Agnetha Fältskog

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I'm not the person who looks back or looks forward. I try to live in what is now.
Why should we do it? We have done so many songs, during such a long time. The fact that we had two divorces, and there was no meaning, I think, with getting together, again.
I think the girls and boys – they want to dress like us, and they want to sing along.

Agnetha Åse Fältskog (born 5 April 1950) is a Swedish singer-songwriter and pianist who is known for being one of the former members of Swedish pop group ABBA, and renowned as a solo artist prior to the formation of ABBA in her home country.


  • That means a lot, it goes from generation to generation, and you can't wonder why, and I think it's because it's such a good energy in it, and I think the girls and boys, they want to dress like us, and they want to sing along.

BBC interview (May 2013)


Abba's Agnetha 'not a recluse', BBC 10 May 2013

  • I think I was more like the black sheep, maybe, that, I was someone that you could blame on, but we were actually agreed on, that we had to stop now, because we came to a point, when it doesn't feel good anymore.
    • On her off-stage role in ABBA
  • Why should we do it? We have done so many songs, during such a long time. The fact that we had two divorces, and there was no meaning, I think, with getting together, again.
    • On reuniting ABBA

BBC interview (March 2013)


Abba's Agnetha comes out of retirement, by Mark Savage, BBC 11 March 2013

  • I have been described as a very mysterious human being and that hurts a little bit, because it's not like that at all.
    • On the media's 'wrong impression' of her private life
  • I think to look in the future, to plan another one, it's not realistic right now. But I don't close any doors. I'm very open for what comes up. At the moment, we are so happy with this one. I really hope people will like it as much as we do.
    • On planning her next album after 'A'; her thoughts on her 2013 solo album, 'A'
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