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m Conversation in Helsinki (2000): removed uneccessary bolding
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*[http://www.amritapuri.org "Amritapuri.org: The Homepage of Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi"]
*[http://www.google.com/ig/adde?synd=open&source=ggyp&moduleurl=hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/102278687733335926746/Amma_Quotes.xml Amma quotes ''iGoogle'' gadget] (quotes displayed in Google homepage)
*[http://ammaquotes.googlepages.com Amma quotes]
*[http://www.amma.org "Amma.org"]
*[https://www.facebook.com/MataAmritanandamayi "The Verified Facebook Page of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi"]

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Revision as of 04:55, 10 January 2015

God is not a limited individual who sits alone up in the clouds on a golden throne. God is pure Consciousness that dwells within everything.

Mātā Amritanandamayī Devi (Devanagiri: माता अमृतानन्‍दमयी, Malayalam: മാതാ അമൃതാനന്ദമയി; born 27 September 1953) is an Indian spiritual leader revered as a saint by her followers, who also know her as "Amma", "Ammachi" or "Mother". She is a widely respected humanitarian and called by some "the hugging saint".


The Timeless Path (2009)

Quotes of Mata Amritanandamayi from The Timeless Path (2009) by Swami Ramakrishnananda; Puri, Copyright © 2009 by Mata Amritanandamayi Center
  • As long as there is enough strength to reach out to those who come to me, to place my hand on a crying person’s shoulder, Amma will continue to give darsan. To lovingly caress people, to console and wipe their tears until the end of this mortal frame—this is Amma’s wish.
  • Just as our bodies need proper food to live and develop, our souls need love to blossom. The strength and nourishment that love can give our souls is even more potent than the nourishing power of a mother’s milk for a baby.
  • The light of the guru’s grace helps us to see and remove the obstacles in our path.
  • An asram is not a mere cluster of inanimate buildings, temples and trees; rather it is the very embodiment of the sadguru’s grace. It is a vital, dynamic and living institution that stimulates the aspiration of the sincere student to attain the state of oneness.
  • Selfless service is the soap that purifies our mind.
  • We should try to see everyone as God.
  • God has given us the necessary faculties to become like him. Love, beauty and all divine qualities exist within us. We should make use of our faculties to express these divine qualities in our lives.
  • Whatever form of meditation we do, whether we focus on the heart or between the eyebrows, the goal is the same: one-pointed concentration.
  • Darkness is not something that can be physically removed. But when we let in light, darkness automatically ceases to exist. In the same way, when true knowledge awakens, the darkness of ignorance disappears. Then we awaken to eternal light.
  • Jivanmukti is not something to be attained after death, nor is it to be experienced or bestowed upon you in another world. It is a state of perfect awareness and equanimity, which can be experienced here and now in this world, while living in the body. Having come to experience the highest truth of oneness with the Self, such blessed souls do not have to be born again. They merge with the infinite consciousness.

Conversation in Helsinki (2000)

Conversation with Riitta Uosukainen, as quoted in "Patience Leads To Love"
  • If you have patience, then you'll also have love. Patience leads to love. If you forcefully open the petals of a bud, you won't be able to enjoy its beauty and fragrance. Only when it blossoms by following its natural course, will the beauty and fragrance of a flower unfold.
  • Today people live to work rather than work for a living. They have forgotten their true goal in life. Subsequently they have forgotten their dharma. There is no communication between hearts, there is no sharing. Having lost contact with other's hearts, we become totally isolated. But in truth we are not isolated islands, we are links that form one chain.
  • The heart does not talk, it is the intellect that does all the talking. All dealings are at the intellectual level. We have become like machines; our very lives have become mechanical. Life has lost its naturalness — like a garland of plastic flowers. There is no heart in life anymore. Only when hearts come together does true life blossom.
  • Changing the world is like trying to straighten a dog's tail. However much you may try, you won't succeed. But although the tail won't straighten, if you keep trying every day, at least you will put on some muscle. Similarly, even though it is difficult to make a change, our effort to do so in itself brings positive results. It will help us change. Without waiting for others to change,if we change ourselves first, that will make a difference. Instead of worrying about results, focus on doing our best in what we are engaged in.
  • God is not a limited individual who sits alone up in the clouds on a golden throne. God is pure Consciousness that dwells within everything. Understanding this truth, learn to accept and love everyone equally.

Living in Harmony (2000)

Quotes of Mata Amritanandamayi from Living in Harmony: An address given by Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi at the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, Copyright © 2000 by Mata Amritanandamayi Center
  • If world peace is to become a reality, peace and harmony first have to fill the heart of every individual. Love for humanity has to be awakened within us. Love and unity are not alien to human nature—they are our most fundamental instincts, the very foundation of our existence.
  • There is one Truth that shines through all of creation. Rivers and mountains, plants and animals, the sun, the moon and the stars, you and I—all are expressions of this one Reality. Many who have realised this truth through their own experience have walked on this earth, and many are yet to come.
  • The world is one family, of which we are all members. Peace and unity prevail in a household when the individuals fulfil their duties and responsibilities with the awareness that each member is an integral part of the whole. Only when we work together as a global family, not merely belonging to a particular race, religion or nation, will peace and happiness once again prevail on this earth.

May Your Hearts Blossom (1993)

Quotes of Mata Amritanandamayi from May Your Hearts Blossom: An Address by Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi at the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Chicago, Copyright © 2003 by Mata Amritanandamayi Mission Trust
  • Sanatana Dharma does not ask us to believe in a God seated on a golden throne, high above the clouds. God is not a limited being. God is all pervasive, omnipotent and omniscient. God is the Principle of Life and the Light of Consciousness within us. God, who is pure Bliss, is verily our own Self.
  • Religion is the secret of life. It teaches us to love, to serve, to forgive, to endure, and to interact with our brothers and sisters with empathy and compassion. Advaita (non-duality) is a purely subjective experience. But in daily life it may be expressed as love and compassion. This is the great lesson taught by the great saints and sages of India, the exponents of Sanatana Dharma.

Unity is Peace (1995)

Quotes of Mata Amritanandamayi from Unity is Peace: An address by Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi at the Interfaith Celebration in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, October 21, 1995. Copyright © 1996 by Mata Amritanandamayi Mission Trust
  • The life force that pulsates in the trees, plants, and animals is the same life force that pulsates within us. The same life energy that gives us the power to speak and to sing, is the power behind the song of the bird and the roar of the lion. The same consciousness that flows in and through every human being, lends its power to the movement of the wind, to the flow of the river, and to the light of the sun. How can there be any sense of difference once this subtle principle is understood? When we evaluate our growth and development in the light of this great Truth, we may wonder whether we human beings have really developed or grown at all. The progress that we see today is divided growth. Only some parts are growing—the world as a whole remains unhealthy. We cannot call this real progress.
  • The truth “I exist” is self-evident. You may deny God by saying, “God is just a belief,” but existence cannot be refuted. That existence, that Cosmic Power, is God. God has no separate hands, legs, eyes, or body, other than our own. He moves through our hands, He walks with our legs, He sees through our eyes, and it is He who beats within the heart of each one of us.
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