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If we were truly created by God, then why do we still occasionally bite the insides of our own mouths?

Dara Ó Briain (born 4 February 1962) is an Irish television presenter and comedian.



Dara Ó Briain: Live at the Theatre Royal (2006)

  • I'm not a religious man, right, I don't even believe in God. But still Catholic, obviously.
  • There are three states of legality in Irish law. There is all this stuff here under "That's grand"; then it moves into "Ah, now, don't push it"; and finally to "Right! You're taking the piss." And that's where the police sweep in.
  • I said "Anyone Jewish here?" and someone goes "I'm Jewish!" and I said ... "And what year is this now in the Jewish calendar?" And she goes, "Er, I wasn't expecting questions, to be honest ..."—and then turned to her presumably gentile friend and had a bit of a natter—and then came back with the single finest answer I have ever heard from a member of an audience, where without any shame at all she just went, "Yeah, it's the Jewish Year of the Rat."
  • Stop taking it literally—it's only the Bible, it's not gospel.
    • On Christian fundamentalism
  • If we were truly created by God, then why do we still occasionally bite the insides of our own mouths?

Dara Ó Briain Talks Funny: Live in London (2008)

  • Science knows it doesn't know everything; otherwise, it'd stop. But just because science doesn't know everything doesn't mean you can fill in the gaps with whatever fairy tale most appeals to you.
  • Right now I would take homeopaths and I'd put them in a big sack with psychics, astrologers and priests. And I'd close the top of the sack with string, and I'd hit them all with sticks.
  • Here's my favorite little fact. If anyone is ever described to you as a nutritionist, just be slightly wary, right? What they're saying may be perfectly true, but "nutritionist" isn't a protected term. Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist. "Dietitian" is the legally protected term. "Dietitian" is like "dentist", and "nutritionist" is like "tooth-i-ologist."
  • And the Day Two pain of the gym! When you go back to the gym and you're in agony, and every bit of you is in pain. And the gym guy, you go up to him, you go "Why am I in so much pain?"—and he goes "That's because you're using muscles you haven't used in years." And you look at him and go "Why the fuck are we wasting our time with those muscles?"

Live at the Apollo (2008)



  • Have you ever looked at Kylie's teeth? Those teeth are proportional to the teeth of a camel in the mouth of a toddler.
    • QI, 6 November 2003
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