranged in chronological order, and the "other quotes" section has been removed. -- Mdd (talk) 11:39, 16 October 2013 (UTC)Reply

Unsourced (2)[edit]

  • I congratulate OPCW although I had expected #Malala to win. I trust in the criteria of the Nobel Peace Committee as it has proved to be trustworthy but I have more faith that Malala is going to win it someday. So, congratulations Malala, in advance!
  • I congratulate the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on winning the Nobel Peace Prize for 2013...Awarding OPCW the Prize this year is an award to all the people who work for a world without weapons of mass destruction. It is a call for all the people, countries and organizations to move forward and make this wonderful dream a reality for the sake of humanity.
  • Dear #US administration: your #drones are exercising an inacceptable barbarism in #Yemen, commit massacres against humanity and violate the sovereignty and independence of the state not to mention how they contribute to increasing AlQaeda recruits as well as the chances of terrorism.
  • We are against drone strikes because they will not kill the real al Qaeda, they will only target women and youth...Fighting terrorists is a goal of our revolution, and we welcome the participation of the U.S. and the international community, but the only ones with the interest to combat al Qaeda in our country are the Yemeni people...We were uncomfortable with the U.S. approach to combat al Qaeda with Saleh. I told them, 'You have to be careful with Saleh. Don't trust him.' I can't believe that (the U.S.) didn't know of Saleh's connection with al Qaeda.
  • We’re organizing a peaceful revolution to topple the president, just like in Tunisia...I didn’t even know I was nominated. But this prize has changed my life and it will change the lives of the Yemeni people and the Arab world. We will open a door to a new Yemen with this prize — a Yemen of democracy and peace that is free of terrorism, a place that is safe for the whole world...I want to talk to the Obama administration to get support for the Yemeni revolution...This prize gives me international protection. But I can’t be satisfied with this while my family and people are followed and killed by Saleh’s regime.
  • "[Yemen's] popular, peaceful revolution came about for the sake of fixing these societal problems. It didn't happen just to solve political problems, but also to address societal problems, the most important being child marriage."
  • I want to say thank you for all American people, thank you for American administration. We in the youth revolution came to America to send them our voice, to tell them that we are the future. And we pledge to work together to have a democratic Yemen and that is where – with the vibrancy of a society, and we pledge to continue to work together in the future....And just like we surprised you with our revolution, we will surprise you with a state that we’re going to build. We will work together a lot, and I think we can build the world together. Thank you very much. [The burning of veils by Yemeni women is] an expression of rejection of the injustice that the Saleh regime has imposed on them. And this is a new stage for the Yemeni women, because they will not hide behind veils or behind walls or anything else.
  • There are common factors between dictators and terrorists. There is a strategic interest between them, one serves the purpose of the other and one employs the other for service of goals. Dictators always say they want to suppress terrorism to justify retaining power. In this way one feeds off the other...We were born to believe that people like Qadhafi [deceased Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi], Egypt's Hosni Mubarak and Mr. Saleh will remain in power even when we die...It won't be possible for long. It worried my father [Babu Jagjivan Ram] and it worries me, what is going to finish what? They [democracy and caste system] are incompatible.
  • Closing #TahrirSquare in the face of anti-coup protesters in Egypt serves only as an extension to the massive crackdown on TVs, newspapers, parties and anti-coup writers and advocates while leaving the door wide open to those who chant the name of Sisi...The masses in #Egypt that are rallying in the streets and condemning the coup are doing so to demand restoration of the rights and freedoms confiscated since the coup against #Morsi. Their struggle goes beyond demanding the reinstatement of Morsi to demanding the gains of January revolution as they know this is the only way to get them back; sacrifice and massive rallies.
  • Rhe coupists know for sure that they are no longer capable of filing the squares with their supporters now that the game has been revealed. As a result, they closed the squares to prevent the revolutionary masses from rallying as planned...Egypt is a closed square for the coupists...This is the will of the #Egyptian youth and there is no way you can defeat it. Long Life the revolution and down with the military rule.