Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent

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Double Agent is the fourth installment in the Splinter Cell series of books and games. This game follows NSA Agent Sam Fisher, a 'Splinter Cell' in the anti-terrorist group Third Echelon, as he infiltrates a terrorist organization to locate several Red Mercury devices. This title empathizes on the choices and consequences of being a double agent.



Sam Fisher

  • Okay, Father Christmas, all the children are tucked in their beds.
  • [After entering a pigeon coop] Ugh, it stinks...
  • I bet he's great fun at parties.
  • Lambert... It's time for me to retire.
  • The ice looks pretty thin. I think I could break through it. Drag a guy under.
  • Not one of my subtlest moments.
  • Are you gonna give me orders every 10 feet? You remind me of my former boss.

Emile Dufraisne

  • [If the player lets the bomb go off] Such tremendous destruction, in such a small package. Gentlemen, we should all show our thanks to those who made this moment possible - Enrica, and our newest recruit, Sam Fisher.
  • [If the player sabotages the bomb] Don't think you're clear on this, Fisher. There's plenty of blame to go around. Now get out of my sight. I've got Kinshasa to think about.
  • [If the player frames Enrica] At least you held up your end of things, Fisher. Now get out of here, all of you. I need to figure out how to explain this in Kinshasa.

Enrica Villablanca

  • You've managed to impress Emile with your credentials. He's going to ask you to hijack a supertanker for him.
  • If this doesn't work, Emile's going to blame me. And that tends to be fatal.
  • There you are. Normally I don't have to look this hard for a man.

Carson Moss

  • Alright, Fisher. Just don't screw up, and you and I won't have any problems.
  • Golden, what the hell are you doing here? Get back to your post or you'll end up in the furnace!
  • You fly like crap.




Moss: Fisher, you're with me. Come along.
Sam: What do you want me to do?
Moss: Die. But that's not an option.
Sam: Listen, Moose--
Moss: It's Moss. Get it right or pay the price. Just shut up and follow me.

Sea of Okhotsk

Sam: Ever seen what a 5.7 millimeter bullet does to a human brain?
Mercenary: N-no.
Sam: Shall we assume that you don't want to learn?
Mercenary: I have a wife and kids.
Sam: Congratulations. How did you know I was here?
Mercenary: We didn't. Our tanker has been stuck in the ice for 2 days, we are placing bomb to create a path. Saw the crate. That's it.

Sam: Anything else I should know?
Mercenary: You've got bad breath? Aaagh! God, my arm!

Sam: Hi.
Mercenary: I give up.
Sam: Yet I see your hand inching towards your pistol.
Mercenary: Agh. Stop. What do you want to know?
Sam: Tell me about the man in charge.
Mercenary: Go f--Ahh. Ex Soviet Army. Very good leader. A little unstable.
Sam: Where?
Mercenary: Probably the bridge.

Sam: I'm in a big hurry. You going to be helpful?
Mercenary: You've got to give yourself up. Agh!!
Sam: That's not helpful.

Shanghai Hotel

Hisham: Agent Fisher? This is Hisham Hamza. I'm with the Agency.
Sam: Yeah!
Hisham: Are you NSA types always this friendly?

Sam: Tell me what's going on in the meeting.
Guard: There's a meeting?
Sam: Don't be smart. What's the Doctor selling?
Guard: World peace.
Sam: What did I say about being smart?

Hisham: Hey! What are you doing?
Guard 2: The power came on.
Hisham: You shouldn't be touching the crane.
Guard 2: I didn't.
Hisham: Well, who did?
Guard 2: I don't know. That's why I'm over here.
Hisham: Well, you shouldn't be touching the crane.
Guard 2: I didn--forget it.

Moss: Fisher. I'm on my way to the roof to talk to you.
Sam: It's raining, Moss, and I don't have a raincoat your size, so just tell me what you have to say.

Cozumel cruise ship

Lambert: Rise and shine, lover boy.
Sam: Funny, you don't sound like Enrica.
Lambert: Brilliant. Now get your butt in gear and do something.

Guard 1: Did you hear that?
Guard 2: It sounded like money hitting the floor.
Guard 1: We'd better check that out. You know, just in case.
Guard 2: Yeah. Just in case someone else gets there first.

Sam: Hi. We're going to talk.
Guard: Pff, yeah right. Argh! O-okay... Talking sounds good.

Sam: Nice bar. Nice drinks. Nice fish.
Enrica: Nice guards too. Be careful; they're all over it.

Sam: You are going to be quiet for me.
Guard: Yeah? What are you going to do if I scream for help?
Sam: Break your arm, shoot you... I haven't decided yet.
Guard: Well, I think you're bluff-aaagh.
Sam: Tell me something interesting.

Guard 1: Paulo, please.
Guard 2: What?
Guard 1: Paulo, I'm flattered, I really am, but I've told you a dozen times. I'm not interested. Do I have to be rude to make you understand?
Guard 2: What are you talking about?
Guard 1: Two men in the steam room, when suddenly...ccssssshhhhh! Come on!
Guard 2: I didn't, I swear.
Guard 1: Pff. Yeah.
Guard 2: I didn't.

Guard: I told you I'm not interested. Aaagh!
Sam: And I'm not Paulo.

Guard: Wh-what do you want?
Sam: A really good reason not to break your arm.
Guard: Uh, uh... I know the code to the navigation room.
Sam: Boring, but acceptable.
Guard: 2112
[When interrogated again]
Guard: Look, I know a pretty cute girl. She sucks a mean-aaagh!


Lambert: Your pal Emile has a nuke starter kit, his buddy Massoud will use that tanker to deliver it, and we have to wait until we have all the pieces of the puzzle.
Sam: He's not my pal.
Lambert: Glad to hear that, because I was starting to feel unloved.

Moss: Where do you think you're going, Washington?
Jamie: Gotta get my butt down to the lab to make sure things run smoothly.
Moss: And they're calling you?
Jamie: You know, Moss, I'm getting a little tired of your attitude. I've done hard time for the cause. What have you done besides shoot your mouth off?
Moss: I've done what Emile needed me to do, and I was smart enough to stay out of jail in the process.
Jamie: That's because they can't arrest you for being a jackass.
Moss: But they caught you for being a dumbass! See you later, Washington.
Jamie: Only if I don't see you first.


Fisher: I'm strictly neutral. If you want me to stay that way, answer my questions.
Rebel: Okay.
Fisher: I'm looking for a Moroccan man.
Rebel: I haven't seen--aaagh!
Fisher: You asking me to take sides?

Hisham: You're making a big mistake.
Rebel: Yeah?
Hisham: Yes.
Rebel: Oh, good. Now shut up.
Hisham: There is more at stake here... Millions of people are going to die.
Rebel: No. You're done talking.
Hisham: Please, you're not listening to me.
Rebel: That's it. One more word... You done? ... You sure? Glad we worked that out.


Jamie: You think he's CIA?
Emile: I don't care if he's PTA.



[New York December 21st, 2008]
[Phone dialling]

Williams: [Picking up the phone] Assistant Director Williams.
Sam: I know who you are.
Williams: Fisher, long time no seen.
Sam: Stop looking, you won't find me. I know about your case against Lambert and me.
Williams: Well, after New York City you disappeared. You went rogue. But if you come in we can work something out.
Sam: No, thanks. You've been after us since this mission started.
Williams: I had to be. You and Lambert went way over the line on this one.
Sam: Tens of thousands of lives were at stake.
Williams: Exactly. And we have ways to go about these things. But you and Lambert went off alone, taking unnecessary risks and making all kinds of wonders. Starting with Iceland, remember?


Williams: Lambert ordered you out? Just like that?
Sam: My daughter was dead.
Williams: And how does that take precedence over matters of national security?
Sam: It doesn't.
Williams: So you agree Lambert made a judgement error?
Sam: I won't answer that.
Williams: Fine. So the little information you did recover from Iceland, told you that what was stolen from Raheem Kadir was not a weapon at all. It was the Red Mercury, right?
Sam: Yes.
Williams: An explosive substance, which, when added to small doses of plutonium, can easily create a two kiloton bomb a size of a baseball. And you and Lambert lost it!
Sam: We had a lead, Emile Dufraisne. He tried to buy the Red Mercury before it was stolen.
Williams: So Lambert decided to infiltrate Dufraisne's organization hoping he'll take another shot on getting his hands on the Red Mercury. That's why he sent you in - undercover on American soil, clearly exceeding the NSA's mandate.
Sam: Our mandate is to protect American citizens. The CIA was dragging its feet, it was us or nobody.
Williams: But to infiltrate Dufraisne's organization you needed a way in. And you found it, at Ellsworth Penitentiary.

JBA HQ 1 Version A

Williams: You were ordered to leave Barnham alive and you disobeyed that order!
Sam: Jamie had to believe I was capable of anything. He had to take me to the JBA. First stop was the man in charge - Emile Dufraisne, I remembered him from Iceland. Next was his lieutenant - Carson Moss, can't say we hit it off. The person who was going to handle the weapons was Enrica Villablanca, she wasn't much older than my daughter. Finally, there was B.J. Sykes - the techie in charge of the security system. One man I didn't get to meet was Cole Yeager. It seems Dufraisne was afraid Yeager was plotting to take over the JBA. So he sent me on an errand to pump Yeager for information, hoping Yeager might try to get new recruit on his side. On my way to see Yeager I had an opportunity to sneak into the compound's restricted area, so I took it.

JBA HQ 1 Version B

Sam: Jamie was unhappy that I didn't kill Barnham. I hope his testimony was worth the trust it caused me. After Ellsworth, Washington and I traveled to the JBA headquarters in New Orleans. It's where I met "the family". First stop was the man in charge - Emile Dufraisne, I remembered him from Iceland. Next was his lieutenant - Carson Moss, can't say we hit it off. The person who was going to handle the weapons was Enrica Villablanca, she wasn't much older than my daughter. Finally, there was B.J. Sykes - the techie in charge of the security system. One man I didn't get to meet was Cole Yeager. It seems Dufraisne was afraid Yeager was plotting to take over the JBA. So he sent me on an errand to pump Yeager for information, hoping Yeager might try to get new recruit on his side. On my way to see Yeager I had an opportunity to sneak into the compound's restricted area, so I took it.

Money Train Version A

Sam: I never learned what happened to Yeager.
Williams: Lambert had him picked up, he's still in custody. Dufraisne looked for him, but not too hard. But let's get back to you. Your first assignment for the JBA was to rob a train in New York?
Sam: Private train used by a bank to transfer liquid assets without drawing attention.
Williams: Did you know what the money was for?
Sam: No, but Emile didn't want any witnesses. He ordered me to kill anyone I came across. Lambert told me the exact opposite - zero casualties.
Williams: Who supplied your equipment for this robbery?
Sam: Lambert was posing as an arms dealer. He sold equipment to Dufraisne, so I could still have access to my usual gear.
Williams: That was a big risk.
Sam: Too big...

Money Train Version B

Sam: I never learned what happened to Yeager.
Williams: We found him three days later. Shot twice to the head. But let's get back to you. Your first assignment for the JBA was to rob a train in New York?
Sam: Private train used by a bank to transfer liquid assets without drawing attention.
Williams: Did you know what the money was for?
Sam: No, but Emile didn't want any witnesses. He ordered me to kill anyone I came across. Lambert told me the exact opposite - zero casualties.
Williams: Who supplied your equipment for this robbery?
Sam: Lambert was posing as an arms dealer. He sold equipment to Dufraisne, so I could still have access to my usual gear.
Williams: That was a big risk.
Sam: Too big...


Sam: The money gave Dufraisne the opportunity to discover who'd stolen the Red Mercury from Iceland. Then he got himself a sample to use both as a test and a diversion. He had the sample shipped to Cozumel, we followed soon after. The target was a cruise ship - two thousand souls on board. Dufraisne wanted us to plant the Red Mercury bomb and get out. Lambert wanted me to prevent the detonation by tampering with its trigger mechanism - Enrica's cellphone. But you interfered and made everything worse.
Williams: I couldn't rely on you Fisher, the stakes were too high.

Okhotsk Version A

Williams: Two thousand one hundred fifty-six dead. And you are responsible for every single one of them. How could you let that happen?
Sam: I had a choice to make and I made it. I had to keep my cover, I needed Dufraisne's trust.
Williams: Then he sent you to Russia.
Sam: He needed a tanker, didn't say why. The smuggling ship was trapped in the ice in the sea of Okhotsk. They dropped me to clear the area and secure the tanker for them. I never want to see another ship again.

Okhotsk Version B

Sam: I followed your orders and saved over two thousand people, Williams. Even though Dufraisne took it out on me and Enrica.
Williams: Then he sent you to Russia.
Sam: He needed a tanker, didn't say why. The smuggling ship was trapped in the ice in the sea of Okhotsk. They dropped me to clear the area and secure the tanker for them. I never want to see another ship again.


Williams: After that came Kinshasa. Why did Dufraisne take you with him?
Sam: Security. Dufraisne was closing the Red Mercury deal, but he wasn't sure about his new allies. He kept me out of sight to step in when the things went sour. That was when all Lambert's planning paid off. I was on site, left alone, so I could listen in on Dufraisne's meeting. We finally learned what he was planning.

JBA HQ 2 Version A

Williams: I was the one who had to break the news about Hamza to the CIA.
Sam: Considering what Dufraisne was planning, Hamza would have agreed with my decision. Dufraisne was receiving five Red Mercury devices. All of them were going to be detonated at the same time. One of them was going to be on the Okhotsk tanker and taken into Los Angeles harbor. The second was being choppered to Nashville, where the President was making an appearance. The last three were for New York City. But first Emile smuggled the bombs into the States through his headquarters in New Orleans. While I was back there I managed to sneak into the restricted area again. But I'm sure you remember that...

JBA HQ 2 Version B

Williams: Letting Hamza live caused you some trouble with Dufraisne, but at least you had enough sense not to kill him.
Sam: Hisham is a good man and the mission was accelerating. Dufraisne was receiving five Red Mercury devices. All of them were going to be detonated at the same time. One of them was going to be on the Okhotsk tanker and taken into Los Angeles harbor. The second was being choppered to Nashville, where the President was making an appearance. The last three were for New York City. But first Emile smuggled the bombs into the States through his headquarters in New Orleans. While I was back there I managed to sneak into the restricted area again. But I'm sure you remember that...

New York Version A

Sam: I killed Lambert...
Williams: Yes. You did. You believed the mission required it and you acted accordingly.
Sam: Is that how you justify what you did?

New York Version B

Sam: How is Lambert?
Williams: Dufraisne roughed him up pretty badly before you stepped in, but he's expected to recover.
Sam: Not like some other people. Right, Williams?
Williams: Fisher, what I did was necessary.


Sam: You... You murdered her, Williams!
Williams: She was a target. You lost your perspective!
Sam: You're going to pay.
Williams: Really? You won't be the one to collect. We'll find you Fisher, you can't hide from us.
Sam: Watch me.
Williams: I will.


Hisham: Forget how to climb, Fisher? When Lambert asked me to show you the ropes I didn't think he meant it literally.
Sam: Don't start, Hisham. You're support on this, remember?
Hisham: Should I call Lambert and confirm that?
Lambert: You won't have to.
Sam: Nice timing.

Sam: Be still.
Guard: Who are you? Did Takfir send you?
Sam: Yes he did.
Guard: Good. Tell him we did it. We managed to steal the weapons! They're right outside, ready for transport.
Sam: Good job. I'll take over from here.

Sam: That shaft. Where does it lead?
Guard: It leads to a maintenance corridor. But there's no ladder or stairs to get up there.
Sam: Don't need 'em.
[When interrogated again]
Guard: How did you get in here?
Guard: Okay, forgot I asked.

Sam: I need to get inside the plant.
Guard: The door is right there.

Lambert: Fisher!
Sam: Lambert!

Sam: I've got a question for you.
Guard: Go scr--aargh!!
Sam: It's an easy one. How much pressure do you think your throat can take?

Sam: Tag, you're it.
Worker: Aw, crap.
Sam: I'd prefer not to have to hurt you.
Worker: That would be nice. What do you want to know?
Sam: Tell me how to cause some damage around here. Be creative.
Worker: The fuel regulator. It should blow up pretty good.
Sam: That works.
Worker: Just give me a running start before the explosion.

Sam: Done. I got info on the buyers, now I'm going after Kadir.
Lambert: No you're not. Abort the mission.
Sam: What?
Lambert: I said abort. You too, Hamza. You are to extract immideately.
Sam: The mission was to find the weapons. We haven't done that yet.
Hisham: What's going on?
Lambert: We have enough. I'm canceling your remaining objectives.
Sam: Like hell you are. I'm not going anywhere!
Lambert: Sam, listen to me. We've got enough. Get out, now!
Hisham: It's your call, Fisher. I'll stay if you do...
Lambert: Listen carefully, both of you. I have other Splinter Cells on standby and I just activated them. Their mission is to destroy the foundry and everything in it, so you'd better clear out!
Sam: You're testing my patience, Lambert.
Lambert: Believe me, Sam. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have a very good reason. Something's happened.
Sam: What?
Lambert: It's your daughter. The chopper's on its way. Lambert out.

Ellsworth Penitentiary

Jamie: You think we set off the riot out there?
Sam: A man can dream.


Terrorist 1: What's Sykes going on about this time?
Terrorist 2: Says we have a spy. Someone is supposed to be running around knocking people out.
Terrorist 1: Didn't Sykes think that last week?
Terrorist 2: And the week before. Still, he was right about Yeager.
Terrorist 1: Yeager could have had "I'm working for the feds" tattooed on his forehead and it would have been less obvious. Sykes is being paranoid.

Sam: No noise.
Terrorist: Mmm-hmmm.
Sam: I'm going to ask you some questions and you're going to answer them.
Terrorist: Mmm-hmmm.

Sam: Feeling talkative?
Terrorist: Who are you? How did you get in here?
Sam: The stork brought me. Now start talking.

Sam: Surprise.
Moss: Who the hell are you?
Sam: A music critic. Now tell me how Emile gets around the compound so fast.
Moss: You have to be kidding me, I'm head of security!
Sam: I know. And I appreciate the job that you do.
Moss: Just wait until I get loose!
Sam: I'd tip you if I could.
Moss: You're not funny. And I will catch you.
[When interrogated again]
Moss: Let me go and fight like a man, dammit!
Moss: You're a dead man, you hear me? Dead!


Sam: You know, the midnight buffet on this boat really sucks.
Guard: What? Argh! Aack!
Sam: I said the same thing when I tried the salmon. Now that we agree on something, why don't you let me into the boat dock?

Enrica: Bring me something expensive. That explodes.

Enrica: [Over radio] Whisper a sweet nothing in my ear.
Sam: 'You've got cute earlobes'?
Enrica: I was actually hoping for 'I've got the bomb' instead.

Enrica: Let me get on top of you.
Sam: What?
Enrica: To place the relay.

Sea of Okhotsk

[Sam and Enrica are tied in a chair]
Emile: We are poor men, mister Fisher. Failure is a luxury we cannot afford.
[Moss punches Sam]
Emile: It's the result of laziness, poor discipline. But all that can be corrected, new habits formed. Don't you agree, Enrica?
Sam: I'm the one that screwed up, not her!
[Emile hits the light as a threat, then backhands Enrica]
Moss: Sir, if--
Emile: What is it, Moss?
Moss: Uh, nothing...
Emile: I thought so. We have no margin for error.
[Moss hits Sam to the floor and Emile pushes Enrica]
Emile: None of you should ever forget that.

[After turning off a power generator in a mercenary camp]
Sam: Darkness...
[A mercenary tuns on the headlights of a truck, illuminating the camp again]
Sam: Damn!

Sam: This is not your lucky day.
Mercenary: Kill me if you want, I'll tell you nothing.
Sam: I admire your loyalty to your captain.
Mercenary: The captain? You want information about that pig? Why didn't you say so?
Sam: Start with what you don't like about him.
Mercenary: He drinks! Like a fish. And then he turns into a raving lunatic.
Sam: What's he like when he's not drinking?
Mercenary: He's asleep.
[When interrogated again]
Mercenary: Are you here to kill him?
Mercenary: Are you going to kill me?


Sam: Surprise.
Moss: Get off, you bastard!
Sam: Cut to the chase, Moss: what's the timetable?
Moss: You're too late, it's already happening.
Sam: I don't like that answer.
Moss: Tough...
Sam: Don't be so cocky. It might get you hurt.
[When interrogated again]
Moss: I don't care! Do what you want to me, the job is still getting done.
Moss: You lost, pal!

New-York rooftops

[In a plane above New-York]
Emile: This is where it all pays off! All the work, all the sacrifices, it ends here! And we couldn't have done it without you, Fisher!
Sam: Don't thank me yet!
[Sam jumps out of the plane, a terrorist hands Emile a radio]
Emile: What?? Hell and damnation!
Terrorist: What's going on?
Emile: It seems Mr. Sykes was right! Our Mr. Fisher is a traitor and a spy! And for that, he dies! Kill Fisher on sight!

Sam: You know, I never liked you.
Terrorist: Fisher! It was you all along, you sneaky son of a--
Sam: Think hard about what you're about to say.
Terrorist: What do you want?
Sam: I want to know where Emile is.
Terrorist: He's with the bomb.
Sam: And where is that?
Terrorist: Forget it. You can't get there from here. Not unless you can fly.

Sykes: ...goddamned idiot brought a goddamned spy in...
Jamie: You got something to say, Sykes, you say it to me!
Sykes: Stay here and set the bomb. I'm gonna kill Fisher.
Jamie: No, you set the bomb. I'll go find Fisher.
Sykes: Not a chance, Washington. You're the one who brought in Fisher in the first place.
Jamie: Aw, hell. Listen, I know the guy. Maybe Emile's source is wrong, maybe he made a mistake.
Sykes: And maybe we're both gonna stay right here, because I don't trust you. Deal with it.

Sykes: Hey! The bomb just armed itself! The countdown is starting!
Jamie: Well, turn it off!
Sykes: I can't!
Jamie: Why not?
Sykes: If I do that, then I can't re-arm it, and the bomb won't go off when it's supposed to.
Jamie: So what? If the other two bombs explode, then they'll trigger this one anyway. Emile won't know the difference.
Sykes: Good point.
Sykes: Okay, the bomb is deactivated.
Jamie: That was too close.

Sam: Hello, Jamie.
Jamie: Sam? Man, I'm glad I found you. You don't need to do this, Sam. I wasn't gonna kill you. I know Emile has got it wrong.
Sam: Actually, he doesn't.
Jamie: What? No!
Sam: I'm afraid so, pal.
Jamie: But... why? We were friends, man.
Sam: I let you think that.
Jamie: You're lying, Sam. I know you. We bled together, man.
Sam: You don't know me, Jamie. You never did.
[When interrogated again]
Jamie: See? You're not gonna kill me. You can't!
Jamie: Let me go, brother. Let's forget this and finish the mission together.

Sam: Surprise.
Terrorist: Son of a bitch! *sigh* You've got nightvision, don't you?
Sam: Good guess.
Terrorist: So... You're gonna kill me?
Sam: Let's have a little chat and see if it's necessary.
Terrorist: Forget it, I ain't selling my guys out!
Sam: They'd be happy to rat on you.
Terrorist: That's their call, not mine. You kill me, I go to heaven with my conscience clean.
Sam: That must be nice for you.
[When interrogated again]
Terrorist: For what you're gonna do, son, I forgive you.
Terrorist: If you're gonna do this, you'd probably best kill me.

Terrorist: Hey Moss, the bomb is armed. It's counting down.
Moss: Then I guess it's gonna blow up early.
Terrorist: What?
Moss: You heard Emile. The bombs have to go off.
Terrorist: Not with us standing here! I'm going to disarm it!
Moss: You make another move and I'll shoot you where you stand. We're here to guard the bomb no matter what.
[The terrorist runs away]
Moss: Get back here! ... Aaah, it's not worth a bullet.

Sam: Hello Moose.
Moss: Fisher.
Sam: I thought you were keeping an eye on me. I've seen six year olds do better surveillance.
Moss: So I was right about you. None of them would listen to me, you know. You had them all snowed: Emile, Jamie--
Sam: Don't forget Enrica.
Moss: Oh, I'm gonna KILL you for touching her!
Sam: Good luck with that.
[When interrogated again]
Moss: What are you waiting for? Do it!
Moss: You'd better kill me, Fisher!

[Fisher holds a terrorist on the edge of a catwalk]
Sam: Keep your voice down. You wouldn't wanna startle me right now.
Terrorist: Who are you?
Sam: Isaac Newton. Wanna test the law of gravity?
Terrorist: Oh my god, you're Fisher! Thank god, you can get me out of here!
Sam: Why would I wanna do that?
Terrorist: I'm not one of them! They brainwashed me, I swear it!

Emile: Nicely played, Fisher.
Sam: I don't need your approval, Boss.
Emile: What do you want from me then? Why not just kill me?
Sam: I ask the questions here.
Emile: But of course. That is what you do. That is what you are: nothing but questions. Who are you and what do you believe in? You walked a long way down our road, Mr. Fisher. Even found it in yourself to love one of us. Now why would that be?
Sam: She is not one of you.
Emile: You seem so very sure of that. Is it because you simply don't want it to be true? That's not the way the world works. And consider your friend Mr. Washington, who spoke so very passionately on your behalf when you came to us. How many hours did you spend trying to convince yourself he is the enemy? Is he really? Or are you one of us after all?
Sam: Shut up.
Emile: Who is Sam Fisher? Can you answer that one for me?
Sam: That's enough out of you!
Emile: Poor Fisher. You can kill me, you know, but you can't silence me. Not now. Not anymore.
[When interrogated again]
Emile: Thinking of another question? You'd better hurry.
Emile: Hestitating? Unsure of what to do next? Surely you have the answers.

[After killing the Splinter Cell who shot Enrica]
Sam: I'll see you in hell!

See also
