Winx Club (season 2)

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Winx Club is an animated television series created by Iginio Straffi and animated by Rainbow SpA, in co-production with Nickelodeon (Seasons 5 and 6) and Rai Fiction.

The Shadow Phoenix (Cinélume)/Back to School (4Kids)[edit]

  • The sixth additional to the Winx Club is Aisha/Layla, Fairy of Waves.

Bloom (narrating): Summer was over and it was my first day back at Alfea.

Lord Darkar: Look, it's a bird! No, it's a man. No! It's Lord Darkar.

Tecna: I have my map. I'll have it match a scan. She's a princess from the realm of Tides.
Bloom: It's a baby pixie. She's so sleepy. This is just what the psychic said- a fairy with long flowing hair and a sleepy baby pixie.
Musa: What else did she say?
Bloom: That there's gonna danger and darkness like nothing we've ever seen before.

Up to Their Old Trix (Cinélume)/Princess of Tides (4Kids)[edit]

Musa: [after Layla faints] Okay, she's either a little whacked or she's still need to sleep.

Stella: Have some cafeteria food!
Flora: Keep it down, Stel.
Stella: Why? What's the big deal? [Piff cries] What's she doing? Doesn't she want a sandwich?
Bloom: Uh, Stella, Piff's not even teething yet.

Rescue Mission (Cinélume)/Into the Under Realm (4Kids)[edit]

Bloom: My powers are draining. I feel weak. (faints)
Sky: Bloom.

Layla: I'm from the realm of Tides. I can mold water molecules into any shape.
Sky: Cool.

Princess Amentia (Cinélume)/Queen of Perfection (4Kids)[edit]

Magic Bonding (Cinélume)/Rescuing the Pixies (4Kids)[edit]

(in Cinélume dub)
Sky: Layla! Hurry up!
Layla: Wait! It's only the pixies. At last.
Pixies: Layla!
Layla: Huh? Wait a minute!
Pixies: [They fly into Layla's arms, knocking her to the ground] Layla!
Layla: Pixies, these are my new friends: Bloom, Stella, and Sky.
Amore: [she flies over to Stella] Oh, what a wonderful person.
Stella: My, she's adorable.
Sky: Stella's returning a compliment? What's going on here?
Layla: That's the bonding, it's like love at first sight between a fairy and a pixie. Their bond will be unbreakable.
Amore: I'm Amore, pixie of love.
Stella: And I'm Stella, the most loved fairy.
Lockette: [she flies over to Bloom] Hi, I'm Lockette, the pixie of portals. Will you protect me from now on?
[Cut to the throne Room, Darkar is using magic to watch them]
Darkar: Those pixies are so sweet, I'm starting to like them. [laughing evilly]
[Cut back to the Shadowhaunt]
Bloom: And that's how we were rescued.
Layla: Speaking of rescued, how did you manage to get out of the cage?
Digit: It was easy, all of a sudden the barrier was deleted.
Layla: So you weren't rescued by our paladin?
Stella: I'm sorry, but I'd like to remind you that while we're sitting here chatting, Brandon is probably walking down the aisle. Let's hop to it!
Sky: Stella's right. Come on, girls, there's no time to lose.

(in 4Kids dub)
Sky: Layla, come on!
Bloom: Layla!
Layla: It's the pixies!
Pixies: [They towards Layla's open arms] Layla! [They crash into Layla, knocking her to the ground]
Layla: These are my new friends, you guys, Bloom, Stella, and Sky.
Amore: [she flies over to Stella] Ooh, you're so beautiful.
Stella: And you're so adorable.
Sky: Stella's returning a compliment? What's that about?
Layla: Well, you see, a fairy and her destined pixie bond on first sight. They're like soulmates.
Amore: I'm Amore, pixie of love.
Stella: And I'm Stella, from Solaria.
Lockette: [she flies over to Bloom] You're amazing! You've got a lot of hidden passage in your heart. I'm Lockette, the pixie of portals.
Digit: You shouldn't have been able to protect that barrier.
Layla: I know, something is not right here. First the barrier? Then that paladin appears out of nowhere?
Stella: Hey, let's talk and walk people. This little mission isn't over yet. My beau is being forced down the aisle. We gotta save him!
Sky: Stella's right. Everybody let's hurry up and get to Downland. Brandon needs us.

Runaway Groom (Cinélume)/My Boyfriend's Wedding (4Kids)[edit]

Stella: Meanwhile, my boo is being forced down the aisle!

The Mysterious Stone (Cinélume)/The Dark Tower (4Kids)[edit]

(In Cinélume dub)
[Bloom and Flora hug, Stella and Musa hug, and Layla is reunited with Piff]
Layla: Piff!
Livvy: [narrating] As you can imagine, all eyes were on us pixies, and three of us bonded on the spot. Tecna and Digit had met in a chatroom a while back and were overdo for an actual face-to-face meeting. [Tecna and Digit are bond together] And a big hug! [Musa and Tune are bond together] Tune and Musa discovered a common sense of style.
Tune: Wow, those headphones are quite, umm, unique.
Musa: Well, it's my hair actually.
Livvy: [narrating] And Chatta wasted no time telling Flora all her secrets.
Chatta: What's your boyfriend's name? Tell me.
Flora: I told you I don't have one.
Chatta: You don't have one? You must have two. Hey, don't be shy, come on, details. Is he tall? Dark? Buff? Smart? Friendly?
[Kiko jumps around at Bloom's feet trying to get her attention but she is talking to Lockette and Glim]
Bloom: Welcome to Alfea, pixies. Come on, let's go in and get you guys something to eat. [She walks away without noticing Kiko, and he sad]
Sky: Kiko, first time a girl dumps you? [Kiko pushes Sky away] Okay, okay. Alright.
Livvy: [narrating] Faragonda was very happy to see the fairies back at Alfea, safe and sound. However, the following morning she summoned the Winx to her office to discuss a most serious matter.

(in 4Kids dub)
[Stella, Bloom, and Layla laugh and run over to them]
Bloom: Hey! [She and Flora hug. Stella and Musa hug]
Musa: Stella!
[Layla reunites with Piff]
Bloom: Oh, hey, these are the pixies, you guys.
Tecna: How fascinating. Is that actual pixidium? Oh, my, how adorable! [she and Digit bond]
Layla: Tecna, this is Digit.
[Musa and Tune bond]
Tune: My name is Tune, I am the pixies of manners. I love your hairstyle, it's so, umm, unique.
Musa: Thanks, it's like my signature.
Chatta: [she and Flora bond] So, you're name is Flora. Do you have a boyfriend? I bet you do. What's his name? Is he a big time cutie?
Flora: I'm sort of flying solo.
Chatta: Don't worry, we're gonna get you one before the semester's up. Wanna hear about our adventure? I was so brave! I fought this gigantic snake!
[Kiko jumps around at Bloom's feet, but she is too busy talking to Lockette and Glim to notice]
Bloom: Let's go inside, you guys, and I'll give you a tour of the school, okay?
Lockette: We wanna see your room.
Bloom: Okay, but I have to warn you, it's probably a mess. At least it was when I left, what with Flora's vines and my laundry. [She walks away without noticing Kiko and he is disappointed]
Sky: Look, Kiko, if you want a girl's attention, you gotta play it real cool. [Kiko pushes him away] Alright, take it easy. Just trying to give you a little man to man advice. But fine, do things your way.

Stella: I can't believe Bloom's still out there blasting that thing.
Musa: You know how she gets when she's determined.

(in Cinélume dub)
Faragonda: Let me introduce a leading expert from the famous Malequoi Academy. He'll be joining our faculty at my special request. Professor Avalon.
Flora: He makes me feel a teeny bit nervous.
Stella: Is this guy hot or what? Can't keep my eyes off him.
Tecna: Well, I wonder what his specialty is.
Faragonda: Professor, would you please destroy that stone.
Avalon: Lapis Studay Etpheremay Tatframga Etconimunum. [He uses a spell on the stone and it fractures into a pile or rubble. The students gasp]
Bloom: How did he do that?
Avalon: What you've just witnessed is a technical incantation. Until now, you've been casting spells spontaneously, following your instincts. Those are the skills you perfected last year. This is a whole new level of difficulty.
Flora: Technical magic? What's different about it?
Faragonda: These spells require cognitive analysis and accurate pronunciation. That's the subject of Professor Avalon's class.
Tecna: Ah, a question, please, Headmistress. How did you determine which technical spell would destroy the unidentified stone?
Faragonda: Easy. I created the stone. I wanted to make absolutely sure that you would not underestimate the importance of your new classes.
Chatta: That does it! First, they obsess about a stupid stone, and now it's the new professor. I can't believe our fairies have already forgotten about us. What do you say, we ask them to come flying with us over the lake?
Lockette: Alright!
Faragonda: Everybody, class dismissed! But if you have questions, I'm sure Professor Avalon will be happy to answer them.
Bloom: I have one, Professor.
Flora: Oh, yes, me too.
Stella: Professor Avalon.
[The students cluster around Avalon]
Avalon: Ask whatever you wish, I am here for you.
Tecna: Professor, may I ask a technical question?
Avalon: Go ahead.
Tecna: What would be the ration of random...
[Chatta and Lockette are forced out by the clustering the students]
Lockette: [cried] I'm so sad, Bloom didn't even notice me!
[Kiko walks to Lockette and goes to tried to comfort her, but stick his tongue out at her instead. He runs away from Lockette and she starts crying loudly. Chatta is getting mad]
Amaryl: What does cognitive analysis mean precisely?
Avalon: Let me answer your question by...
Bloom: [internally] Cognitive analysis, I wonder if this new professor could help me find out more about my birth parents.
Musa: What was that language you used? It has a fascinating sound.
Flora: Is your subject very difficult?
Bloom: Professor Avalon, would you have time to help me with some personal research?
Avalon: I'll be in my office this afternoon. Come see me.
Bloom: I'll be there.
Flora: But Bloom, we were supposed to hang out today.
Bloom: Sorry, I can't.
Chatta: Ahem, Flora.
Flora: What?
[Chatta sticks her tongue out]

(in 4Kids dub)
Faragonda: Allow me to introduce our newest faculty member, who comes to us from the esteemed Malequoi Paladin Academy, Professor Avalon.
[Avalon bows and the student murmur to each other]
Flora: Why do my toes feel kind of tingly?
Stella: Flora wants to know why her toes feel kind of tingly.
Tecna: For the same reason yours and mine do.
Faragonda: He will now destroy the Obelisk.
[The students gasp and mutter to each other]
Avalon: Lapis stugia delframe catilion. [He glows yellow and uses a spell on the obelisk. It fractures and crumbles into large chunks]
Bloom: How did you do that?
Avalon: You young students have yet to discover what I call your genial power.
Stella: Huh?
Avalon: But once you do your winx will grow and you will be able to control magical energy, like the kind that composed those towers.
Flora: So, where did the dark towers come from?
Stella: Yeah?
Faragonda: Professor Avalon created them so he could observe your power in action and evaluate each of your skills.
Tecna: Umm, I have a question, Miss Faragonda. What's the name of the class Professor Avalon is teaching, and how many students will be asmitten- uh I mean admitted?
Faragonda: Only twenty students will be allowed in. [The students are surprised] It's a master workshop, and as such will require great commitment. I've made some recommendations but Professor Avalon will make the final decisions. So, if you're interested in the class, or have any questions, speak up.
Bloom: I'm interested!
Flora: Me too!
[The class gathers around Avalon all talking over each other]
Avalon: First, let me say this class will be quite difficult.
Tecna: I've never gotten anything lower than an A-minus in my life.
Avalon: Is that so?
Amaryl: So, this genial power, what is it?
Avalon: It's the power that connects you to your family, and to your origins, so that you can best understand your magic and make the most of it.
Musa: Yo, I don't get it. It's like learning to talk to your ancestors?
Flora: It's about finding them in yourself.
Bloom: What if you don't know a lot about your origins? Can you still learn this thing?
Avalon: It might take some extra work, but the answer is yes.
Bloom: Sign me up!

Party Crasher (Cinélume)/Party Monster (4Kids)[edit]

(In Cinélume dub)
Musa: You remember where it goes ba-ba-da-dap and then the rhythm guitar comes in?
Layla: Right. That's where I was gonna go like this! [She dances then moonwalks. She almost drops her drink and jumps out to catch it, waking Piff] Ta-da! [She and Musa laugh, and then they see Darcy in disguise]
Musa: That's strange. That girl looks awfully familiar.
Layla: What's wrong, Musa?
Musa: [gasped] It's Darcy!
Darcy: Curses! [She runs off]
Musa: That's her. Come on, let's go! [She and Layla runs off, dropping her drinks while Tune stays drinking her tea]

(in 4Kids dub)
Musa: When the music starts, I'll come out and say, "This one goes out to our Red Fountain peeps".
Layla: That's when I'll come out and do the Tide walk. [She dances then moonwalks. She almost drops her drink and jumps out to catch it, waking Piff] Ta-da! [She and Musa laugh]
Darcy: [In disguise, walks past] Eugh, gag me.
Musa: Hey, that girl sounded just like somebody I know.
Layla: What's her problem?
Musa: Hey you! Wait a second.
Darcy: Huh? Get lost! [She runs off]
Musa: I think that's Darcy. Come on, let's get 'em.
[They toss their drinks aside and run after them. Tune watches them go and sips her tea]

Professor Avalon's Secret (Cinélume)/The Angel of Doom (4Kids)[edit]

The Crypt of the Codex (Cinélume)/Reaching for the Sky (4Kids)[edit]

[The Trix sisters manage to get the first piece of the Codex]
[Bloom is revealed to possess great healing powers, courtesy of the ancient and almighty power of the Dragon Fire, the very source of the whole magical universe itself]

Bloom (with tears in her eyes): Please! Don't leave me, Sky. I really do need you.
(Draws more strength from her ever-growing, almighty Dragon Fire energies to wake Sky from his slumber)
Timmy: You saved him, Bloom.

Race Against Time (Cinélume)/Homesick (4Kids)[edit]

(In Cinélume dub)
Bloom: Okay, a purification spell. [She goes over to a plant and casts a spell in another language. The plant transforms so that it has a face] Help! [The plant growls at her and she picks up the book and hits the plant with it] Woah. What's wrong with this book?
[The pixies are still being held in the box, and Piff is crying]
Chatta: This is terrible, Piff is homesick.
Amore: We've gotta get her back to the village.
[A hooded figure enters the room they're being held in]
Lockette: What was that?
Digit: Someone's here.
Lockette: Oh, who is it?
Chatta: Most importantly, what is he going to do to us?

(In 4Kids dub)
Bloom: This spell will undo any previous spell. Maybe I should give it a shot. [She goes over to a plant and says a spell in another language. The plant transforms so it has a mouth that roars at Bloom. She grabs the spell book and hits the plant with it] Something's wrong with this book.
[The pixies are still locked up in the box and Piff is crying]
Chatta: Piff is more homesick than all of us.
Amore: We've gotta get her back to the village.
[Someone comes into the room they're being held in]
Lockette: Someone's coming!
Amore: Oh no.
Lockette: This is not good.

(In Cinélume dub)
Lockette: I'm scared!
Chatta: We must be strong everyone!
[The hooded figure starts to use magic on the box holding the pixies]
Digit: Uh oh, here he comes!
[One side of the box falls away and the pixies walk out]
Chatta: Hey, he set us free.
Amore: We're still in danger.
Digit: Right, first thing we gotta do is get back home.
Lockette: We'll be much safer there.
[The pixies fly away]

(In 4Kids dub)
Lockette: I'm scared!
Chatta: Be quiet, Lockette.
[A hooded man approaches the box and uses his magic on it]
Digit: He's breaking in!
[One side of the box falls off and the pixies walk out]
Lockette: Hey! I think he's leaving.
Amore: Who was it?
Digit: Who cares? Let's get back to the village.
Lockette: Come on everybody!
[The pixies fly away]

Win-x Together! (Cinélume)/Truth or Dare (4Kids)[edit]

  • The six Winx Club girls' learn how to use their unique fairy magic and spells in convergence.

The Invisible Pixies (Cinélume)/Gangs of Gardenia (4Kids)[edit]

Stella: I can say "Do you have this in a size four?" in ten different languages, but I'm afraid that's about it.
Aisha: I wasn't even allowed to pick out my own clothes. My parents only wanted me to look one way.
Tune: Prim and proper, I'm sure.
Aisha: Yeah, that's it. It was such a drag.
Tune: Hmph!

Bloom: Mom, this pendant comes from Sparx. It's a symbol of my birth family. The writing says Daphne, Bloom, Oritel and Miriam. I'm gonna try and find out more what happened to them.

Vanessa: What's Kiko playing with? There's nothing there.
Bloom: Well, it's kinda hard to explain.

Aisha: Why don't you sneak a little magic and play DJ, Musa.
Musa: As long as we're not using magic on people.

Triplet 1: I'm tellin' you, those girls are witches or sorcerers.
Triplet 3: Dude, the correct gender-specific term is sorceress.
Triplet 1: That's what I just said; weren't you listenin'?! Now go get me another soda.

Battle on Planet Eraklyon (Cinélume)/The Wrong Righters (4Kids)[edit]

The Show Must Go On! (Cinélume)/Magic In My Heart (4Kids)[edit]

[Musa's father debuts]

Musa: My magic comes from the music around me. So I just figured the more singing, the more power.

(in Cinélume Dub; Special Concert Ending)
We're the magical Winx Club
The wonder girls
That's us
Yes we're best friends
Our hearts beat as one
Bloom: "Word of Winx!"
Musa: "Pump up the volume!"
Tecna: "Logical right!"
Layla: "Energy!"
Flora: "I vote for Winx!"
Stella: "Beautiful things must stay together!"
Girls of Winx: "Winx"! "Winx Club"!
The wonderful Winx Club
We fly from star to star
Over mountains and seas
Here we are
The wonderful Winx Club
We fly from star to star
Over mountains and seas
Here we are
The magical Winx Club

Hallowinx! (Cinélume)/The Fourth Witch (4Kids)[edit]

(in Cinélume Dub)
Mitzi: Bloom, I'm so glad you came...[She twirls to show off her dress] Isn't this dress marvelous?
Bloom: Ho, yeah, it's really something else!
Mitzi: "Something else"? What kind of compliment is that? [She grabs one of the strands of her dress] Aren't these sparkles dazzling? I had them custom made, they cost me a fortune! [She begins her criticism on the girls costumes] Now, speaking of costumes. I find yours very disappointing, I told you to wear something elegant! This is a party, NOT a funeral!
Stella: Sweetie, put on your sunglasses!
Mitzi: And why should I? [gasps]
[The Winx remove their robes and reveal their fairy forms. Mitzi is stunned speechless and the guests are impressed by their "costumes"]
Doctor Costumer: [Impressed] Oh! Wow!
Nurse Costumer: [grumpily] Hmm. [She elbows the doctor]
Doctor Costumer: Ow!
Witch Hunter Robin Costumer: How did you make your wings? They look so real!
Flora: That's a secret.
[A girl with a magenta hat walks over to Stella]
Female Hat Costumer: I would so love to wear something like just once in my life!
Female Skeleton Costumer: It beats series 2902, thermic-optic-camouflage!
[Mitzi is standing aside, jealous of the Winx getting all the attention]
Blue Mask Costumer: Would you like me to go and dim the lights a little bit?
Mitzi: No, you'd just mess it up. Anyway, I've got a plan to scare 'em all right out of their half-wits. [cackles]

(in 4Kids Dub)
Mitzi: [sarcastically] Bloom. I'm so glad that you came! [She twirls to show off her dress] Hm. You like??
Bloom: What're suppose to be exactly?
Mitzi: Duh! I'm the goth supermodel from the future! Ha, I don't know what you're suppose to be but those are THE most boring costumes I've ever seen!
Bloom: [She and Layla look down on their black long robes] Huh.
Mitzi: Actually, I have an idea. I'd like you to stand next to me all night, 'cause those lame-o outfits will make mine look extra hot!
Stella: [sarcastically] We'd be honored to stand next to you!
Mitzi: Well, of course you would! [gasps]
[The Winx reveal their fairy "costumes". Mitzi gasps loudly, shocked at how beautiful their costumes are]
The Winx: Mm-hm.
[The Male Party goer who spoke to Layla are amazed by their costumes. Al irritable elbows him hard]
Frankenstein Female Party goer: I love your outfits! Where did you get them?
Flora: Um... Online?
[A female party goer consults Stella]
Female Party goer 1: I'm the president of our school fashion club and I'd love for you to join!
Skeleton Female Party goer: You've inspired me! I'm totally gonna be a fairy next Halloween!
[Mitzi stands aside, arms folded and irritated. A female friend of hers with a blue mask approaches her]
Blue mask Friend: Personally, I think they look tacky in those outfits.
Mitzi: [angrily] Shut up! Their costumes are gorgeous but I'll still make sure their miserable before the night's over! [Mitzi nasally cackles]

Elle: Aren't these the girls who go to reform school?
Bloom: What did you say?!
Elle: Don't take offense. The truth is I would probably be in boarding school too if my father weren't rich, famous, and connected.

Stella: You can smell her perfume a mile away! She wears way too much fragrance, big faux pas.
Mitzi: Faux pas you, loser!
Stella: You know, you should thank me for telling you.

Mitzi: That's gonna leave a stain. Permanently.
(Bloom magically wipes the stain off her sparky Winx/Fairy top)
Bloom: Mitzi. Don't worry about it. The stain came right out.
Mitzi: Huh?

Twinning with the Witches (Cinélume)/Exchange Students (4Kids)[edit]

[the Winx are running through the halls of Cloud Tower, trying to think of a plan to stop the Trix from getting the Codex]
Musa: Check this plan: We pretend we know where the Codex is then we go there and lay a trap and –-
Stella: [sarcastically] Oh great idea, Musa. [seriously] Icy isn't exactly an idiot, ya know!

Stella: How are gonna stop them when they have that superpowered Gloomix thing?

In the Heart of Cloudtower (Cinélume)/The Heart of Cloud Tower (4Kids)[edit]

  • The Winx Club fail in stopping the Trix sisters from getting the second fragment of the Codex.

Stella: Ray of Light.

Darcy: Perfect Darkness.
Bloom: Ah! My eyes!

Griffin: They must go back to Alfea to replenish their Winx. They must learn to work together and trust one another because Lord Darkar will be attacking Alfea next.

The Spy in the Shadows (Cinélume)/Shadows in Bloom (4Kids)[edit]

  • Bloom sees her birth parents, King Oritel and Queen Miriam of Sparx, for first time, though in a vision.
  • The third piece of the Codex is taken by none other than Bloom who had been spelled by "Professor Avalon."

Bloom: Oritel and Miriam. Hey, do you know who I am!? Whoa. The Dragon.

Lord Darkar: It's so nice when the light finally sees the darkness. Go, my little puppet.

Stella: Bloom, I'm sorry but you're asking for it! Solar Burst.
Dark Bloom: Don't forget, Stella! I can fight fire with fire!

Lockette: We're your friends, Bloom, and we love you.
Dark Bloom: Get away from Lockette!
Chatta: A bonded pixie's kiss can break almost any dark spell.

Dark Bloom: Ha! You got nothing! I'm gonna enjoy wiping the floor with you guys!

Pixie Village (Cinélume)/The First Charmix (4Kids)[edit]

  • A secondary, evolved transformation for fairies' is revealed: Charmix, a greater though temporary evolution of the standard Winx/Fairy form.

Chatta: You got a Charmix, Bloom. Fairies get them when they get in tough with their true selves.
Bloom: It's filling me with some new kind of power. (Everyone cheers)

Danger in the Wildland (Cinélume)/Last Resorts (4Kids)[edit]

  • Stella earns her enhanced Charmix powers by apologizing to Layla.
  • Musa earns her greater Charmix powers by admitting to Riven that she really likes him.

Stella: I like you Layla. I want us to be friends. Whoa.
Layla: you got your Charmix, Stella.

Musa: Oh, and I do like you...a lot. See you around.
Riven: Huh?
Musa: Wow! I got a Charmix!

Charmix Power (Cinélume)/Trouble in Paradise (4Kids)[edit]

  • Layla receives her enhanced Charmix abilities and spells due to strong desire to find her friends.
  • Tecna earns her greater Charmix powers for being honest with her feelings with Timmy, and showing it by crying tears.

Layla: I miss my friends. No! I can't give up! I'll find them! Wow. I got my Charmix.

Timmy: You got your Charmix, Tecna.

The Time for Truth (Cinélume)/Darkness and Light (4Kids)[edit]

  • Bloom, Stella, Musa, Tecna and Layla receive Charmix training, with all of their stronger Charmix spells nonverbal.
  • Flora earns her Charmix by finally confessing her true romantic feelings to Helia.

Griselda (about the witch-goblin): Your regular powers won't beat it. If you don't use your Charmix...
Bloom: Alright, girls! It's Charmix time!

Flora: Ms. Faragonda, I not sure I can do this. I mean, I haven't even gotten my Charmix yet.
Faragonda: You're the Fairy of Nature. You can do this. Now I want you to try and save that flower.

Flora: Helia! I really, really like you.
Helia: I love you, too.

Chatta: You did it, Flora.
Flora: My Charmix!

False Avalon: I found a new way to boost your powers. It's called the Empowerment Bubble.
Bloom: I'm feeling so much negative energy in here. What is this thing doing to my power?
False Avalon: It's taking all of your power and giving it me, Bloom. Isn't it marvelous?

Darkar's Prisoner (Cinélume)/Desperately Seeking Bloom (4Kids)[edit]

False Avalon: What you going to do now that you got her, Darkar? Steal her power from her?
Lord Darkar: Actually, her power alone is useless to me. I need her because the Dragon Fire and the Shadow Fire must be united. It will take both parts of the Fire to enter the realm of Realix. Then we'll use her light and my darkness to take the Ultimate Power! Bloom, you're going to help take over the universe! You have no choice!

Stella: Look, I'm in a tube-top dress, and it's ridiculously cold in here! So I'm going take care of this right! Go Charmix!

(Stella Charmix Transformation) Solar Blast.

Bloom: I am not like you! I'll never be evil!
Lord Darkar: That's what our friend over here said too. Avalon used to be a cloud spirit and now he's on my side. You will be on my side, too.
Bloom: I have a good heart! You can't turn it dark!
Lord Darkar: Cloud spirits are the purest beings. If I can convert a cloud spirit, I can change anyone. And that includes you, Bloom.

Flora: Roots and vines, bind this creature!
Musa: Sonic Boost.

Bloom: It doesn't matter what you do to me! My friends will stop you!!
Lord Darkar: You will destroy anyone who tries to stop us! So if they try, you will end up destroying them! There is nothing you can do, Bloom! Because as of right now, you belong to me!

Face to Face with the Enemy (Cinélume)/Storming Shadowhaunt (4Kids)[edit]

Lord Darkar (to Dark Bloom): The time has come to activate the Codex, my beautiful. Hand in hand, we will seize the Ultimate Power.
Icy: My beautiful! I hate to interrupt your sweet little "together we will rule the universe" moment, but we got a little problem outside.
Stormy: The Winx girls and their boy toys have managed to fly a ship into the main cavern.
Darcy: While you're in here flirting with Bloom, they're out there turning your shadow monsters into a shooting gallery.
Lord Darkar: A minor annoyance. You three deal with it.
Icy: What about entering the realm of Realix together!?
Stormy: That's right!
Lord Darkar: Bloom and I need time to open the vortex. Go and lend all your Gloomix powers to my creatures, so they can crush the fairies.

Darcy: I can't believe this!
Icy: He may need Bloom's power to open the gate to Realix! But once she does, we'll witch her up and remind Darkar who we are!!

Darkar: We're almost ready, my dear Bloom.
Icy: Hey. L.D.
Darcy: You're not leaving are you?
Icy: You wouldn't leave without your main witches, would you?
Darkar: I only have one main witch now. And, no, I don't plan on leaving without her.
Stormy: What are you talking about!?
Darcy: You better not be suggesting what I think you're suggesting.
Icy: We have been running all over the realms for you, and now you're gonna ditch us for some nitwit little wannabee at the last minute?
Darkar: Bloom's my main witch now. As for you three, considers yourselves dumped. now it's just you and me, my sweet.

Lord Darkar: To open the vortex, we must present light and darkness allied in together. The Codex doesn't know you turned to darkness. It only sees the light of the Dragon Fire within you.

Lord Darkar: Yes! The gateway to Realix! When we step through there, we will be face-to-face with the Ultimate Power! And anyone who tries to follow us will have to deal with Curvok. Shall we? As they say, lightness before dark.

(In their evolved Charmix forms)

Flora: Blossom Blast.
Musa: Sonic Boom. Good one, Flo. Now let's catch up with Stella and Layla.

The Phoenix Revealed (Cinélume)/The Ultimate Power Couple (4Kids)[edit]

  • This is the final time Charmix is used by any of the Winx Club fairies.
  • The only appearance of the Mega-Trix (the amalgamation of all three witch sisters)

Lord Darkar: Here we are, you and me, the Ultimate Power couple.

(Stella and Layla enter Realix through the portal)
Stella: Solar Burst.
Layla: Ocean Blast. Whoa. Look at Bloom.
Stella: He must have put a dark spell on her.

Lord Darkar: You keep chanting, Bloom. I'll destroy them

Layla: Bloom, it's us.
Stella: Darkar put a spell on you, Bloom.
Lord Darkar: You got that right. And the spell is unbreakable.
Stella: In that case, we're gonna have to make you undo it!
Lord Darkar: I'm sorry, but I think darkness suits your friend rather well.

(Layla and Stella transform into their evolved Charmix forms)
Stella: Let's use our Charmix. Come on! Solar Eclipse Blast.
Layla: Aquarius Current.
Layla and Stella: Now! Together!
(Fire concentrated beams of magical sunlight and watery energy at Darkar)

Stella: I guess we got him.
Layla: So what are gonna do about Bloom?

Flora: What do we do if she actually beats him?
Tecna: If either of them gain complete control of the Ultimate Power, there will be no way to stop them.

Lord Darkar: Wait for me, my dear! The power is ours!
Stella and Layla: No!
Lord Darkar: And now Bloom with hand it over to me and I will rule all the realms!

Sky: If I can talk to her, maybe she'll listen and I can reach beyond the spell.
Brandon: Sky?
Lord Darkar: What are you going to do, ask her to the prom? Sorry, she's busy!
Sky: Bloom!
Lord Darkar: Give me the power now, Bloom!
Sky: Wait, Bloom, try to listen to my voice. It's me- your boyfriend.
Dark Bloom: Huh?
Sky: Darkar put you under a spell.
Dark Bloom: Huh?
Sky: This is not who you are. You're not evil. You may not be able to see it now Bloom, but you have a true heart.
Lord Darkar: He doesn't know anything!
Sky: I know what your heart is like! I've felt it. Your heart is full of light, Bloom. Your heart is so pure and good, that it saved me. You didn't let me go and I'm not gonna let you go. So you have to fight this Bloom! You have to break free! You have to come back, because you!

Layla: Whoa.
Stella: How did she do it?
Flora: She used the power in her heart to fight the darkness.
Timmy: I can feel it.

Lord Darkar: NO! What did you do to it!?
Bloom: I gave it back. The Ultimate Power is staying in Realix, where it belongs.

Stella: It's gonna take all six of us giving it everything we have.
Layla: We'll use our Charmix.
Bloom: The power of six Charmix converging at once.

(All six Charmix fairies focus their unusually strong magic into one single attack)
Winx Club: Winx Club, Charmix Convergence!!
Darkar: NO!! This can't happening!! NO!! NOOO!!!

(Vanishes into oblivion from the combined force of the Winx Club)

Icy (Inside the Mega-Trix form): That idiot fairy gave the Ultimate Power back!! I hate her more than ever!!

[Bloom is standing at the top of stairs and Sky goes towards her and Bloom is with Kiko]
Bloom: Hey, Sky, I am glad you found me! We need to talk about what happened in Realix.
Sky: So, you don't remember what I said to you.
Bloom: Of course, I remember. What you said to me was totally sweet.
Sky: So you liked what I said to you, using the L word and all?
Bloom: I love you too, Sky.
[They kiss]