Ernest Bevin

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The most conservative man in the world is the British Trade Unionist when you want to change him.

Ernest Bevin (9 March 188114 April 1951) was a British statesman, trade union leader, and Labour politician. He co-founded and served as general secretary of the powerful Transport and General Workers' Union from 1922 to 1940, and as Minister of Labour in the war-time coalition government. He succeeded in maximizing the British labour supply, for both the armed services and domestic industrial production, with a minimum of strikes and disruption. His most important role came as Foreign Secretary in the post-war Labour Government, 1945–51. He gained American financial support, strongly opposed Communism, and aided in the creation of NATO. Bevin's tenure also saw the end of the Mandate of Palestine and the creation of the State of Israel.


What is the good of blaming anybody? We cannot make our action retrospective whatever we do. We have to start from now and try to do the best we can.
So long as I have any power at all I will never be a party to treating the Army in the future as it has been treated in the past. They broke up in peace-time the very foundations of the Army structure, and expected to build it up during war-time with the enemy at the gates.
There should be a study of a house directly elected by the people of the world to whom the nations are accountable.
  • If the workers see themselves faced with defeat through starvation, they will prefer to go down fighting rather than fainting — and whether or not we leaders agree.
    • New York World, 10 May 1926
    • Message to the American Federation of Labor appealing for help in the General Strike.
  • The most conservative man in the world is the British Trade Unionist when you want to change him.
    • Report of the Proceedings of the Trade Union Congress, 1927
    • Speech to the TUC General Council, 8 September 1927.
  • It is placing the Executive and the Movement in an absolutely wrong position to be taking your conscience round from body to body asking to be told what you ought to do with it.
    • Labour Party Annual Conference Report 1935, p. 178.
    • Speech to the Labour Party conference, 1 October 1935, criticising George Lansbury. Lansbury, a pacifist, was publicly agonising about the need to confront fascist Italy over Abyssinia; Bevin's speech convinced the conference to back sanctions, and when the vote went against him, Lansbury resigned as Leader of the Labour Party.
  • The kind of middle-class mentality which actuates both those responsible for strategy and government has little knowledge of the new psychology and organizing ability of the totalitarian States. The forces we are fighting are governed neither by the old strategy nor follow the old tactics.
    • "Complacent Conduct of the War", The Times, 3 May 1940, p. 3.
    • Speech at Stoke-on-Trent, 1 May 1940.
  • They say Gladstone was at the Treasury from 1860 to 1930. I'm going to be Minister of Labour from 1940 to 1990.
    • Remark after being appointed Minister of Labour (c. 13 May 1940), quoted in Francis Williams, Ernest Bevin (London: Hutchinson, 1952), p. 217.
  • If anyone asks me who was responsible for the British policy leading up to the war, I should, as a Labour man myself, make a confession and say: "All of us". We refused absolutely to face the facts. When the issue came of arming or rearming millions of people in this country...we refused to face the real issue at a critical moment. But what is the good of blaming anybody? We cannot make our action retrospective whatever we do. We have to start from now and try to do the best we can.
    • Hansard, House of Commons, 5th series, vol. 373, col. 1362.
    • Speech in the House of Commons, 29 July 1941.
  • The fact of it is that all of us agreed to save 6d. in the Income Tax by breaking up the Army in peace-time and not having it prepared when war broke out...I will never be a party to it again.
    • Hansard, House of Commons, 5th series, vol. 376, col. 1336.
    • Speech in the House of Commons, 4 December 1941.
  • So long as I have any power at all I will never be a party to treating the Army in the future as it has been treated in the past. They broke up in peace-time the very foundations of the Army structure, and expected to build it up during war-time with the enemy at the gates.
    • Western Daily Press, 30 March 1942.
  • We need 720,000 men continuously employed in this industry. This is where you boys come in. Our fighting men will not be able to achieve their purpose unless we get an adequate supply of coal.
    • Hansard HC 6ser vol 449 col 841
    • Speech to recruiting meeting, December 1943. Bevin had introduced a system whereby some men conscripted for National Service would be transferred to working in coal-mining; because of this speech, they were known as 'Bevin boys'.
  • There should be a study of a house directly elected by the people of the world to whom the nations are accountable.
    • House of Commons speech, 23 November 1945.
  • I think that in the little argument going on now in New York and the differences that have arisen there are emerging three very fundamental principles. One is that it is improper to negotiate or attempt to negotiate or attempt to gain concessions by a great Power out of a little Power by means of occupying that country with your forces. It is the tradition — and I am not saying of one or other country only they have done it — but it is nineteenth-century imperialism that really must be left behind, and I believe that a solution will be found and the principle accepted that those of us who represent the great Powers will not do that.
    • "Mr. Bevin on World Politics", The Times, 1 April 1946, p. 4.
    • Speech at Bristol, 30 March 1946, referring to the negotiations over the United Nations Charter.
  • If I may again refer to the different political concepts, there is, I think rather unfortunately, running through all the speeches and writings of our Soviet friends the theory that they alone represent the workers — that they alone are democratic.
    • Hansard, House of Commons, 5th series, vol. 423, col. 1827.
    • Speech in the House of Commons, 4 June 1946.
  • That won't do at all .. we've got to have this .. I don't mind for myself, but I don't want any other Foreign Secretary of this country to be talked to or at by a Secretary of State in the United States as I have just had in my discussions with Mr Byrnes. We've got to have this thing over here whatever it costs .. We've got to have the bloody Union Jack on top of it.
    • Peter Hennessy, "Cabinets and the Bomb", Oxford University Press 2007, p. 48.
    • Remarks at Cabinet Committee GEN75, 25 October 1946, about the development of the British atomic bomb.
  • My policy is to be able to take a ticket at Victoria station and go anywhere I damn well please!
    • Attributed to Bevin in the Spectator, 20 April 1951.
    • Bevin's definition of his foreign policy. Variously quoted as "to be able to buy a ticket at Victoria Station to anywhere I damn please!".

Quotes about Ernest Bevin

  • He is a powerful fellow, with a bull neck and a huge voice - a born leader...if there is trouble, mark my words! You will hear more of Bevin!
    • David Lloyd George in conversation with Lord Riddell (1 March 1919), quoted in J. M. McEwen (ed.), The Riddell Diaries 1908-1923 (London: The Athlone Press, 1986), p. 258
  • I should like to see in any reconstructed Government a strong Labour leader like Bevin.
    • Stanley Baldwin in conversation with Thomas Jones (27 February 1934), quoted in Thomas Jones, A Diary with Letters: 1931-1950 (Oxford University Press, 1954), p. 123
  • [Bevin is] far the most distinguished man the Labour Party have thrown up in my time.
    • Winston Churchill in conversation with Anthony Eden (5 October 1944), quoted in John Colville, The Fringes of Power: Downing Street Diaries 1939-1955 (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1985), p. 522
  • Ernest Bevin had many of the strongest characteristics of the English race. His manliness, his common sense, his rough simplicity, sturdiness and kind heart, easy geniality and generosity, all are qualities which we who live in the southern part of this famous island regard with admiration.
    • "Sir W. Churchill on 'a great Englishman'", The Times, 5 November 1953, p. 5
    • Winston Churchill's remarks on unveiling a bust of Bevin in the Foreign Office.
  • Some of us do not think that passports are the same since they were introduced by the words, "We, Ernest Bevin".
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