Bob and Larry's How to Draw!

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Bob and Larry's How to Draw! is a special 90-minute episode of VeggieTales. It is a compilation of teaching kids how to draw their favorite VeggieTales characters.


[first lines; the episode begins with Larry the Cucumber standing on the countertop with an easel]
Larry: Oh, hi kids! I'm Larry the Cucumber. If you like me, then you'll love to draw, and chances are, even if you're not like me you'll love to draw. But one things for sure. If you love to draw, you'll love to draw me! That's why, I in cooperation with the Society for the promotion of artistic rendering of fruit and vegetables or SPARFV have teamed up to bring you...
[song starts]
[song ends]

Tim Hodge: If you remember, Jimmy Gourd was in a show called Dr. Jiggle and Mr. Sly, where he changed his shape a lot. He was also wearing a costume, too. So now, we're gonna let Joe Sapulich show us how he draws Jimmy Gourd as Dr. Jiggle and Mr. Sly.

Tim Hodge: All right, now let's take a look at how some of our other artists draw with these same shapes, and you follow at home, too. Okay? Now here's a guy you seemed might to often. He's Frankencelery. If you look closely, he's pretty much just a big rectangle. Now let's go back to Greg Harden as he teaches the fire points of this guy.

Tim Hodge: Now that was a fun one to do, wasn't it? Now let's take look at Scallion #1 as the Salesman from Madame Blueberry. He's been around a long time, even though he still doesn't have a name. But he's so skinny, he's made if looks like he's all straight lines. But if you look closely, everything is just a little bit curved. So watch closely, follow along, as Tom Owens lead you and drawing him.

Tim Hodge and Kids: Ah, no!
Tim Hodge: Anyway, let's continue with another guy it's made out of totally straight lines. Uh, kind of straight. Actually, it's made out of a bunch of different shapes, it's Palmy from Larry's Lagoon. Let's watch us as Greg shows us how to draw him.

Tim Hodge: So she's pretty complicated, huh? But a little easier when you break it down in the basic shapes, right?
Kids: Hmm hmm!
Tim Hodge: Okay, I got a surprise for you. How would you like to see a totally new VeggieTales character?
Kids: Yes!
Tim Hodge: Well, there she is! She's another princess, her name's Sweet Sweet Petunia, but we can call Petunia for short. She's a rhubarb, and she's a star in our new show, Princess and the Pie War. Now she looks kind of complicated, too, but if you break her down, she's just a lot of simple shapes, like a circle on her head, big triangle here for her body, and of course circle eyes like that. It's easy as anything else we've done, just takes a little more time. You ready? We just put them all together.

[last lines]
Larry: To show my appreaciaton, I want you to show this.
Tim Hodge: Hey, look! My very own SPARF hat!
Larry: That's SPARFV!
Tim Hodge: Oh, right. SPARFV. Thanks!
Larry: You're welcome, and thanks kids, you did great.
Tim Hodge: Yeah, thanks for drawing along with us, Larry.
Larry and Tim Hodge: Bye!