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*On the evidence of Baladhuri's account of the conquest of Sind, there were certainly massacres in the towns of Sind when the Arabs first arrived.
*On the evidence of Baladhuri's account of the conquest of Sind, there were certainly massacres in the towns of Sind when the Arabs first arrived.
**C. E. Bosworth. Bosworth (1), p. 43. quoted in Ibn Warraq, Why I am not a muslim, 1995. p 220
**C. E. Bosworth. Bosworth (1), p. 43. quoted in Ibn Warraq, Why I am not a muslim, 1995. p 220

*Among all these barbaric assaults on its history and culture and all these ages of occupation and dawns of independence Sindh has retained and maintained its separate historical and cultural identity as a pluralist, co-existent, tolerant and harmonious society where all the different cultures, languages and ideas of the foreign and native people have not only influenced each other but accepted and absorbed the common message of the human civilisation.
*“This historical synthesis of religions, philosophies and civilisation from the east and west has given our motherland Sindh a distinct place in the history of humanity.
*While the Sindh gave India its name, the Sindh citizens who pioneered in the fields of industry, philosophy, marine navigation, mathematics and astronomy are today chained by the Islam-o-fascist terrorist unconstitutional forced federation of Pakistan by the military might of Punjabi imperialism in the name of Islam.
**[[w:Shafi Muhammad Burfat|Shafi Muhammad Burfat]], Jan 2021. []

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Revision as of 07:51, 2 March 2021

Sindh, is one of the Four Provinces Pakistan.


  • As it is, everything in India attracts me. It has everything that a human being with the highest possible aspirations can want. But when I first visited Sind in 1916, it attracted me in a special way and a bond was established between the Sindbis and me that has proved capable of bearing severe strains. I have been able to deliver to the Sindhis bitter truths without being misunderstood.
  • [But, in spite of these alliances the power of the Arabs in Sindh continued to decline...] The people of India returned to idolatry with the exception of the inhabitants of Qassah. A place of refuge to which the Moslems might flee was not be found, so he built on the further side of a lake, where it borders on al-Hind, a city which he named al-Mahfuzah establishing it as a place of refuge for them, where they should be secure.... The governors kept fighting the enemy and seizing whatever came into their hands, and subduing the neighbourhood whose inhabitants rebelled.
    • Baladhuri, Kitab Futuh al-Buldan. quoted in Misra, R. G. (2005). Indian resistance to early Muslim invaders up to 1206 A.D. p.27
  • The toleration which the native Sindians enjoyed in the practice of their religion, was greater than what was usually conceded in other countries; but it was dictated less by any principle of justice or humanity, than the impossibility of suppressing the native religion by the small number of Arab invaders. ...But, where power had, for a short time, enabled the Moslims to usurp the mastery, the usual bigotry and cruelty were displayed. At Debal, the temples were demolished, and mosques founded; a general massacre endured for three whole days; prisoners were taken captive; plunder was amassed... At Nairun, the idols were broken, and mosques founded, notwithstanding its voluntary surrender... At Kawar, and 'Askalanda, all the men in arms were put to the sword, and the women and children carried away captive. At Multan, all men capable of bearing arms were massacred; six thousand ministers of the temple were made captive, besides all the women and children; and a mosque was erected in the town.
    • Sind under the Arabs, in Elliot & Dowson, I, 469. quoted in Misra, R. G. (2005). Indian resistance to early Muslim invaders up to 1206 A.D. p.27
  • The conquest of Sindh was the first and last great achievement of the Arabs in India.
    • R.C. Majumdar, Classical Age, quoted in Misra, R. G. (2005). Indian resistance to early Muslim invaders up to 1206 A.D. p.119
  • “It is not an uncommon phenomenon for prominent Hindus who are sticking on to the soil of Sind to be accosted while going about even on the main streets by Muslims and threateningly asked to either embrace Islam or go out of Pakistan.... “Our Gurmandir in Karachi became lately the residence of Sydney Cotton, the smuggler of arms to Nizam’s Hyderabad of yesterday. Most of our religious places, shrines, temples and Gurdwaras have been occupied by Muslims. The scriptures have been destroyed and the valuables have been pilfered and safely appropriated. Some of these places have also been turned into mosques where the Faithful congregate and read their Friday prayers to Allah. All educational institutions are similarly occupied and converted into the Schools and Colleges for Muslims.”
  • The turning out of non-Muslims from Sind is very amply illustrative of the naked policy of turning out of Hindus and Sikhs from Pakistan, for no other reason whatever except that they were not Muslims. There was a policy of systematic terrorization of Hindus. Their business premises were looted, their womenfolk molested, and the avenues of normal respectable life entirely closed to them. Thus, through terror and intimidation, within the period of less than a year twelve lakhs out of the fourteen lakhs of Hindus in Sind have been forced to migrate to India.
    • Gurbachan Singh Talib, Muslim League Attack on the Sikhs and Hindus in Punjab, 1947 (1950)
  • On the evidence of Baladhuri's account of the conquest of Sind, there were certainly massacres in the towns of Sind when the Arabs first arrived.
    • C. E. Bosworth. Bosworth (1), p. 43. quoted in Ibn Warraq, Why I am not a muslim, 1995. p 220
  • Among all these barbaric assaults on its history and culture and all these ages of occupation and dawns of independence Sindh has retained and maintained its separate historical and cultural identity as a pluralist, co-existent, tolerant and harmonious society where all the different cultures, languages and ideas of the foreign and native people have not only influenced each other but accepted and absorbed the common message of the human civilisation.
  • “This historical synthesis of religions, philosophies and civilisation from the east and west has given our motherland Sindh a distinct place in the history of humanity.
  • While the Sindh gave India its name, the Sindh citizens who pioneered in the fields of industry, philosophy, marine navigation, mathematics and astronomy are today chained by the Islam-o-fascist terrorist unconstitutional forced federation of Pakistan by the military might of Punjabi imperialism in the name of Islam.
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