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Viramadeva (died c. 1311) was the son of the Jalore Chahamana king Kanhadadeva. He was crowned during Alauddin Khalji's invasion of Jalore, and was killed in the conflict 2½ days later.

Quotes about Viramadeva


Kanhadade Prabandha

Padmanābha, ., & Bhatnagar, V. S. (1991). Kānhaḍade prabandha: India's greatest patriotic saga of medieval times : Padmanābha's epic account of Kānhaḍade. New Delhi: Voice of India.
  • But the Princess replied: “My dear father, I pray you kindly listen to me. There is a great difference between the Hindus and Turks: Hindus alone know how to enjoy good things of life, like Indra. They are wise in speech and conversation-sweet and intelligent at the same time.'?5 They have such a variety of food preparations and they bedeck themselves with finery and ornaments in a most beautiful and graceful manner. I have no desire to wed a Turk even if I may have to remain unmarried throughout my life. Either, my dear father, I will marry Viramade, or else I shall end my life!"
  • Viramade laughed to himself, and then said openly: “The Emperor has now thought of a new strategy to bring Jalorunder his sway. He has such a large army but is this the way to conquer countries, without any fight?!*? I cannot agree to this offer of marriage and thereby incur dishonour! I will never unite with a Turkish woman in wedlock. Even if the pinnacles of the Meru mountain were to crash down, Chauhana Viramade will not sit at the altar (chamvari) for marriage with the Sultan's daughter, '’nor clasp her hand during the hathaleva ceremony, or dine in the marriage pavillion! The Chauhana clan is without a blemish, like the full moon on the Purnima.' Now, today, I will not do anything of which my ancestors of the Strya Varhsa might feel ashamed of. O Golhana, you do not talk what is apparently improper. Indeed, by following your advice, even my matemal line will be shamed!"" Anger swelling in his heart, the Prince went on: "By such an act, all the thirty-six RajpUt clans will be shamed and the lustre of the 21 Rajput kings will be dimmed.
  • Viramade, in the interest of the dynasty, ruled for three and half days. His queens, all of noble lineage, now prepared for Jauhar* They took bath, distributed charities, and visited the temple. Accompanying their lord in death, they said, "By performing Jauhar, we will bring glory to the families."?9? Their female companions, all lovely and beautiful, looked on tearfully as the queens walked up to the bastion and, controlling their tears, they addressed their beloved Jalor mountain.
  • "O beautiful and lovely one! We bid you adieu in this life, fair one, till we meet aggin in our next birth. We pray that Viramade be bom again in the noble Chauhana house*” and may we again be his consorts here at Sonagiri."> Saying these words, they walked up to the Jauhar site, and filled with exalted emotions, they sacrificed themselves in the raging fire.
  • Thinking that the Turks would try to capture him alive, Viramade spoke rousing words to his men and thrust a curved dagger (Karari) in his waist band, and tied it fast.2 Filled with buming ardour, Raval Viramade put on the armour and secured it firmly over his body. That peerless warrior mounted his horse and gave out an angry roar as he advanced against the Turkish army;*” this filled the Rauts with the same angry passion. Who could bear the mighty blows of their weapons! Knowing that heavy burden had fallen upon their young prince, they plied their weapons well and put up a splendid fight. The praise of the valorous deeds of the warriors were being sung on both the sides as the HindUs and the Turks engaged in hand to hand combat. The Hindis succeeded in driving back the Turks, slaughtering them as they retreated.>” Right till the midday the Rai continued the fight against the Turkish army. At last, after slaying a large number of Mlechchhas, Viramade fell, having received several sword cuts and thrusts from the enemy blades.?!°
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