Well There's Your Problem (Podcast)

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Well There's Your Problem is an engineering/politics/dark comedy podcast about engineering disasters and systemic failures, featuring three hosts: Justin Roczniak, Alice Caldwell-Kelly, and Liam Anderson.

Common Sayings



Justin: It's not supposed to be like that


Alice: Dudes Rock.


Liam: I will drive to your house and beat you to death with your own shoes.

Windows Activation Watermark

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By Episode


Episode 140: Helios Airways Flight 522

Justin: It used to be, like, hijacking was an exciting adventure to Cuba, and now it's a less exciting adventure to being smashed into a building.

Episode 146: Mount Everest

Justin: It actually used to say "Big Deadly Rock Land" but the "Land" fell over.
Justin: This actually used to say "Ways the Mountain Will Kill You Land" but the "Land" fell over.
Justin: It used to say "Ways the Mountain Did Kill You Land" but the "Land" fell over.
Liam: I really appreciate, Roz, your willingness to stick to a bit even in the face of overwhelming displeasure and hatred.
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