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Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus

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Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus is an action role-playing third-person shooter video game developed and published by Square Enix in 2006 for the PlayStation 2.

When the world becomes shrouded in darkness, his gun will toll a dreadful dirge... taglines

Vincent Valentine

  • It looks like I still have some work to do.
  • Reeve. Nice to see you again. Not a very interesting outfit, though.
  • You shouldn't leave those things lying around.
[After firing a bazooka he randomly picked up off the ground]
  • I’ll take care of your pet problem. Just keep driving.
  • I guess I have no choice.
  • The Sewers... How appropriate is that?
[After being told the way into Shinra Manor]
  • I used to be nothing but a stone in the river of time. But three years ago, it was you and the others who taught me I had to move ahead.
  • When a person has someone they care about that much, giving their life is sometimes the least they can do. And maybe that's what makes us human.
  • I didn’t say anything.
  • Deepground. Shinra’s dark secret. Three years of hell below. Now... a world of hell above. The path to darkness opens once more.
  • I think you dropped this.
[Giving Shelke her phone as he rescues her]
  • Hmh. Guess I have no choice. It's time... to save the world.

Shelke Rui

  • So? I don't understand... how someone could give her own life for that of another. Do you understand, Vincent Valentine?
  • This feeling... is this what you meant... by doing something for someone... you care about?
  • Dr. Crescent’s data has begun defragmenting within my mind. I can see many different images. Images she experienced with you.
  • You must fight him! I don’t want you to die!
  • As old as he is and still acting like a helpless child. I can see why Lucrecia had such a difficult time.
[speaking of Vincent]
  • I didn’t think... I had any... tears left.
  • But, Vincent... I don't want to see the world end. I just... I just don't want there to be any more pain.
  • Omega has awoken. And Chaos has been drawn out of the shadows to serve as a counterbalance. Or so it would seem.
  • You’re late.
[After Vincent rescues her]
  • Vincent… do you remember the last words we exchanged? Do you remember our promise? Your promise to Lucrecia? Go. Tell her how you feel. Tell her what is truly in your heart.
  • Everyone’s waiting, Vincent Valentine. I don’t know why they made me come up here and get you. Not that I mind though.

Shalua Rui

  • The Commissioner keeps telling me I’m wasting my time. My time searching. For my reason to live.
  • Soul wrought of terra corrupt, quelling impurity, purging the stream to beckon forth an ultimate fate. Behold mighty Chaos, Omega's squire to the lofty heavens. A passage from Dr. Crescent's thesis. But that's all I know.
  • No! It does matter! Even though ten years have passed, you’re still Shelke, my only sister!
  • I have to admit, I wasn’t myself back there. Seeing you for the first time in ten years left me in a spin. But I’ve had time to recover. And I’m not letting you get away. Not this time. There’s no way I’m going to let you kill me, and there’s no way I’m going to let you go back to Deepground.
  • I don’t remember you ever being able to win one of our fights. Do you? How about it? You wanna try your luck?
  • Shelke… I'm sorry I let you suffer... for so long.

Reeve Tuesti

  • Deepground soldiers. The shadow of the Shinra Company, constructed by the former president and completely hidden from the rest of the world.
  • I have good news. Using you-know-who, I was able to infiltrate Midgar. However, what I saw wasn't the prettiest of pictures.
  • I’m so ashamed. I’m supposed to be a hero of the Jenova war. But look at me.
  • By slaughtering thousands of innocent souls, they [Deepground] are creating a pure Lifestream in order to trick the planet into thinking the end is near.
  • The WRO is crucial to this planet’s survival. I’m not concerned with the reasons this person has for helping us as long as he continues writing the checks. Though, I have a feeling it is probably someone who believes he is in debt to the planet.
[When Vincent asks him who’s backing the WRO]

Lucrecia Crescent

  • I'm so sorry.
[Repeated line]
  • I apologize! This is the first time I’ve ever met anyone from the Turks! Lucrecia Crescent. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. Valentine.
  • Omega. His awakening is upon us.
  • Soul wrought of terra corrupt, quelling impurity, purging the stream to beckon forth an ultimate fate. Behold mighty Chaos, Omega's squire to the lofty heavens. I came across this passage while studying the scriptures of the Ancients. The Chronicles of Yore. Omega: The end.
  • Just as all other sentient beings, he too, is born of the Lifestream. However, his only purpose is to cleanse the planet of all things living and lead their immortal souls through the abyssal aether to a new beginning far, far beyond the never ending sea of stars.
  • Just as life circulates through our planet, so too, does our planet through the universe. Or at least in theory. However, what I can be certain of is, if Omega awakens, then all life as we know it will end. And when Omega has embarked on his journey to the cosmos, our planet will die.
  • Why are you so surprised? Is my face that hideous?
[When she wakes a startled Vincent]
  • You must fight him! I don’t want you to die!
  • Vincent... did you know that your eyes... are exactly like your father’s?
  • Give him back! Give my son back! Let me see him! Just once!
  • Vincent. Do you remember our place? Under that tree? The warm breeze on our skin... I know that it no longer exists. Things fade with time, as do many things in this world. But, there are some things that we cannot let disappear.

Yuffie Kisaragi

  • Vincent... get out of there... I have a bad feeling about this!
  • I am the champion of the earth and the sky. I am the conqueror of evil. The single white rose of Wutai! Yuffie Kisaragi! Feast your eyes on— [falls and hits her head].
  • You-! Could you at least pretend to be sympathetic?
  • I was poking around Nibelheim and I found you looking all corpselike in Shinra Manor. So I saved you! Imagine that- me, saving the great Vincent Valentine. Do I get any thanks?
  • There you have it! I don't know what's going down, but it sounds big. I've been waiting a long time to get my hands on those Deepground punks. They've had their way long enough. Now it's time to give them a taste of pain a-la-Yuffie.
  • Even in a world where fear and despair reign over the heavens, you must never forget where there is shadow, there is always light! That’s right! Bask in my rays, evildoers. Feel the radiance of Wutai Super Ninja, Yuffie Kisaragi! Back and ready for action!
  • What’s he doing? What’s he doing? What’s going on?! I don’t get it!

Professor Hojo

  • Yes, a body… for my next experiment! A genius! That’s what I am! Success here will justify previous failures.
  • Once a scientist, always a scientist, I must say. How happy this fellow must be, helping his beloved! Even after he’s begun rotting away!
  • Still in the dark? Three years ago, while I was still running about looking for Sephiroth, I took it upon myself to distribute my data— my mind, my knowledge, my inner being, across the worldwide network. And even though my body had died, and the world had been left in ruin, I survived in a virtual reality. When the network was restored, the scattered data regrouped and I was reborn. A neo-Reunion, you could say.
  • I’m sorry. Let us do this right. Hello, Vincent, how long has it been? Three years? You know, when I first read it, I thought that woman's thesis was utter nonsense. I couldn’t believe some fabled beast from legend past had anything to do with your survival.

Rosso the Crimson

  • You know, this is the first time I’ve ever felt the rain on my skin. But then again, I hadn’t even seen the sky until a few days ago.
  • It’s not everyday you are given the chance to cleanse the world of all life. Just the thought sends a chill of excitement through my body.
  • And what do you think we did when we gained our freedom, hmm? We killed. It was how we were raised. That is all we knew. And so I bathed in the blood of a thousand soldiers. And I enjoyed it. I reveled in it. And when I finally stepped out of the abyss, I craved for more.
  • Wutai flea!!
[After Yuffie rescues Vincent]
  • I'm a Tsviet! I traded in my human weaknesses for power long ago. It is the path I've chosen. And the path I'll tread. Until I've sucked all life from this pitiful world!
  • Someone…. stronger… than… than…! A… ah… absurd! Absurd!

Azul the Cerulean

  • Answer me this; do you know why you even exist? Hmph, just as I thought. Ignorant to your own destiny.
  • You may think this is the end, but…
  • Ohh. Something inside you wants out. Its stench is so very familiar. Come, Vincent! Show me your rage! Now... let the killing begin!
  • It looks... like you were... more beast... than I. Very well. I’ll see you again, Vincent, in hell.

Nero the Sable

  • So that is Chaos. Intriguing. Soul wrote of terra corrupt. Perhaps I should simply let him live out his destiny of destruction.
  • Ah, so you wish to dance.
  • Impressive. Perhaps Azul and Rosso never stood a chance against the mighty Valentine.
  • I see. Soul wrote of terra corrupt. My darkness would have no control over you, would it. So I must try a different dance.
  • My darkness— it can absorb as well as extract almost anything. However, some things remain— things as black as the heart of a daemon. Ahh, the essence of death. Its ululations are like a lullaby.

Cait Sith

  • Ha HA! That was a close one! Never was good at fightin’. Luckily, I came out wearin’ ‘Reeve.’ You’re really not a bad bloke, are you Vincent— ahh, you pretend not to care but you always come through in the end, hah ha!
  • Let’s run those lads outta town! I’ll leave the method up to you.
  • Wha…! What in the blazes is growing down there?
  • Alright, take it away, Shelke!


  • And so the hound weaves the final chapter in this tale of life...
    • Opening logo.
  • For the past three years this door has remained sealed. However, that seal is about to be broken. There are no records of this place located deep beneath the Shinra Building, another of the companies’ secrets revealed recently. According to investigative reports, there is evidence that thousands of people were once transported here.
    • T.V. Anchor woman.
  • "With Jenova War hero Reeve Tuesti at its helm, our organization is dedicated to aiding the healing process of the planet, as well as protecting it from any who attempt further harm."
    • WRO Soldier.
  • You know, I was born in Midgar. My brother and I used to play here all the time. My mom didn’t approve, though. After she died, my brother joined a Shinra resistance group, but was killed when the plate fell. I can’t believe this place is still here.
    • WRO Lieutenant


[Meteor is hovering in the sky above Midgar as Yuffie is evacuating everyone]
Yuffie: C’mon, hurry up! And try not to drop anyone this time! [to soldier] Report!
Soldier: Evact complete! All injured have been removed to the transports!
Yuffie: Ok, let’s get outta here! Just remember to keep on guard until you’re clear of the red zone!
[calls Vincent]
Yuffie: We’re all done here. How ‘bout you?
Vincent: Finished. But Yuffie… I want you to check the Mako Cannon.
Yuffie: But… we already…
[checks signal: LIFE SIGNS 01 shows up on screen]
Yuffie: What the—!
Vincent: Just as I thought.
Yuffie: Hold on, hold on! This is crazy! There’s no way anybody could be up there! No!
Vincent: Yuffie. Rendezvous with Cloud and the others. It looks like I still have some work to do. [hangs up]
Yuffie: Hey, whoa! ...Vincent... get out of there... I have a bad feeling about this!

[Vincent is running up stairs; reaches top and spies a figure in a lab coat draped over a computer console; he glares and raises gun up to shoot; lightning bold smashes into the top, causing an explosion; when Vincent look back up the figure is gone; the tower starts exploding;]
[Yuffie swerves by on hover bike]
Yuffie: Vincent!!
[Vincent leaps and lands on behind her; he takes control as Yuffie lays against the steering, motion-sick; below them, the entire thing starts to blow up]

Three years later…
[A drop of water falls into small circle of water surrounding crystal in the middle of cave. Vincent's eyes open: he looks up at the crystal containing Lucrecia]
Vincent: [narrating] So...we meet again, Lucrecia.
Lucrecia: S-s-sorr-y...
[screen goes black.]
Lucrecia: I'm so sorry.
[cuts back to scene of Vincent in Kalm in his room]
Vincent: …Why? I'm the one who should apologize.
[T.V. is on; pan shot of Vincent’s cell-phone with a text from Reeve Tuesti, reading, ‘Meet me in Kalm. We need to talk.’]
T.V. Anchor Man: Three weeks ago our crew left for Midgar.
T.V. Anchor Woman: However, the groups whereabouts still remain unknown. What really happened down there?
T.V. Anchor Man: Tonight, for the first time, we bring you the final transmission received before all contact was lost.
T.V. Anchor woman: For the past three years this door has remained sealed. However, that seal is about to be broken. There are no records of this place located deep beneath the Shinra Building, another of the companies’ secrets revealed recently. According to investigative reports, there is evidence that thousands of people were once transported here. If rumors of the Shinra Company conducting human experiments are true, then this may be where those nefarious deeds were carried out. To bring you this exclusive footage, Channel 7 News has teamed up with volunteer organization—oh, wait, I think I see something—
[T.V. fades out as fireworks drown it out; Vincent look out his window at the town; a pan shot of Kalm shows the town having a carnival/celebration]
[Vincent jerks his head around in time to see an explosion outside his window; people start screaming; Vincent manages to get out his room as helicopter shoots it; he attacks and brings down the helicopter;]

[Vincent looks around at the town]
Vincent: Huh. What’s going on?
[three Deepground soldiers come up behind him; their helmets scan him; pan shot of a girl hooked up to a bunch of computers;]
Shelke: Found you.
[Deepground soldiers attack;]

[Shelke pulls off headset]
Shelke: Vincent Valentine. We’ve found you.
Azul: Is this the one?
Shelke: Yes.

[Vincent walks into room; a hole blows in one side of the wall; Azul steps in with Shelke]
Shelke: The Protomateria. Tell us where it is.
[Vincent remains silent]
Azul: Hail Weiss.
Deepground Soldiers: Hail Weiss!
[they attack]

Azul: Challenge accepted.
[He moves towards Vincent; Shelke suddenly collapses; Reeve’s voice is heard outside the room]
Reeve: This way!
Azul: Hm. Luck is on your side.
[picks Shelke up with one hand and starts to leave]
Shelke: I’m… sorry…
[Azul pauses and stares at Vincent]
Azul: I am Azul. We will meet again.
[leaves; Reeve rushes in]
Reeve: What happened here?
[sees Vincent]
Reeve: Vincent Valentine. Are you alright?
Vincent: Mm hm. Reeve. Nice to see you again. Not a very interesting outfit, though.
Reeve: [laughs] It took me a while to decide what costume to put on today. But enough of this small talk. Who were those soldiers that just left?
Vincent: I don’t know. The Large one called himself ‘Azul’.
Reeve: Azul the Cerulean?! Of the Tsviets? Then that could only mean…
Soldier: Commissioner!
[Deepground soldiers are closing in]
Reeve: We'll discuss this later. WRO troops have arrived and commenced rescue operations. We could use your help, Vincent.
[begins to walk away.]
Vincent: Reeve.
[Reeve stops and partially turns around.]
Vincent: [sighs] I don't know what you are up to, but I want absolutely no part of it.
Reeve: But... You fought alongside us three years ago! We need your help once mor—
[Reeve gets shot from behind by enemy soldier; Vincent shoots down enemy soldier before running to Reeve's side.]
Vincent: Reeve!
[He goes to pick up Reeve, who falls apart into several pieces; out pops Cait Sith.]
Cait Sith: Ha HA! That was a close one! Never was good at fightin’. Luckily, I came out wearin’ ‘Reeve.’ You’re really not a bad bloke, are you Vincent— ahh, you pretend not to care but you always come through in the end, hah ha!
Vincent: [sighs again] Alright. What do you want me to do?
Cait Sith: Let’s run those lads outta town! I’ll leave the method up to you. When you’ve tidied thing up, meet me in the square in front of the East Church.

WRO Member: Mr. Vincent Valentine? I’m an officer with the World Regenesis Organization. Speak with me if you need any assistance. The WRO was originally established after Meteor three years ago. With Jenova War hero Reeve Tuesti at its helm, our organization is dedicated to aiding the healing process of the planet, as well as protecting it from any who attempt further harm. Sir! You can see the East Church is just past these buildings! We will help you secure the area.

Reeve: Good work, Vincent. The enemy is retreating. It seems they have finally begun their withdrawal from Kalm.
Vincent: Good.
Reeve: However, we still require your assistance. Reports are Edge is under attack.

[Two WRO Soldiers are shooting from behind boxes; suddenly a strange darkness engulfs one and he disappears; the other doesn’t notice]
WRO Soldier: Quick, toss me another clip! [looks beside him] Huh!?
[the darkness suddenly swallows him]

[A team of WRO Soldiers are going through a building; darkness suddenly sweeps over one in the back and he disappears]
WRO Soldier: [looks behind him] Where’d everyone go?
[laughter comes up behind them; they turn to see Rosso above them]
WRO Soldier: Who the hell are you?
Rosso: Rosso. Rosso the Crimson.
WRO Soldier: Tsviets!
[Rosso pulls out her blade and suddenly reappears behind them and kills them in one blow]
Rosso: Huh. The mighty WRO. They wouldn’t last a day in Deepground.

Vincent: Reeve. Who were those men?
Reeve: Deepground soldiers.
Vincent: Deepground?
Reeve: Yes. The shadow of the Shinra Company, constructed by the former president and completely hidden from the rest of the world.
Vincent: Constructed?
Reeve: His goal was to create an army of superhuman warriors— not once letting morality interfere. The man you met earlier, Azul, is also a member of Deepground. But he belongs to an elite unit known as the Tsviets. The whole organization was kept a secret. That’s why there’s so little information on them. However it’s nothing like I expected.
Vincent: Not even a person in your position was informed?
Reeve: No. Other than the president himself the only people who knew of Deepground’s existence was most likely Heidegger, Scarlet, and the head of Biochemical Research, Hojo. After the President’s death the transfer of power to his son was carried out so quickly I doubt Rufus was ever briefed on the project. As for me I was told the information was a need to know basis and as an official in charge of Urban Development I guess I wasn’t on their ‘list’. All the currant intel we have on Deepground was only discovered recently. We came across some of Scarlet’s old files.
Vincent: Huh.
Reeve: Vincent… have you heard of the mass disappearance that occurred recently in Juno?
Vincent: Hmm. I remember the report saying that twenty or thirty people suddenly vanished.
Reeve: That’s what the report would like you to believe. It was determined internally that if the truth was leaked they wouldn’t be able to contain the inevitable panic. The actual number of people that went missing that day… was twelve hundred.
Vincent: Huh?
Reeve: Twelve hundred people simply vanished that day without a single trace. The WRO conducted a private investigation, but we came up empty-handed… except for the rumors. Since the Juno disappearances people of Edge have been… on edge. They say night after night you can hear screams coming from the direction of Midgar. Could it be the wind? Let me ask you; does the wind sound a thousand wailing souls? Listen… can you hear them? The cries?
Soldier: Commissioner! A rogue transmission is being broadcasted on all wavelengths!
[Reeve leaps up]

[Vincent and Reeve are watching screen]
Weiss: At last… the time has come to cleanse this world. The pure will be spared for the cause, while the tainted will be hunted down and exterminated. Slashed, strangled and slaughtered. Beaten, stabbed and crushed. Gutted and impaled, shot and executed without mercy. The time has come to cleanse this world.
[starts laughing maniacally as Reeve and Vincent look on in horror and disgust; the message terminates]
Reeve: Where could… that signal have…
[the vehicle they are in jolts; Reeve leaps out of his seat in alarm]
Reeve: What was that?!
[runs to back of van and flings the rear doors open; a creature leaps at him only to drop as Vincent shoots it]
Reeve: Guardhounds!
[Vincent shoots another]
Vincent: I’ll take care of your pet problem. Just keep driving.

[after escaping the guardhounds]
Vincent: Are you alright?
Reeve: I’ll be fine, but that’s more than I can say for the engine. Vincent… if possible, I want you to continue on to Edge. That transmission we just saw troubles me. Once I have repaired the Shadowfox, I’ll need to return to headquarters. A WRO squad has already been dispatched to Edge. Join them, and help liberate the city.
Vincent: [exhales] I guess I have no choice.

Rosso: [laughing into the air] Slashed, strangled and slaughtered. Beaten, stabbed and crushed. Gutted and impaled, shot and executed without mercy. Nicely said, Weiss. I wonder if this will be more amusing than last time....
[panshot shows she is surrounded by WRO bodies]

[Vincent is looking down a street from a corner; Shalua sees him, and Vincent whirls; both manage to point guns in each others faces; Vincent looks down at her badge]
Vincent: You’re WRO?
Shalua: Who’s asking?
Vincent: [puts his gun back in its holster] Vincent Valentine. Reeve sent me.
Shalua: [twirls gun and shoves it into her holster] My apologies. Shalua Rui, with the WRO. The Commissioner has told me much about you.
Vincent: What happened here?
Shalua: That’s what I would like to know. I’m here on other business, but something’s not right. It’s too… quiet. I’ve seen no trace of Deepground, or the squads that were sent in to fight them. Also, where are the five hundred people that were supposed to be living here? Well… this is getting us nowhere. Like I said, I have business to attend to. I’ll see you around.
[starts walking off]
Vincent: Business?
Shalua: [pauses] The Commissioner keeps telling me I’m wasting my time. My time searching.
Vincent: Searching for what?
Shalua: For my reason to live.

[Vincent is crouched in front of soldier sitting against a wall]
Wounded WRO soldier: [gasping] Agh… ah… Am…bushed… by… soldiers… and squad… wiped out… warehouse… they…were gathering… civilians…
[soldier goes limp; Vincent walks over and closes man’s eyes]

[A small boy hiding in the corner of square runs to Vincent]
Small Boy: Uh… thanks. The warehouse… I…I know how to get there. It’s though that gate. You have the card key?
[Vincent shakes head]
Small Boy: C’mon, I know someone who does. Follow me.
Small Boy: There. That should let you through.
Vincent: Right. Thanks kid.
Small Boy: [starts crying] Avenge… I couldn’t…do…Mom and dad… right there, but I couldn’t move...
[Vincent slowly crouches in front of boy]
Small Boy: I was too scared—but, but… Please! Please, help me avenge their deaths!

Rosso: You know, this is the first time I’ve ever felt the rain on my skin. But then again, I hadn’t even seen the sky until a few days ago.
[turns to look at Vincent]
Rosso: So, you're Vincent Valentine. Keeper of the Protomateria.
Vincent: Proto…materia?
Rosso: Yes. The key to controlling Omega. We know you have it. Hand it over now, and I’ll kill you… quickly.
[Vincent stares at her stoically]
Rosso: [laughs] Not one to argue, are you. Then I’ll make sure you suffer. Time to die!
[attacks while Vincent dodges; but manages to throw Vincent against a wall; Vincent erupts into Chaos Form]
Rosso: Ahhh!
[Rosso is thrown back; returning to form, Vincent collapses, managing to see a pair of feet walking towards him before blacking out]

[During flashbacks]
Vincent: Lucrecia.
Lucrecia: [from within crystal] …Sorry…
Vincent: ...Why?
Lucrecia: ...Awake…
Vincent: Awake?
[screen goes black]
Lucrecia: I’m so sorry.

[During flashbacks]
Past Vincent: Talk! Why did you let this happen!?
Hojo: Silence.
Vincent: You…!
Hojo: Silence!!
[Hojo shoots Vincent; past Vincent falls down, staring at Hojo's boots as his vision blurs.]
Hojo: Why can't these people just keep quiet? Yes, a body… for my next experiment! [laughs maniacally] A genius! That’s what I am! Success here will justify previous failures.

[Vincent awakes in a life support tank]
Shalua Well look who’s awake.
[Vincent looks around]
Shalua [stands] Hold on, I’ll release you.
Vincent: [after getting out:] Where am I?
Shalua Safe inside the WRO Headquarters. I carried you back here from Edge after you collapsed during your fight with Deepground. It seems like the beast inside you went a little wild back there. This happen often?
Vincent: Went wild? Do you mean… Chaos?
Shalua: Chaos? Your body harbors the Chaos gene? Oh, so that explains your relationship with Dr. Lucrecia Crescent. Were you the product of one of her experiments?
Vincent: Lucrecia’s... experiments?
Shalua: I apologize. That wasn’t what I meant.
Vincent: Wait. Lucrecia... was researching... Chaos?
Shalua: [slowly] Don’t tell me you didn’t know. [opens file on computer] Crescent. General Class A scientist specializing in biotechnology. In her research thesis, "The Planet's Pulse," she refers to Chaos as one of the sentient xenoforms residing among us. However, the theories she presented in her work were so abstract and…
[Shalua’s voice fades as Vincent stares at computer; Lucrecia’s voice echoes in Vincent’s mind]
Lucrecia: I’m so sorry… awaken.
[Shalua notices Vincent isn’t listening]
Shalua: Are you alright?
Vincent: …Can I see that thesis?
Shalua: Unfortunately, no. On top of being obscure, it was never even submitted to the Shinra Database. All I know is what I saw going through the company’s archives.
[door opens and Reeve walks in]
Reeve: Vincent! Have you recovered already?

[Shelke is typing on computer; Azul walks up behind her]
Azul What is the status of our keeper?
Shelke: His location remains unchanged since the confrontation. We can assume that this is the WRO’s headquarters.
Azul Hah, good. Two birds with one stone.

Reeve: So. Rosso the Crimson told you that Protomateria is the key to controlling Omega.
Vincent: Yeah.
Reeve: [to Shalua] Any ideas?
Shalua: Soul wrought of terra corrupt, quelling impurity, purging the stream to beckon forth an ultimate fate. Behold mighty Chaos, Omega's squire to the lofty heavens.
Reeve: Where’d you...?
Shalua: A passage from Dr. Crescent's thesis. But that's all I know. Unfortunately, I only saw a fragment of the document. However, Chaos... Omega...and... All seem to be connected to Dr. Crescent in some way. There’s no other explanation. I think we’ll need to gather more data on her to get anywhere.
[alarm goes off]
Reeve: What now?!
[Azul destroys security camera]
Shalua: Damn!
[Shalua shuts all the security doors]

Azul [to Deepground soldiers] Move.
[slams and breaks open a door]
Azul Painless. [to Deepground soldiers] Go!

Reeve: [through loudspeakers] Vincent! The enemy has reached the main gate. Hurry!

[Shalua is feverishly typing at computer; looks up at the monitor for the busted security camera and faintly sees Shelke pass]
Shalua: [leaps up] What?! It couldn’t be!

WRO Soldier: [as Vincent comes running up] Mr. Valentine! A sizable enemy unit is heading strait for the Command Center. Please sir! You have to help the Commissioner! Agh!
[bullet barely misses her; Vincent charges through doorway as bullets fly past]

Cait Sith: Take that!
[Deepground soldier flies by and hits a wall; Cait Sith and Reeve emerge from doorway and see Vincent]
Reeve: Don’t worry, I’ll be fine here. But Vincent, the Tsviets. Azul is still on the loose.

[Vincent is walking towards Shalua; an invisible Shelke is following him, barely visible; Shalua pulls a gun and points it at Shelke, but also at Vincent]
Shalua: Don’t move!
[Vincent tenses; but Shelke steps away from him and becomes visible]
Shelke: Very perceptive of you.
[Vincent quickly crosses over to stand next to Shalua]
Shalua: I knew it. Shelke.
Shelke: [coldly] I have no acquaintances in the WRO.
Shalua: We… we both changed so much. No, you… you haven’t changed at all. Not in ten years.
[Shelke gives a low gasp]
Shalua: Shelke, it’s me! Shalua.
[Shelke turns painfully away]
Shalua: I’ve been… I’ve been searching for you for so long.
[goes to touch Shelke; Shelke whirls and whips out her weapons; she powers them up and points one in Shalua’s face]
Shelke: Don’t take another step.
Shalua: Shelke.
Shelke: It doesn’t matter who I am or who you are. My currant mission as a Deepground soldier is all that is relevant.
Shalua: [desperately] No! It does matter! Even though ten years have passed, you’re still Shelke, my only sister!
[Shelke depowers her weapons and turns away]
Shelke: Ten years. Has it been that long. The day they came to take me away I was told I had potential. But those words were nothing but a precursor to a decade of suffering. They manipulated my mind until I was a shadow of my original self. The pain… the fear. For ten years I lived in hell far deeper than any you could imagine. But look at me; I should be nineteen this year. If I don’t receive my daily dose of Mako, this body wouldn’t last a day. However, I don’t consider myself the least bit unfortunate. Except…
[Shelke turns to look at Shalua]
Shelke: That for so long I held on to a foolish thread of hope; that someday someone would come to save me.
[Shalua falls to her knees and starts to cry]
Shalua: I’m sorry, Shelke. I’m so sorry...
[Shelke powers her weapons up]
Shelke: It’s time to put the past behind us.
Reeve: Stop this!
[Reeve runs up suddenly behind Shelke; Shelke turns]
Shelke: Reeve Tuesti.
Reeve: So, you are Shalua’s youngest sister.
Shelke: Excellent. Now I can terminate both of you at once—
Reeve: Look at her! That’s the price Shalua has paid fighting Shinra for the past ten years. She has given more than her arm. More than her eye. She has put her life on the line time and time again. All to find her lost sister. More than half her organs have been reconstructed. Not a day goes by when Shalua doesn’t suffer the pain of a thousand souls. But still, she...
Shelke: ...Enough. I’ve... I’ve heard enough.
[raises her weapons again; Vincent whips out his gun and points it at her]
Reeve: Stop!
[Reeve pulls out pistol and shoots pipe above them; water comes spraying out; Vincent runs and grabs Shalua, protecting her, as water puts Shelke’s blades out just in time as she swings at Shalua’s head; Shelke halts]
Reeve: Vincent.
[Vincent nods and pulls a limp Shalua away to safety; Reeve gives Vincent narcotic bullets]
Reeve: Use these.
[Vincent takes bullets and loads gun; walks away]
Shalua: [rouses] Shelke…? Shelke?!
Reeve: Don’t worry. The bullets will only sedate her. Let Vincent handle this.

[after Vincent and Shelke battle; narcotic bullet hits Shelke]
Shelke: Ugh…
[Shelke collapses unconscious]
Shalua: Shelke!
[Shalua runs to Shelke and holds her; Vincent and Reeve discreetly leave]

[Azul busts through roof; lands in front of Vincent]
Azul We meet again. Answer me this; do you know why you even exist?
[Vincent remains silent]
Azul Hmph, just as I thought. Ignorant to your own destiny. Very well, I’ll show you what you really are—!
[Vincent shoots explosive at Azul’s feet; Azul emerges from the explosion unscathed because of his shield]
Azul Hah! You think that toy can penetrate my armor? Enough of the games, Vincent. Give me the Protomateria.
Reeve: Vincent! Over here!
[Vincent backs away towards Reeve, still shooting at Azul; the bullets are blocked harmlessly by his shield]
Azul You can’t run!

[Reeve and Vincent are running from Azul]
Reeve: Vincent!
[Vincent nods; grabs a bazooka lying randomly on the floor; he turns and shoots it at Azul; the following explosion sends Reeve and Vincent flying backwards]
Vincent: [getting up] You shouldn’t leave those things lying around.
[Reeve starts laughing; suddenly Azul walks out the dust of the explosion; his shield shatters; Azul starts laughing maniacally]
Azul Well done. You have broken through my barrier.
Vincent: [to Reeve] This ends here. Leave him to me.
Azul Long has it been since I faced… a worthy opponent!
[after Azul and Vincent battle]
Azul You may think this is the end, but…
[stagger and falls on his back]

[Vincent is walking away]
Reeve: Where are you...
Vincent: [turns] Nibelheim.
Reeve: Wait. Shinra Manor? But that is where... Understood. However, be on your guard. We have reports of Deepground units deployed in that area. If you wish to enter the manor in one piece, I suggest you use the sewer system extending from the old Mako Reactor.
Vincent: The sewers… how appropriate is that.
[walks away]
Reeve: Now, as for me and my feline companion, it’s time we found what Deepground is truly up to.

[Vincent enters elevator; leans against wall and recalls memories; he’s facing Lucrecia in Turk outfit]
Vincent: Vincent Valentine, reporting for duty, ma’am. I’ve been assigned your protection.
Lucrecia: [gasps] No…
Vincent: Huh?
Lucrecia: [to herself] Why would they... send his…
Vincent: Excuse me?
Lucrecia: Uh, oh! [flustered and trying to cover her first reaction] I apologize! This is the first time I’ve ever met anyone from the Turks! Lucrecia Crescent. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. Valentine.

[Cait Sith is falling downwards]
Cait Sith: AHH!
[tries gripping the wall; claws slip and leave scratch marks behind as he continues to fall; he lands and continues to walk around]
Cait Sith: This has got to be the place!
[later on he sees container of people going by]
Cait Sith: Och, that’s the same container I saw at Kalm!
[later on he sees the container of people fall screaming towards a strange substance]
Cait Sith: What! Good gracious me!
[giant hand reaches out from the substance and seizes container and drags it under]
Cait Sith: [horrorstruck] Wha…! What in the blazes is growing down there?
[Nero emerges from darkness behind Cait Sith]
Nero: Usher of souls. My brother. Omega.
Cait Sith: It’s Nero the Sable! Oh dear—
[darkness engulfs him]

[Vincent walks into room, gun at ready; sees a glowing ball roll towards him; he pick it up and it erupts into light; Lucrecia is suddenly behind him]
Vincent: [startled] Lucrecia.
Lucrecia: Vincent. Right. Have you... come to check up on me?
[Lucrecia slowly approaches Vincent; he opens his arms but she walks through him, being nothing but a hologram]
Lucrecia: Omega. His awakening is upon us.
[the room goes white; Lucrecia is now in the crystal cave, moving towards the large crystal in the middle of the room]
Lucrecia: Soul wrought of terra corrupt, quelling impurity, purging the stream to beckon forth an ultimate fate. Behold mighty Chaos, Omega's squire to the lofty heavens. I came across this passage while studying the scriptures of the Ancients. The Chronicles of Yore. Omega: The end. Just as all other sentient beings, he too, is born of the Lifestream. However, his only purpose is to cleanse the planet of all things living and lead their immortal souls through the abyssal aether to a new beginning far, far beyond the never ending sea of stars.
[light starts to build above Lucrecia’s hands until a single orb forms; then it shatters]
Lucrecia: Just as life circulates through our planet, so too, does our planet through the universe. Or at least in theory. However…
[the crystal room falls away around Lucrecia into a galaxy]
Lucrecia: What I can be certain of is, if Omega awakens, then all life as we know it will end. And when Omega has embarked on his journey to the cosmos, our planet will die.
[back in original room]
Lucrecia: I will leave a copy of my records here for you, Vincent. Though I... I cannot imagine what help they might be, if any at all. Just remember… [bows head] I am so sorry.
[hologram of Lucrecia disappears; glowing ball breaks in Vincent hand; Vincent lurches forward]
Vincent: Lucrecia...

[Vincent is walking; suddenly drops to his knees in pain; then a memory of him in a life support tank with Lucrecia peering at him from the outside surfaces]
Vincent: This pain…
Rosso: Well, well, we meet again. This is perfect. I so wanted to see you, my love.
Vincent: [stands] Deepground. What are they attempting to do with Omega?
Rosso: I don’t know, and to be honest, I don’t care.
Vincent: What?
Rosso: But this is what Weiss desires. Hail Weiss. And what Weiss orders, we do. It’s very simple. If he desires the awakening of Omega, then that is what all of Deepground desires. We could care less what happens to the planet. But all this matters little to me. It’s not everyday you are given the chance to cleanse the world of all life. Just the thought sends a chill of excitement through my body. The Deepground soldiers were born and bred to kill. We were chained to a destiny of servitude. But then three years ago, we were freed from our chains. But waiting for us was darkness lit only by the faint glow of Mako. And what do you think we did when we gained our freedom, hmm?” [laughs] “We killed. It was how we were raised. That is all we knew. And so I bathed in the blood of a thousand soldiers. And I enjoyed it. I reveled in it. And when I finally stepped out of the abyss, I craved for more. You understand, right?
Vincent: [pulls gun out and points at Rosso] I don’t think so.
Rosso: [backing away] How can you say that, darling? You are the same!
[Rosso leaps away and runs; Vincent chases but is stopped by an enemy robot]

[After Vincent battles enemy robot; Rosso sneaks up on him; as Vincent turns she stabs him in the chest with her arm and wrenches the Protomateria out of his chest; Vincent crumples to the floor]
Rosso: I'm sorry. Were you not expecting that?
[watches Vincent contorting on the ground as he changes to Chaos form and then returns to his own]
Rosso: Ahh… So, you cannot control the beast without this. Well, there will be no need for it when I'm done with you!
[kneels to kill Vincent; mysterious figure throws weapon at her; they battle and a sudden light blinds Rosso temporarily; she looks around and snarls when she sees that the figure and Vincent are gone]
Rosso: Wutai flea!!
[runs out the manor and looks around; then brings her fist down into the ground in fury]
Rosso: AHHH! If you manage to survive that wound… I’ll make sure you don’t survive the next one! ...But no matter. The end is upon us.

[Past Vincent is talking with Hojo in a room]
Past Vincent: Is it true?
Hojo: Is what true?
Vincent: That Lucrecia— that Dr. Crescent is to take part in this project?
[Lucrecia walks in]
Lucrecia: It’s true.
[walks up to desk Hojo is sitting behind]
Lucrecia: [coldly] Why are you so surprised?
Vincent: But using your own child... for an experiment?
Hojo: Hah! I don’t know what you’re implying, but both of us are scientists, and we know what we are doing. You are the last person to have any word in this! Now, leave us at once, boy!
Vincent: But...
Lucrecia: [harshly] But what? [as Vincent hesitates] If you have something to say, then say it.
Vincent: Are you... are you sure this is what you really want?
Lucrecia: Am I sure?! Am I sure?! If this only concerns me, then yes I am sure!
Vincent: Oh... I... I just... [narrating] All I did was watch. I didn't even try to stop her. And then...
[shows Lucrecia walking, when suddenly she collapses; scenes of Jenova and Sephiroth flash by as she holds her womb in pain]
Vincent: That was my sin. And this... this... is my punishment.
[Vincent wakes to realize he’s transformed into Chaos; after the initial shock, he screams in horror; the screen goes black; Vincent is in the crystal cave; he looks up at Lucrecia, frozen in the crystal]
Vincent: I... I saw you again. It was the place we first met. But you were... No, I’m the one to blame. I couldn’t stop you that day. I just—
Lucrecia: You must fight.
Vincent: Lucrecia.
[screen goes black]
Lucrecia: I’m so sorry.

[Vincent wakes lying on a bench; he looks over at figure sitting opposite him wearing a hooded robe; figure waves]
Yuffie: Morning.
Vincent: Where... Who are you?
[Yuffie stands and goes into 'heroic' pose]
Yuffie: Well, I'm glad you asked. I am the champion of the earth and the sky. I am the conqueror of evil. The single white rose of Wutai!
[Yuffie flings off her robe]
Yuffie: Yuffie Kisaragi! [jumps onto bench] Feast your eyes on—
[loses her balance and falls backwards; knocks her head against a computer console]
Yuffie: Owww! Ow!
[continues to wail while cradling her head; Vincent watches then looks up at ceiling, completely nonchalant]
Vincent: So, where are we?
Yuffie: [slightly annoyed] Come on! Aren't you at least a little concerned?
Vincent: [looks back at her, voice still neutral] Oh, Yuffie... It's been a while... How's your head?
Yuffie: You-! Could you at least pretend to be sympathetic?
[Vincent starts to sit up; he stops, clutching his chest and groans in pain; Yuffie leaps up, concerned]
Yuffie: Ah, hey! Take it easy. That was a big hole you had in your chest.
Vincent: A hole in my chest?
Yuffie: Uh-huh. I seriously thought you were a goner, but then the wound healed itself right up. [spins a couple of times] You were always "different", but I guess that's why you're still breathing.
Vincent: Yuffie, what are you doing here?
Yuffie: Me? I’m just helping out Reeve and his gang. I was poking around Nibelheim and I found you looking all corpselike in Shinra Manor. So I saved you! Imagine that — me, saving the great–
[spins in place]
Yuffie: -Vincent Valentine! Do I get any thanks? [laughs]
Vincent: [chuckles, but completely serious] Thanks, Yuffie.
[Yuffie is caught off-guard; waves hands in front of her, flustered]
Yuffie: No, no, whoa. I didn't mean for you to take me so seriously. A-anyway, Reeve wanted us to contact him as soon as you woke up.

[the screen is blank]
Reeve: Vincent has come to? Excellent.
[A TV screen flickers on; Reeve is standing there]
Reeve: I have good news. Using you-know-who, I was able to infiltrate Midgar. However, what I saw wasn't the prettiest of pictures. Omega. I should’ve known. We cannot let them sacrifice the lives of any more people. Once we’ve gathered our forces we’ll launch a full offensive. Of course we’ll require the help of you two as well. Please hurry back to headquarters. Oh, I’m analyzing the data files you sent earlier. I should have results soon. Tuesti out.
[screen goes blank]
Yuffie: There you have it! I don't know what's going down, but it sounds big. I've been waiting a long time to get my hands on those Deepground punks. They've had their way long enough. Now it's time to give them a taste of pain a-la-Yuffie.
[mimes a few boxing moves]
Yuffie: Just give me 3 minutes with those guys. No, make it 2. Well maybe 3...or 4... Well, it really depends on how many there are. But I think if there was 5, I could probably take them in 2...or 2 in 5, or 3 in 4...

[Shelke wakes in life support tank; ]
Shelke: [narrating] Where am I?
[gets out; sees Shalua asleep at desk; stands beside her silently; picks up her weapon lying on the desk; Shalua wakes]
Shalua: Shelke! [stands as Shelke backs away] How are you feeling?
Shelke: [powers up her weapons] You were a fool to let your enemy live. Now I’m going to kill you and return to Deepground.
Shalua: I don’t think so. I have to admit, I wasn’t myself back there. Seeing you for the first time in ten years left me in a spin. But I’ve had time to recover. And I’m not letting you get away. Not this time. There’s no way I’m going to let you kill me, and there’s no way I’m going to let you go back to Deepground.
Shelke: I don’t recall needing your permission to do anything.
Shalua: And I don’t remember you ever being able to win one of our fights. Do you? How about it? You wanna try your luck?

[talking to screen]
Reeve: Understood. You may begin mobilization.
WRO Soldier: Commissioner, we’re being—! [screams]
Reeve: Officer?
[panicking WRO soldiers start calling in then are stopped]
Reeve: Deepground?!
[whirls to see Deepground solder pointing weapon at him; the solder fires and the screen goes black]

[Shalua and Shelke are still at standoff; voice comes through loudspeakers]
Loudspeaker: Emergency. Emergency.
Shalua: They’re back? Why?
Loudspeaker: All Squabble Squads report to stations. All others proceed to the underground barracks. Emergency. Emergency.
Shelke: They were waiting for Azul.
Shalua: Azul?
Shelke: His death was merely a prologue to the true terror.

[Vincent and Yuffie are in the Shadowfox interior]
WRO Soldier: We’ll be arriving shortly. What the hell!?
[the vehicle jerks; Yuffie flies out of her seat]
Yuffie: Ahh!
[she rolls to the back and hits her head; Vincent leaps out vehicle and battles the enemies outside]

[Vincent walks into WRO headquarters; voices are blaring over loudspeakers]
WRO Soldier 1: This is Headquarters! We need backup now!
[someone screams in background and goes silent]
WRO Soldier 2: Get away!
WRO Soldier 1: What is that thing!?
[both soldiers cry out and go silent; Vincent runs deeper into building]

[Soldiers are shooting at monster; soldier is thrown across hall and hits the others]
Vincent: [sees the monster] What the hell…?
Shalua: Azul.
[Vincent looks over and sees Shalua and Shelke; Azul attacks; Vincent and Shalua attack it; Azul hits Shalua’s robotic arm; she crumples to the ground, gasping in pain]
Vincent: Shalua!
[Vincent runs towards her only to be smashed aside by Azul; Shelke watches impassively until Azul hits her; shocked, she pulls out materia that halts Azul’s attacks and transforms him back]
Shelke: The extreme potency of this shield materia is comparable to that of your barrier field, Azul.
Azul: Shelke, why do you stand in my way?
Shelke: I had to protect myself. You were trying to kill me.
Azul: Then now is the time.
[Azul swings at Shelke; she leaps back, shocked]
Azul: You’re no longer required.
Shelke: No longer…?
Azul: You’re no different from the others. Your weak body is nothing without Mako. Your only skill is collecting data from inside a virtual reality. It makes me sick to even think of you as a member of the Tsviets! Weiss has ordered your termination.
Shelke: "Weiss?!"
Azul: Your mission was to identify and locate the keeper of the Protomateria. That is why we uploaded the doctor's data into your neural network. But now we no longer need it. And we cannot let it fall into the hands of the WRO. Your fate has been decided, Shelke. It is time for you to return to the planet.
[Azul starts to walk towards Shelke; she pulls out her materia and halts Azul; Shalua suddenly grabs her hand]
Shalua: Vincent! Shelke! Let’s get out of here!
[Shalua runs towards door and opens it; Vincent runs in ahead as Shalua tries to pull struggling Shelke with her]
Shalua: Come on.
Shelke: [tugging at her arm] Let go of me!
Shalua: I don't think so. We have ten years to catch up on. I'm not gonna let this end here...
[suddenly the 'blast' doors start to shut; Shalua gasps and Vincent runs towards them]
Vincent: Shalua!
[Shalua barely manages to wedge her robotic arm between doors; Vincent tries to pry the doors open; Shalua’s arm starts to crack; she groans]
Shelke Why are you doing this?
Shalua: ...You can still get through.
Shelke: Huh?
Shalua: Go on.
[pushes Shelke through]
Shalua: Shelke...
[false arm starts to break under the pressure; doors slowly closing as Azul approaches from behind]
Shalua: I'm sorry I let you suffer... for so long. Vincent... take care of her, will you?
[Vincent still trying to pry doors open]
Vincent: Wait!
Shalua: Shelke... I'm glad I was able to find you. And remember, I'll always love you.
[arm finally crushes as the doors close; Vincent pounds his fists once against the door in frustration]
Shelke: Why?...
[a loud bang from the other side of the doors shakes everything; fluid seeps under the doors]
Shelke: Why did she... Why? [looks down] ...Shalua...
[Azul bangs against the doors again; Vincent grabs Shelke's arm and pulls her down corridor]

[Reeve is sitting amongst the wreckage of his headquarters; he looks up as Vincent approaches]
Reeve: I’m so ashamed. I’m supposed to be a hero of the Jenova war. But look at me.
Vincent: Don’t take all the blame. Reeve.
Reeve: Huh?
Vincent: You’re not thinking of giving up, are you?
[Reeve looks down; Vincent crouches down next to him]
Vincent: I used to be nothing but a stone in the river of time. But three years ago, it was you and the others who taught me I had to move ahead.
Reeve: Vincent...

[Vincent enters the room where Yuffie is sitting on a computer desk; they both look at Shalua's lifeless body in a container]
Yuffie: They... they say she won't wake up. She suffered too much trauma to her head. Unless there's some kind of a miracle, she... she's not...
[Yuffie pounds desk]
Yuffie: Vincent! You were there! Why couldn't you save her?
Vincent: [looks down] I'm sorry.
Yuffie: No... I didn't mean to...
[Shelke enters the room and looks at Shalua]
Shelke: She was a fool.
[Yuffie gets up and slaps Shelke across face; Shelke doesn’t move]
Yuffie: You have no right to call her that! You don't know...! You don't know what...!
[Vincent grips Yuffie’s shoulder and pulls her away from Shelke; Yuffie stops]
Shelke: Why...? Why would she do something so...?
[almost about to cry, Yuffie races out room]
Vincent: Before, when I asked Shalua what she was searching for, she answered ‘her reason to live.’ It was you, Shelke... You were her reason to live.
Shelke: So? I don't understand... how someone could give her own life for that of another. Do you understand, Vincent Valentine?
[Vincent turns away]
Vincent: Hm. I can't answer for your sister. But...
Shelke: But?
Vincent: When a person has someone they care about that much, giving their life is sometimes the least they can do. And maybe that's what makes us human.
Shelke: Someone they care about...
Vincent: Although, [turns] It seems like there are a lot of people around me who don't need a reason to risk their lives for that of another.
Shelke: [walking forwards] And are you...
[Shelke stumbles, almost falls to the floor; Vincent catches her and holds her shoulders; her head whips up; she stares up at him; screen goes into flashback]
Lucrecia: —cent?...Vincent? Vincent!
[Past Vincent wakes up under tree with Lucrecia looking down at him]
Lucrecia: [playfully] Fall asleep here, and you might catch a cold.
[Vincent starts up guiltily]
Lucrecia: Why are you so surprised? Is my face that hideous?
Vincent: [flustered] No, I didn’t… I’m sorry.
Lucrecia: And how are you supposed to be my bodyguard if you’re up here sleeping?
Vincent: Uh... the warm breeze... I was only going to rest my eyes for a minute.
Lucrecia: Hmm? Well, I have to admit, the breeze is quiet comfortable. However, I think you’re in my seat.
Vincent: Huh?
[Lucrecia pulls picnic basket from behind her back]
Lucrecia: Care to join me?
[screen goes white; Vincent’s still holding Shelke’s shoulders; she backs away]
Shelke: I’m sorry...
[turns away and walks a few steps and pauses]
Shelke: Why are her data fragments... responding?
[door opens and Reeve walks in]
Reeve: Vincent.
[Vincent looks away from Shelke to Reeve]
Reeve: I agree with you. This is not the time for us to give up. But I need to know something; those data files you recovered from Shinra Manor... are you sure there were not any more?
Vincent: I’m sure.
Reeve: I see.
Vincent: What’s wrong?
Reeve: Well... the Omega Report... the file was incomplete. To make any sense out of it we’ll going to require the other half. If possible I wanted to know more about our foe before we launched the attack on Midgar.
Shelke: [turns slowly] Are you speaking of Dr. Lucrecia Crescent's findings?
Reeve: Yes. But how did you...?
Shelke: A large quantity of her mnemonic data fragments has been uploaded into my neural network. It was my prime directive to use this data to locate and retrieve the Protomateria. However, not only was the data incomplete, but part of her consciousness began interfering with my own thought processes. It was believed that the missing fragments may have been the reason for this. I can attempt to upload the WRO's files on the Omega Report. By combining it with the data I possess, you may obtain a clearer picture of what you will be up against. And perhaps I can regain control of my mind.
[Vincent and Reeve look at each other; Yuffie’s voice comes over loudspeaker]
Yuffie: Vincent, Reeve! You’d better get out here!

[Vincent and Reeve walk outside and join Yuffie; Yuffie starts jumping up and down and waving her arms at sky]
Yuffie: Ciiiiiiid! Hey! Over here!
[Cid lands with a whole fleet of ships with him]
Yuffie: Wow!
[inside ship]
Cid: Hah! What the hell we waitin’ for? It’s time to get up and go! Come on, get on board! Heheh!

[inside Cid’s airship; crew member are running the ship; in main hanger]
Crew Member: Forward visibility approximately 95%.
Crew Member: Communications channels clear!
Crew Member: Radar, functioning normal.
Crew Member: Network terminals online.
[in the engine room]
Crew Member: G 9 friction levels are up to 0.024.
Crew Member: Operating the lower valves!
Crew Member: Main propeller at 80%.
Crew Member: Propeller speed at 0.3%!
[Vincent boards; Cid sees him from helm and steps away from steering wheel]
Cid: Heh-hey, Vincent! Long time!
Crew Member: [yelps] Captain!
Cid: [seizes steering wheel] Whoa, sorry ‘bout that. As much as I’d like to sit down and reminisce ‘bout old times, you’ll have to take a rain check. Why don’t you have a look around my bird until the meeting?

[Vincent’s inside Cid’s airship in the room they placed the container holding Shalua; Shelke’s typing on the computer]
Shelke: After the assault begins the headquarters facilities will no longer be available.” [looks over at Shalua] And to think, just a few days ago I was the one in there. [turns back to computer] No, forget I said anything.
Vincent: What are you working on?
Shelke: I’m in the process of modifying this equipment so I can perform an SND, a Synaptic Net Dive.
Vincent: Synaptic Net Dive?
Shelke: My specialty within the Tsviets. While retaining consciousness, I project an image of myself into a virtual reality called a network. I can also use this ability to negotiate with data on the subconscious plane of sentient life forms. However, this often involves a great risk to my own sanity. For Shinra, the success of the SND project was crucial for their next step in…
[Shelke pauses, and turns to Vincent]
Shelke: I’m sorry. I seemed to have gotten off track. Simply put, I’m creating a personal network terminal within the airship’s main control console [notices Vincent’s looking at the floor] What?
Vincent: Nothing. You just remind me of your sister.

[in the main hanger of Cid’s airship]
Cid: Alright, our old buddies and the remaining WRO squads will lead the ground assault.

[a lone truck is driving through the Wastelands. Barret’s driving; Tifa’s in passenger seat; she picks up radio]
Tifa: I see it!
[the back of the truck opens; Cloud is on his motorbike; he puts his sunglasses on]
Cloud: Time to go, Fenrir.
[he drives out the back of truck and races ahead]
Barret: All right!
Tifa: Yeah!
[panshot shows many more trucks following]

[in main hanger of Cid’s airship; Yuffie’s holding ice pack to her head because of her motion sickness]
Yuffie: ...while we launch our attack from the air.
Cid: Right. So Reeve... you ready?
Reeve: Yes.

[Cait Sith is in the room with Shelke]
Cait Sith: Alright, take it away, Shelke!
[Shelke places a helmet connecting to a machine on her head and lays back]
Shelke: Very well. Data fragment link, successful. Commencing Synaptic Net Dive in three... two... one...
[Shelke jerks and the screen goes black]

[Cid, Reeve, Yuffie and Vincent are all in the main hanger when everything goes black; the globe in the middle of the room starts to glow]
Yuffie: Wow!
[Suddenly it throws the hologram of stars out, so now the group is surrounded by a galaxy]
Cid: What the... are we in...?
Yuffie: What... what...!
[Lucrecia’s voice echoes around them]
Lucrecia: Just as we return to the planet when our lifelight has faded, the planet returns to the cosmos when her time has come.
[galaxies whip past them]
Yuffie: Wow!
Lucrecia: Anything that has definite shape will one day cease to exist. The same is true for this world.
[shows the planet burning]
Lucrecia: Before she takes her final breath, the pure Lifestreams that flow freely beneath her crust will be brought together into one by Omega— the ultimate lifeform.
[shows the Lifestream gathering above the planet]
Lucrecia: His purpose: to gather all life, sentient and non, and lead it into the sea of stars where it will embark on a fabulous journey along a road untraveled.
[the Lifestream zooms away into the galaxy]
Lucrecia: However, when Omega has lifted the life from this planet, all that will remain will be an empty shell destined to die silently in the limitless void of space.
[shows the planet cracking slowly and drifting apart]

[Vincent’s leaning against wall; suddenly in loudspeakers he hears Lucrecia’s voice, which turns into Shelke’s]
Lucrecia: Omega is—
Shelke: –the same type of life form as the Weapons we encountered three years ago. The planet gave birth to these creatures to protect itself just as the planet will ultimately give birth to the final Weapon, Omega, when the end of the world is imminent. In essence, Omega is an elaborate safety mechanism designed solely to maintain and protect the flow of life. Normally, Omega poses no threat to us. It only manifests when the planet has detected something that may cause her danger.
Reeve: However, Deepground is attempting to awaken the beast early. Thus the kidnappings.

Reeve: By slaughtering thousands of innocent souls, they are creating a pure Lifestream in order to trick the planet into thinking the end is near.
Cid: Yah!! Why those conniving...! I don't know what this Weiss character is tryin', but he's crazy if he thinks we're gonna let him get away with it!
Reeve: Right. Omega is being revived deep beneath Midgar, in Mako Reactor 0. To increase the output of Reactor 0, all the other reactors have been tied into its mainframe. Our objective is to destroy 1 through 8 and slow the reanimation process. Mission details for each squad will be relayed separately.
Cid: Alright, we still got some time before the big show. You got anythin’ needs tendin' to, do it.

Cid: [debriefing Vincent] Vince, don't worry about the reactors. We'll take care of them. You work on those four wackos. I don't like lettin’ you have all the fun, but you know I can't leave my baby here alone. Cloud and the others will be shuttin’ down the power, and there's no way we're lettin' Yuffie go down there by herself. Sorry buddy. Looks like from here on out its Vince versus the Tsviets.
[claps Vincent on shoulder]
Cid: We’re counting on ya, old pal.

[Vincent is talking with Reeve]
Vincent: So, no costume today?
Reeve: [laughs] Headquarters was pretty much destroyed by the Deepground forces. But I was able to salvage a few things.
[Cait Sith patters up]
Cait Sith: Number 6, ready for action!
[optional dialogue]
Vincent: [speaking to Cait Sith] Tell me, Reeve.
Cait Sith: [tilts head] Huh?
Vincent: Who’s backing your operation?
Cait Sith: Ohh, that.
[Cait Sith jumps up on seat and sits; Reeve laughs]
Reeve: Actually, I’m not sure. I’ve only met with... a representative. However, the WRO is crucial to this planet’s survival. I’m not concerned with the reasons this person has for helping us as long as he continues writing the checks. Though, I have a feeling it is probably someone who believes he is in debt to the planet.

[Vincent is in room with Shelke, who is still reclining on the chair where she preformed the SND]
Shelke: So... tired. Vincent Valentine?
Vincent: What?
Shelke: This feeling... is this what you meant... by doing something for someone... you care about?
Vincent: Hmh. It seems so.
Shelke: [drowsily] Dr. Crescent’s data has begun defragmenting within my mind. I can see many different images. Images she experienced with you. Interference... Recovery... So... so tired...
[falls asleep]

[Vincent’s walking down corridor when he jerks to a stop in pain]
Vincent: Gah!
[his vision blurs and goes red as he transforms; he flail wildly and claws groove mark into wall; door ahead of him opens; two WRO soldiers are passing by chatting; he starts to approach them as they walk past without noticing him]
1 WRO Soldier: But are you worried about the assault?
2 WRO Soldier: No way! We’ll be ok, we always are, right?
Lucrecia: Vincent!
[Vincent whirls and sees Lucrecia in the passage behind him; he moves towards her and reaches an arm out; he returns to normal as Lucrecia fades; Vincent stares at place where Lucrecia was]
Vincent: What’s happening?
[looks down at his hands]
Vincent: A dream?
[spots the claw marks he made; starts back, shocked, then another bout of pain hits him and he falls on all fours, gasping]
Vincent: Am I loosing... control?
[panshot shows Shelke watching him from behind; she walks away]

Cid: Ok, dogs, it’s time! All hands to battle stations!

[Azul, Rosso and Nero are watching the assault close in]
Azul: A simultaneous attack from land and air. Hmph. I think they may be serious this time.
Rosso: They had better be! I’ve been so bored lately.
Nero: His awakening is near. Let tonight be the final chapter.

[Cid yells over loudspeaker as WRO soldiers and Yuffie get ready]
Cid: Listen up, cause I'm only gonna say this once. If any more of you are killed by those punks, I'll drag you back from Hell and kill you again! You really wanna piss off those S-O-Bs, then why not try staying alive! That's what this war's all about! If you live, everybody behind you lives. If you die, they die! You got that? Now go kick some Deepground-ass!
Yuffie: [along with the other guys in the hanger] Yeah!

[Shelke walks up to Vincent and Reeve]
Shelke: Vincent Valentine.
[Shelke hands Vincent a phone]
Vincent: What’s this?
Shelke: Your phone. I retrieved it in Kalm. I modified it slightly. Just dial # VIN to contact my personal terminal directly. From this workstation, I can perform a Synaptic Net Dive into almost any network system in Midgar. I may also be able to help guide you into Deepground.
[Vincent and Reeve glance at each other; Shelke notices]
Shelke: It’s not what you think. By monitoring your movement, Dr. Crescent’s data fragments are restored within me. [defensively] I’m simply providing a service for my own benefit.
Vincent: I didn’t say anything.
Shelke: [is now flustered] I, uh… anyway, my resources here are limited. Do not expect too much.
Vincent: Hmh. I’m counting on you Shelke.
Shelke: Uh... I... it’s just... I’ve never actually been... counted on by anyone before. [recovers; hurriedly] Uh—uh, never mind.
Reeve: Well then, can I ‘count on’ you to keep an eye on the airship while we’re away, as well?
Shelke: Huh?
Reeve: I have already witnessed your strength and skill once. This is war, and we have to be ready for anything. Your assistance would be of great help.
Shelke: My assistance?
Reeve: Exactly.
WRO Soldier: Commissioner!
Reeve: Ah. Excuse me. Vincent, I will see you again before deployment. And Shelke, remember, I’m counting on you.
[Reeve runs off; Vincent nods at Shelke before leaving also]
Shelke: Fighting for... [shakes head] No. I have no one... no one to fight for. No one at all.
[Shelke walks away]

Cid: This is it! Go!
[ships converge upon Midgar as Deepground horde floods out to meet them; both side fire on each other; shows the hatch on Cid’s airship opening and Vincent, Yuffie and soldiers’ silhouettes]
Loudspeakers: Hatch open. Prepare for drop.
[switches to scene of Shelke jumping on chair and pulling SND helmet down on head; switches back to opened hatch]
Yuffie: See you boys later!
[first group slides out ship and zooms towards ground on flying skateboard-looking things]
Yuffie: Who-hoo!! Going down!
[switches to scene of Shelke in helmet]
Shelke: Advance squad away; secondary squad, prepare for drop.
[switches to scene of trucks zooming towards Midgar; Cloud’s bike is zipping ahead; shows Barret and Tifa in cab of leading truck]
Tifa: Barret!
Barret: Yo!
[launches missiles from truck; Cloud zooms ahead on bike; Rosso suddenly attacks him and they both start to battle; Azul grins at sky and fires missile at an airship, which collides with Cid’s]
Cid: What the—!
[Vincent and second squad team drop out as issuing explosion rocks ship; Vincent glances back at the Shera before zooming downward; switches to Shelke]
Shelke: Transmission with bay 9 lost. Damage to the Shera minimal.
Cid: Damn! They're gonna pay for that!
[issuing scene shows Vincent fighting his way downward; he temporarily loses control of his craft several times before making a rough landing]

[Vincent is walking through sounds of battle when his cell phone rings; he picks up]
Shelke: [sighs] What do you think you’re doing? You have landed several clicks off your target destination. However, considering the location of the enemy, this could work to your advantage. Head for the central complex and locate a means of reaching the top level. You will only be able to enter Deepground from the upper platform. I’ll contact you again. Shelke out.
[Shelke hangs up]

[groups of soldiers sees Vincent]
WRO Soldier: Mr. Valentine! We... we missed our landing point. This looks like the old Sector 7’s slums. The train graveyard.
Vincent: Yes, it does.
WRO Soldier: Sir! I’ve received a radio transmission reporting the remaining air squads have reached the upper level plates and joined the ground forces.
Vincent: Fine.
[Vincent starts walking off]
WRO Soldier: Uh… sir?
[Vincent pauses and halfway turns]
WRO Soldier: Uh… requesting permission to accompany you until we reach the complex.
Vincent: Do as you wish.
WRO Soldier: Sir! Thank you, sir!
[soldiers run after Vincent]

[Vincent bumps into soldier cowering behind crate]
WRO Soldier: Ah, eh, I… I was j-just taking a breather!
[Vincent eyes him before walking off; soldier leaps up]
WRO Soldier: Sir, let me join you!
[Vincent pauses and looks back at him]
Vincent: Just don’t get in my way.

WRO Soldier: [to Vincent] You know, I was born in Midgar. My brother and I used to play here all the time. My mom didn’t approve, though. After she died, my brother joined a Shinra resistance group, but was killed when the plate fell. I can’t believe this place is still here.
[soldier runs up]
2 WRO Soldier: Lieutenant! Soldiers!

[WRO soldiers spot their commander and run towards him]
WRO Soldiers: Commander!
WRO Commander: Vincent Valentine, thank you for your assistance! [salutes]
WRO Commander: To reach the central complex, you must proceed through this maze of decommissioned train cars. However, I have received reports that beyond the graveyard are some of the enemy’s most powerful defenses.
Vincent: Alright. I’ll see what I can do.
[starts walking off]
WRO Commander: Wait! I can’t let you go without backup—
Vincent: No. You heard what Cid said. Your job is to live. If you come with me, chances are you’ll all die.
WRO Commander: ...Understood. I’ll remain here until the current situation has improved. [salutes] Good luck, sir.
WRO Soldiers: Sir!

[soldier sitting on ground whips gun up until he sees it’s Vincent]
WRO Soldier: Vincent Valentine.
[camera fades out, then fades back in]
Vincent: There’s no way out of here?
WRO Soldier: None. I looked all over but found nothing. It looks like we’re both stuck in here.
[Vincent pulls phone out and dials]
Vincent: Shelke.
Shelke: Vincent Valentine.
[camera fades out, then fades back in]
Shelke: The only way out of the graveyard is through a nearby underground passage.
Vincent: Where?
Shelke: I’m uploading the location now.
[camera fades out, then fades back in]
Shelke: Also, up ahead, Deepground has established a heavy line of defense. You probably won’t even break a sweat- but I thought I would let you know.
[Shelke hangs up]

[Vincent’s phone rings; he picks up]
Shelke: Vincent Valentine. You’ve reached the central complex. Proceed up to reach the plate surface.
[Shelke gasps]
Vincent: What’s wrong?
Shelke: The approaching Deepground squa- No, it's nothing. I'll contact you agai—
[Deepground troops with jetpacks fly in]
Shelke: Ariel troopers. Good luck, Vincent.

Rosso: Ahh. Still alive, I see. And you call yourself human.
Vincent: More human than you.
Rosso: More human than I? [throws head back and laughs] Tell me something I don't already know, darling. I'm a Tsviet! I traded in my human weaknesses for power long ago. It is the path I've chosen. And the path I'll tread. Until I've sucked all life from this pitiful world! And I'm not going to let you get in the way. You've lived long enough, Vincent Valentine. And I'll make sure you don't come back this time... by slicing you into pieces!
Rosso: Do you know why they call me the Crimson, darling? Let me show you!

[after Vincent defeats Rosso; she’s lying on the floor, gasping in pain; she starts to rise, seeing Vincent through red blurred eyes]
Rosso: Someone…. stronger… than… than…! A… ah… absurd! [shouts] Absurd!... Our time here together is done. But the mighty Azul waits.
[turns and runs towards edge of platform; turns]
Rosso: I will not grant you the pleasure of killing Rosso the Crimson! No one will ever stand above me!
[throws a beam of light that cuts stone holding edge to platform]
Rosso: No one!
[cuts it twice more as she shouts]
Rosso: No one! No one!
[edge starts to fall away from platform; Rosso throws her head back and laughs as she falls out of sight]

[Vincent’s phone rings; he answers]
Shelke: Vincent Valentine.
Shelke: The ground squads have not been able to penetrate the Deepground defenses. The Mako Reactors are still operating at full capacity.
Vincent: So it seems.
Shelke: What’s your location?
Vincent: Shinra Building. Or what remains of it.
[shows the building on fire in several places]
Shelke: The same as it was three years ago, though after Meteor fall, there wasn’t much left of Midgar at all. With the exception of Deepground. The passage to Deepground should be located within Shinra Building. Search for the president’s personal entrance.
Vincent: Alright.
[Vincent gasps as a bout of pain hits him; his vision wavers and the screen goes black; noises like a snarling beast sound; shows Vincent on his knees; Shelke’s voice comes from phone on ground]
Shelke: Is something wrong?
[a Deepground creature tries to attack him from behind; Vincent kills it with one blow without turning and slowly stands; he suddenly roars at sky as his eyes glow]
Shelke: Vincent!
[screen goes black, then shows Vincent breathing hard and staring wildly at hands, starting to panic]
Vincent: What’s going on!? Why is Chaos...? Why... why now?
Shelke: [sighs] You really don’t know, do you. The Protomateria helped you control Chaos. Now that you’ve lost it your mental state has become extremely unstable.
Vincent: Protomateria? Control Chaos?
Shelke: Yes. If you recall, you had it extracted from your chest by Rosso.
[Vincent looks down at his chest; Shelke is silent for a moment, then starts to speak, but with Lucrecia’s voice]
Shelke: Chaos. While a part of you, the entity exists independently from the rest of your body.
Vincent: Shelke?
Shelke: Chaos. The harbring of anarchy.
[Vincent whirls to see a transparent Lucrecia behind him]
Vincent: Lucrecia!
[Lucrecia slowly starts to approach him, her and Shelke’s voices speaking together]
Shelke and Lucrecia: Born before the planet dies, he shall gather together all life [goes to Lucrecia’s voice only] for Omega's journey to the sea of stars. [goes to Shelke’s voice only] That is Chaos. [goes to Lucrecia’s voice] And he slumbers [both voices] inside you.
Lucrecia: [both voices melding] I’m so sorry. You must fight him! I don’t want you to die!
[Lucrecia vanishes]
Vincent: Lucrecia!
[switches back to Shelke]
Shelke: You must fight him! I don’t want you to die!
[her helmet starts to sputter and sizzle; she sits up; alarms go off in the Shera; she gets up]

Cid: Hey, engine room! What the hell’s going on down there!? Engine room! Damn it.
Shelke: [walks in] What is wrong?
Cid: Don’t have a damn clue. All of a sudden engine levels began droppin’ like crazy! We haven’t taken any direct hits so everything should be workin’ like clockwork!
Shelke: I will go have a look.
Cid: Thanks! I’m countin’ on ya.
[Shelke is silent for a moment, and then she runs off]

[Shelke runs down to engine room and stops as she sees it on fire without anyone there]
Shelke: It can’t be...
Nero: [from behind her] Fancy meeting you here, Shelke.
Shelke: [turns] You.
Nero: Quite unexpected.
Shelke: Why did you come here, Nero?
Nero: Why..? I was— short a few souls and came to collect.
Shelke: What did you do with the crew?
Nero: [chuckles] Need you ask? Look around; my mission is complete.
Shelke: Oh.
[looks over and sees a Cait Sith lying on the ground; pulls out her weapons]
Nero: And what do we think we are doing?
Shelke: I... I don't really know. However, since coming here I have realized one thing. I don't want to let down anyone who's counting on me.
Nero: [long pause] Pure nonsense.
Shelke: Nonsense? Perhaps.
[Shelke powers her blades up and attacks; the two battle]

[Vincent tries calling Shelke but can't reach her; almost instantly after he hangs up his phone rings; he answers; battle sounds come through]
Tifa: Hey, I got through!
Vincent: Tifa?
[Barret bellows loud enough for Vincent to hold phone away from ear]
Barret: What? You got through? Yo-ho-ho! Vincent! You still alive?
Tifa: Of course he is, we're talking to him, aren't we? And do you really have to shout right next to my ear?
[Barret laughs; Vincent flinches from phone again]
Barret: Sorry 'bout that, Tifa.
Tifa: I apologize, Vincent. Here's Cloud.
Cloud: Vincent?
Vincent: Cloud. It's been a while.
[camera fades out, then fades back in]
Vincent: Cid's airship?
Cloud: We lost contact about 15 minutes ago. I don't think we have to worry, though.
[sword clanging in the background]
Cloud Strife: Those two should be fine.
[more sword clanging]
Vincent: Yeah. And what about you?
Cloud: [half laughs] What do you think?
Tifa: Right! You can count on us!
Barret: [once again loud enough for Vincent to hold phone away from ear] When I'm through, there won't be a single sucka standing!
Vincent: [gives a small laugh] Right.
Cloud: And as for you—?
Vincent: Don’t worry. Leave Deepground to me.
Cloud: Can you hold on a second? Tifa.
Tifa: Got it! Vincent, I’m sending you a map of the Shinra Building. Deepground is below the complex. Take an elevator as far down as you can. Good lu—
Barret: [shouting] Give 'em hell, Vincent!
Tifa: Barret, I thought I told you to...!
Cloud: Don’t go getting yourself killed, now.
[they hang up; Vincent closes phone and walks to elevator]

[Vincent walks into room where Azul is waiting for him]
Azul: So... Rosso didn’t survive.
[the air around Vincent flares]
Azul: Ohh. Something inside you wants out. Its stench is so very familiar. [laughs] Come, Vincent! Show me your rage! Now... let the killing begin!

Azul: [laughs] This is how a battle should be. Don’t you think so?
[pain hits Vincent; he grunts and holds shoulder]
Azul: Now... feel my true strength. Feel the wrath of Azul the Cerulean!!
[turns into beast]

[Vincent is walking away from Azul thinking he killed him; suddenly Azul flashes up and charges Vincent, still in beast form; he swings at Vincent, smashing him into wall]
Azul: [roars] Stand. Stand! This isn’t over yet.
[Vincent struggles to his feet, then disappears; he reappears beneath Azul and slams his fist into him; Azul erupts into light and returns to his form; Vincent is now in Chaos form]
Azul: Chaos.
[Vincent/Chaos seizes Azul’s gun and throws it at him, impaling him]
Azul: It looks... like you were... more beast... than I. Very well. I’ll see you again, Vincent, in hell.
[Vincent/Chaos shoots a beam that throws Azul of edge]
Azul: [as he’s falling] Hail… Weiss! [laughs maniacally]
[Vincent/Chaos roars and fumes around; Nero is watching from above out of sight]
Nero: So that is Chaos. Intriguing. Soul wrote of terra corrupt. Perhaps I should simply let him live out his destiny of destruction.
[Nero disappears but drops a cell phone on the ground; Vincent/Chaos turns and looks at it]
Lucrecia’s voice: I’m so sorry.

[flashback; Lucrecia is looking at Past Vincent in a life support tank]
Lucrecia: Vincent. Just a little longer. Then I can let you out.
[Lucrecia turns but collapses on the ground]
Lucrecia: What’s… wrong with me lately… Maybe I’ve been working too hard.
Hojo: [is suddenly in room] Hah! I thought I heard a rat down here. And just what do you think you’re doing with my failed experiment?
Lucrecia: [stands and shouts] Get out of my lab!
Hojo: Silence! I’m the one giving orders here!
[notices something on Lucrecia’s computer; starts walking towards it, but Lucrecia stands in the way]
Hojo: Ahh. Ah ha ha ha ha, Omega? And... Chaos?
[looks back at Vincent and starts laughing]
Hojo: I see. Another experiment!
[Lucrecia gasps, shocked]
Hojo: You’re using this fine specimen to finish your thesis, aren’t you, doctor?
Lucrecia: [horrified] No! You’re wrong!
Hojo: Am I? Once a scientist, always a scientist, I must say. How happy this fellow must be, helping his beloved! Even after he’s begun rotting away!
[Hojo leaves, laughing uproariously; Lucrecia hides her face in her hands, crying]
Lucrecia: No! This is no experiment! It’s—it’s…

[Vincent is lying on his back on the floor]
Vincent: Chaos. Lucrecia used me to... Lucrecia... So... this pain is...
[notices phone and starts to rise; he picks phone up]
Vincent: Shelke.
[elevator comes to a halt; Vincent starts walking towards doors]
Vincent: Deepground. Shinra’s dark secret. Three years of hell below. Now... a world of hell above. The path to darkness opens once more.

[Vincent is walking when suddenly darkness wells up behind him; Vincent turns and notices it]
Vincent: Huh?
[makes a dash for it but the darkness engulfs him; he struggles but is overwhelmed; a light suddenly shines through, along with a voice]
Lucrecia: No. Don't let Chaos control you. You cannot be contained by this darkness because a part of you was born in it. Find yourself. Regain control.
[Vincent stands and manages to get out of darkness]

[Shelke is huddled under her shield, trapped in the darkness]
Shelke: [to herself about Vincent] As old as he is and still acting like a helpless child. I can see why Lucrecia had such a difficult time.
[her shield starts to crack]
Shelke: I don’t know why I’m doing this. I will die when my magic runs out anyway.
Lucrecia’s voice: Is this...?
[Shelke looks up; scene changes to Lucrecia in crystal cave with Grimoire Valentine]
Lucrecia: Is this the place you spoke of?
Grimoire Valentine: Yes. Deep within this grotto is where Chaos is destined to awake.
[Lucrecia runs forward with an excited laugh]
Grimoire Valentine: [laughs] W-wait!
Lucrecia: Come on, Dr. Valentine!
Grimoire Valentine: [laughs again] The fountain isn’t going anywhere.
[switches to scene of them both in Lucrecia’s lab; Lucrecia is feverishly typing on computer]
Grimoire Valentine: Don’t you think you’re taking things a little too quickly?
Lucrecia: And why not? All those people at Shinra who laughed at my thesis— I have to prove them wrong!
Grimoire Valentine: Rushing into matters will get you nowhere, doctor. [watches Lucrecia typing at computer] Heh.
[turns to survey a dark mass in one of the life support containers; Lucrecia rises and both look at it when suddenly the container cracks; Grimoire shoves Lucrecia to the side as the dark stuff falls on him; Lucrecia rises and runs to him]
Lucrecia: Are you all right, Dr. Valentine!?
[Lucrecia stares in horror at the dark stuff on Grimoire’s arm]
Grimoire Valentine: I'll... I'll be fine... I'll be…
[in front of Shelke, Lucrecia and Grimoire appear as transparent images; Grimoire is on ground with Lucrecia holding his shoulders; he starts to fade]
Lucrecia: Dr. Valentine!
Grimoire Valentine: Tell my son... that I’m... sorry.
[Lucrecia shakes head frantically]
Lucrecia: Dr. Valentine! Dr. Valentine!
Grimoire Valentine: My time has come... to return... to the Lifestream.
[Grimoire disappears as Lucrecia lurches forward]
Lucrecia: [screams] NO! No...! Come back! Why did you have to fade away? Why did you...
[Lucrecia starts to sob as Shelke watches]
Shelke: It’s all right. He simply returned to the planet.
[switches to scene of Young Shelke crying in front of grave]
Young Shalua: Stop crying, Shelke.
Young Shelke: But… but…
Young Shalua: It’s alright. Mom just returned to the planet. We’ll see her again.
[Young Shelke tearfully turns to see younger Shalua]
Young Shelke: We—we will?
Shelke: Is this…?
Young Shalua: Of course we will.
Shelke: No... Shalua?
Young Shalua: Mom said, ‘everything in this world flows around in a circle’. That means she’ll come back someday. Mom wouldn’t lie to us, right?
Young Shelke: Right.
Young Shalua: Right!
[switches back to Shelke]
Shelke: Shalua...
[sees an image of Shalua next to her and gasps]
Shalua: Shelke. Is it alright for me to return to the planet?
Shelke: No.
Shalua: Hmm?
Shelke: Not... yet. There’s... still so much I...
[Shalua places a hand on Shelke head]
Shalua: Don’t worry. We’ll see each other again.
[Shelke is back under her shield; she looks slowly up]
Shelke: A dream? No... data. Data interference.
[tears slide down her cheeks; Shelke starts, stunned, and touches cheek; she stares at hand]
Shelke: I didn’t think... I had any... tears left.

[voice comes from beside Vincent]
Nero: A pleasure to finally meet you, Vincent.
Vincent: [turns] Nero.
Nero: At first I though you nothing more than a nuisance. However, it seems I can no longer let you run about unchained. I must protect my beloved brother.
Vincent: Your brother.
Nero: Dear Weiss. Powerful Weiss. The only person who ever loved me, and the only person I will ever love. However… [long pause] “Ah, but that is all forgotten. In a matter of moments, everything will change—
Vincent: What did you do with Shelke?
Nero: Shelke...? Ah yes, what did I do with her? I do recall running into the lass when I journeyed to the airship. A feisty one, she is. The girl is inside me, lost like a little puppy.
[Vincent pulls out gun]
Nero: Ah, so you wish to dance.

[after Vincent defeats Nero; he rises from ground]
Nero: Impressive. Perhaps Azul and Rosso never stood a chance against the mighty Valentine. But enough. I have other matters to attend to.
[darkness envelops Vincent; he looks up and around]

[more cracks start showing up on Shelke’s shield]
Shelke: So this is the end.
[Vincent stops next to her shield; Shelke looks up at him and gasps; Vincent holds her phone out]
Vincent: I think you dropped this. Unless you find something appealing about this place, I suggest we leave. Let’s go.

[Nero starts to turn away from the darkness he made when Vincent and Shelke step out of it; he turns and stares at them]
Nero: I see. Soul wrote of terra corrupt. My darkness would have no control over you, would it. So I must try a different dance. How about—
[darkness surges outward behind him; suddenly a weapon whirls out and lands next to him; Yuffie is above them disguised in her robe; strikes heroic pose]
Yuffie: Even in a world where fear and despair reign over the heavens, you must never forget where there is shadow, there is always light! That’s right! Bask in my rays, evildoers. Feel the radiance of Wutai Super Ninja, Yuffie Kisaragi! Back and ready for action!
Nero: ...My brother calls.
[turns and walks into his darkness; Vincent puts his gun back in holster; he crouches down next to Shelke, who is lying on ground]
Vincent: Are you alright?
Shelke: [stirs] I... I don’t know. Maybe... maybe I was dreaming.
Yuffie: Hey!! [jumps up and down, waving arms] I’m over here, guys!
[Yuffie suddenly losses balance; she tumbles down and lands in an undignified heap next to them; Vincent heaves a sigh]

[Shelke is in Mako tank with Vincent and Yuffie standing outside]
Vincent: Will you be alright?
Shelke: Yes.
[Vincent switches the tank on; it fills with Mako]
Shelke: Thank you.
Yuffie: Okay! Now, let me see if I got this. You keep going, find Nero and Weiss, and smack them into next Tuesday. And while you’re cleaning house, I sneak into the Reactor and shut her down! Ha-ha! [spins] Sounds like a plan! So, see ya around, Vince!
[Yuffie runs off; Vincent starts to walk off but stops when Shelke murmurs]
Shelke: Vincent Valentine.
[Vincent pauses and looks at container]

[flashback: Past Vincent walks into Lucrecia’s lab]
Past Vincent: Lucrecia? Hello? Anybody here?
[looks around and notices Grimoire Valentine’s profile up on Lucrecia’s computer; Vincent walks up to it in shock]
Vincent: Father?
[Lucrecia walks in]
Lucrecia: Who’s—
[sees Vincent in front of computer]
Vincent: Lucrecia, this file...
Lucrecia: It’s... it’s none of your business.
Vincent: But it is! Why didn’t you tell me you worked with my father!?
Lucrecia: [turns away] Stop it!! Just stop it!
Vincent: Lucrecia...
[the background fades away; Vincent’s holding Lucrecia’s hands]
Lucrecia: I... it was all my fault. I didn’t mean for your father to die. I couldn't...! I’m so sorry!
[she breaks away and runs, crying]
Vincent: [narrating] But I never blamed her. All I wanted was to see her smiling face. But after that day, the light left her heart.
[separately, Lucrecia is facing Hojo; he holds his arms out]
Hojo: So, you’ve come to your senses and chosen me.
Lucrecia: Yes, doctor.
[Lucrecia embraces him]
Vincent: [narrating] However, if she’s happy, then I don’t mind.

[Shelke looks up from inside Mako tank]
Shelke: Another…dream?
[sees Vincent outside tank]
Shelke: Vincent Valentine.”
Vincent: Hmm?
Shelke: Why? Why are you fighting this battle?”
Vincent: To destroy Deepground and stop Omega’s return. It’s time that an end is put to this madness. Or at least, that is what I tell myself. Though... I’m not completely sure that’s the reason.
Shelke: Not sure. Neither am I. But, Vincent... I don't want to see the world end. I just... I just don't want there to be any more pain.

[Vincent walks into room]
Vincent: Yuffie.
[Yuffie leaps out corner and lands next to him]
Yuffie: You don’t look too roughed up.
Vincent: Neither do you.
Yuffie: In there, huh?
Vincent: Yeah. C’mon.
[they both walk into room; they see Weiss and start back]
Vincent: This is Weiss?
Yuffie: It's— h-he's— it's dead?
Nero: [from behind them] But not for long.
Yuffie: Not for long?
Nero: A new life breaths inside him. Just as one does in you, Valentine.
Yuffie: [looks at both of them] Huh?
Vincent: Ohh. That’s what you’re doing.
Yuffie: What’s he doing? What’s he doing? What’s going on?! I don’t get it!
Nero: Soon, my dear brother will awaken. It seems like an eternity since I was granted the knowledge of rebirth.
Vincent: Granted?
Yuffie: By who?
[ground starts shaking; light starts growing brighter around Weiss]
Vincent: What?!
Yuffie: Omega?
[both point weapons at Weiss]
Nero: Stay away from my brother!!
[shoots darkness at both of them; Yuffie is floating in blackness; she starts screaming as she clutches her head; dark things start heading towards her and envelope her]
Yuffie: No! No!!
[a sudden light destroys the darkness; Vincent floats in and carries her out; he sets her on the ground to the side]
Vincent: You alright?
Yuffie: What the heck was that?
Nero: Oblivion perhaps. My darkness— it can absorb as well as extract almost anything. However, some things remain— things as black as the heart of a daemon. Ahh, the essence of death. Its ululations are like a lullaby.
Yuffie: How can you...
[Vincent turns around to face Nero]
Vincent: Yuffie, stay here.
Nero: Ah yes, you were invulnerable to the darkness.
[Nero stretches out his arms and transports them both into darkness]
Nero: No one will take my brother away from me again!

[after fight; Nero clutches himself, gasping]
Nero: Weiss…

[light from room with Weiss in it shines out; Vincent runs into room to see Weiss standing]
Nero: Weiss… my beloved brother. It is time.
[Weiss starts laughing maniacally]
Nero: [walks towards him] Together… at last. I won’t leave you again. Never. Weiss…
[Weiss stabs Nero through with his hand]
Nero: Weiss…?!
Weiss: I’m finished with you.
[throws Nero halfway across room to land by Vincent; Weiss laughs and leaps across room; Vincent shoots at him but Weiss block all bullets]
Weiss: Your weapons are useless!
[lands in front of Vincent]
Weiss: My body is one with Omega, just as yours is with Chaos. The difference being Chaos is nothing more than a pawn, whereas Omega is the ultimate weapon that will lead this planet’s soul to the stars. There is nothing that can destroy me. [laughs] Nothing. Vincent Valentine. And so we meet again.
Vincent: What?
Weiss: Still in the dark? Three years ago, while I was still running about looking for Sephiroth, I took it upon myself to distribute my data— my mind, my knowledge, my inner being, across the worldwide network. And even though my body had died, and the world had been left in ruin, I survived in a virtual reality. When the network was restored, the scattered data regrouped and I was reborn. A neo-Reunion, you could say.
Vincent: You... You!
[Weiss laughs; his voice begins to morph to Hojo’s]
Weiss: That's right, boy. It's me. Hojo!
[a hologram of Hojo appears next to Weiss]
Weiss/Hojo: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Let us do this right. Let us do this right. Hello, Vincent, how long has it been? Three years? You know, when I first read it, I thought that woman's thesis was utter nonsense. I couldn’t believe some fabled beast from legend past had anything to do with your survival. However, three years ago, when you transformed into Chaos right before my eyes, I must say I was shocked. Who would have thought her theory was actually valid? And so I began thinking. If Chaos exists, then so too must Omega. And if you could become one, then maybe I could become the other to traverse the cosmos in a blaze of glory! It was the chance of a lifetime! But there was a problem. Only a strong shell could hold back Omega’s might. And it could not be just anyone. You see, boy, the reason you were able to play such a perfect host to Chaos was because my experiments had endowed you with a nearly indestructible body. Thanks to me, you’re standing here today. [laughs] Now... where was I? Ah yes. I attempted to perfect my body for Omega by injecting myself with Jenova cells. However... that didn’t go as I had planned. [pauses] I failed to consider the fact that the cells might try to take over my mind and eat away at my soul. And so, as a safety measure, I came up with a brilliant plan; to transmit my neural data across the world wide network! However, after completing this, I realized I still required a durable body. That’s when I remembered Deepground, home to the most powerful beings on this planet! Ha-ha! I even found a willing assistant in the lad Nero here to help carry out my so-called rebirth.”
[shows Nero lying dead on the ground]
Weiss/Hojo: Though never did he expect I would take control of his beloved brother’s mind! [laughs] And thus with a new body, I began my final experiment. If the Chaos within you was born of a tainted Lifestream, then the almighty Omega would be born of a pure one. So I had my minions gather up the uncontaminated to create a stream of refined Mako, thus awakening Omega inside me! Genius, I tell you! Ha-ha! Pure genius! Pure genius! Only a scientist of my caliber is worthy to become one with Omega and lead this planet for the stars!
Vincent: Hojo. I’ve heard enough.”
[pulls gun out and fires at Hojo; instantly Weiss bats away all bullets; the two start to fight; Weiss knocks Vincent to the ground]
Weiss/Hojo: You’re getting old, Vincent Valentine. [laughs] You just can’t leave me alone, can you? Now sit right there. I want you to see this.
[looks back at room]
Weiss/Hojo: And once I have absorbed the Lifestream...
[lifts hand; light starts to gather around it; Vincent gets to his feet, causing Weiss/Hojo to turn]
Vincent: This isn’t over.
Weiss/Hojo: [laughs] So eager to die, are we? Very well. [pulls weapons out] I wanted to test out this body before I began my journey, anyway!

[Vincent is lying on ground]
Weiss/Hojo: That wasn’t much of a test.
[Vincent stands slowly, starting to glow]
Weiss/Hojo: Hmph. Chaos.
[Vincent rushes Weiss/Hojo, only to be knocked back]
Weiss/Hojo: You already tried that, Vincent.
[scene switches to Shelke in Mako tank; she looks up]
Shelke: Vincent!
[switches back to Vincent lying on floor; he gets up, glowing as Chaos tries to control him; a transparent Lucrecia suddenly appears next to him and speaks with Shelke and Lucrecia’s voice]
Lucrecia/Shelke: Vincent! You cannot defeat this enemy by simply trying to overpower him! Take control! Don’t let Chaos rule you! You must rule Chaos! You can do it!
Weiss/Hojo: Hah! Enough of this charade!
Lucrecia/Shelke: Please! Vincent!
[Lucrecia disappears]
Weiss/Hojo: Aha. It looks like our Dr. Crescent has a friend! Hah! But she won’t help you now, Vincent Valentine!
[Weiss/Nero sends a bolt of light winging towards Vincent; unexpectedly, he blocks it with his hand; Weiss/Nero starts]
Weiss/Hojo: Wha?! Why you! Utilizing the Protomateria to draw forth Chaos while maintaining your human form? Interesting. Let's see what you are capable of.
[Weiss/Nero shoots rocks at Vincent, who dodges them with inhuman speed; he attacks, but Vincent avoids his weapons]
Weiss/Hojo: But even with the power of Chaos, you won't be able to stop me— stop Omega!”
Vincent: Hojo.
Weiss/Hojo: Huh?
Vincent: I said I've heard enough.
Weiss/Hojo: What!?
Vincent: It's time to end this. Right here, right now.
Weiss/Hojo: You—you insignificant fool!
[they battle]

[Vincent throws Weiss/Hojo against wall; hologram of Hojo floats above Weiss]
Hojo: Wha? Why is Omega’s power fading? Why?
Nero: Weiss…
Hojo: What’s going on?
[darkness erupts by Weiss’s feet; A dark Nero emerges]
Nero: Weiss…
Hojo: Impossible!
[the scene where Weiss/Hojo supposedly kills Nero is replayed]
Hojo: Get—get out of me! Omega's host must be pure! Why do you think I had you create Mako untainted by Jenova!? If a filthy being like you infected it…!
Nero: Silence.
Hojo: Wha!
Nero: Silence! I’m speaking with my brother.
Hojo: You’re what...?
Nero: Dear Weiss...
Weiss: [stirs] Nero.
Hojo: No!
Nero: Brother.
[Nero kneels next to Weiss]
Nero: Let us become one. Let us come together, so that none may ever tear us apart.
[Nero embraces Weiss]
Weiss: Yes. Let us... Let us go join him.
Nero: Weiss...
Weiss: Nero...
[Nero fades away; Weiss stands and starts walking towards pool of Mako in center of room]
Hojo: No! Stop it! You can't! This is my body now! No! No!
[wails as Weiss disappears]

Yuffie: Vincent!
[runs into room]
Yuffie: We did it!
[pool of Mako in center of room starts to flow outward; Vincent shoves Yuffie out the way as Mako streams converge upon him]
Yuffie: Vincent!
[leaps away as the streams continue to flow out; Omega erupts out of the Reactors; Vincent escapes out of it but is now in Chaos form]

Shelke: [to herself] Omega has awoken. And Chaos has been drawn out of the shadows to serve as a counterbalance. Or so it would seem. Hmm. However...
[walks away from Mako tank; sits down in seat as large helmet-like structure stops over her head]
Shelke: In theory, the souls that exist inside Omega should act as a type of virtual network. It wouldn’t be impossible, but maybe I could... [sighs] Vincent, be grateful that I not only uploaded Lucrecia’s thoughts... but her wishes and dreams as well.
[sits back]
Shelke: Uplink successful. Now commencing SND.

[an image of Shelke soars above Midgar before plunging into Omega; black tendrils start to wind around her, halting her progress; Shelke reaches forward]
Shelke: Just a... little... more...
[a sudden light starts to melt away the tendrils; Lucrecia’s hands are holding the Protomateria; Shelke reaches for it]
Lucrecia: Here.
[Shelke bursts out of Omega and races towards the sky; black tendrils erupt from Omega and race after her, trying to grip her; she breaks free, but more flow up; she finally reaches Vincent/Chaos; Shelke’s hand places the Protomateria into his chest, but when Vincent/Chaos looks down he sees Lucrecia]
Shelke (as Lucrecia): Take this... Vincent.
[tendrils wrap around Lucrecia/Shelke and drag her back down into Omega; Vincent roars; now back under his own control]

[flashback; Past Vincent is in life support container in Lucrecia’s lab; Lucrecia look up at him]
Lucrecia: No... It’s still not enough. I have to hurry, or the tissue will continue to decay.
[she falls to her knees; screen goes black; then her lab comes back]
Hojo: I see. Another experiment!
[Lucrecia gasps, shocked]
Hojo: You’re using this fine specimen to—”
Lucrecia: [horrified, shouts] No! You’re wrong! You’re wrong! You’re wrong! I…
[Lucrecia stops]
Lucrecia: Experiment?
[screen goes black; dialogue starts to flash across it]
Lucrecia: I found it... With him... That’s why... I couldn’t save him... Proof...? Never again…
[shows Lucrecia walking into room after Hojo shot Vincent; Hojo is laughing; Lucrecia sees Vincent on floor and gasps]
Lucrecia: Hojo... What have you...!
Vincent: Lu...cre...cia...
[screen goes black; dialogue starts to flash across it]
Lucrecia: You had... you had his eyes. I didn’t... I didn’t want to remember/I didn’t want to face the truth. I pushed you away, but... Now I realize.../I never wanted to lose you.
[back in Lucrecia’s lab; she’s still on her knees; she presses a hand to her forehead]
Lucrecia: Not… not again. Not today. [stands] Vincent... did you know that your eyes... are exactly like your father’s?
[screen goes black; dialogue starts to flash across it]
Lucrecia: I’ve done it. Born of the Lifestream. Bringing it all together. Stopping the imminent decay of tissue. But instead...
[shows a glimpse of Vincent/Chaos’s contorting face]
Lucrecia: Born was.../the Chaos that took him... Away from me.
[shows Lucrecia staring up in horror at Vincent thrashing around in Chaos form inside life support tank]
Lucrecia: Stop! STOP!!
[Protomateria suddenly appears on floor; in tank, Vincent/Chaos stops contorting; screen goes black; dialogue starts to flash across it]
Lucrecia: This... The materia... I found.../We found together.
[shows Lucrecia agitatedly typing at computer; it cannot perform what she’s trying to do and she hits it in despair]
Lucrecia: No!
[turns to look at Vincent and falls to her knees]
Lucrecia: What am I doing...
[shows room from inside life support tank; Lucrecia has Hojo by the shoulders, shaking him]
Lucrecia: Give him back!! Give my son back!!
Hojo: And how does your experiment proceed?
[Lucrecia runs away almost hysterical]
Lucrecia: I don’t know! I don’t know and I don’t care!!
[screen goes black with dialogue flashing across it]
Lucrecia: Let me see him! Just once! ...I’m so sorry. I can’t...
[Lucrecia is sitting on floor]
Lucrecia: I’m sorry. I can’t... take it anymore. My body... my mind...
[screen goes black with dialogue flashing across it]
Lucrecia: Before I go... Jenova’s cells... Vincent... Stored as data... Must leave... Thought... I loved... Record... Memory copy... For him... It was wrong... Wait... Disperse... ...So sorry... Apply... ...But I... For... Fragment... Survive... Hope... who...?
[scene changes to Nero and Shelke]
Shelke: Who is she?
Nero: Dr. Lucrecia Crescent.
Shelke: So I am to collect the data files— the fragments she left within the network?
Nero: Correct. Then you are to use that data to find the Protomateria. That is where he requires your assistance.
Shelke: He...?
[Shelke sighs; screen goes black as dialogue goes across it]
Shelke: That information is unnecessary. Connect with her, Vincent. Connect with her heart.
[shows an unmoving Vincent sitting in the crystal cave; image of Lucrecia lands in front of him]
Lucrecia: Hello Vincent. [looks around] Huh, something’s wrong... [starts to walk around Vincent] You see, this is me, but only in a sense. It is merely a reflection, created with my remaining data. [laughs quietly] The real me crumbled away long ago. Vincent. Do you remember our place? Under that tree?
[background changes to their picnic spot]
Lucrecia: The warm breeze on our skin... I know that it no longer exists. Things fade with time, as do many things in this world. But, there are some things that we cannot let disappear. Hmm? [turns to gaze at the motionless Vincent] I finally... I finally realized my true feelings. Even if you may never understand them. Not that I mind, though. [laughs] But… this isn’t how it was supposed to be. I've... I've made too many mistakes. And I’ve hurt you so, so much. Why did I do what I did? I’m so sorry.
[screen goes black]
Lucrecia: But I'm so happy... you survived.
[Vincent is now standing; Lucrecia is gone]
Vincent: [screams] Lucrecia!!!
[scene changes back to Vincent flying over Midgar]

[Vincent lands and places Shelke down; she looks up at him]
Shelke: You’re late.
Vincent: Sorry about that.
Shelke: Huh.
[a faint image of Lucrecia floats around Shelke for a moment]
Shelke: Not that I mind though.
Vincent: She— she was always like that. Heh. Only believing what she wanted to.
Shelke: So Vincent, why don’t you try telling her that yourself?
Vincent: Maybe I will.
[large gun appears in Vincent’s hand]
Vincent: But before that, I have a story to end.
[flies off]

[Omega tries to hold Vincent in place with plasma-like light; Cloud flies through the air and slices through it; he lands and pulls out phone]
Cloud: Sorry about the wait.
[switches to scene of Tifa; she pulls out phone]
Tifa: Everything’s clear over here!
[switches to Barret, who starts firing machine gun into air]
Barret: AHHHHHHH!!!!! They’re all yours now, Vincent!
[switches to Cid, who is lighting a cigarette]
Cid: All in a day’s work.
[switches to Reeve, Shelke, Yuffie and WRO members]
Reeve: Fire.
[part of Reactor explodes; Yuffie and WRO members start cheering]
Yuffie: Alright! [spins] Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
Reeve: And just in time.
Shelke: [to herself] Huh. When did I start caring so much about what happens? [looks up into air] The rest is up to you.
[shows Vincent hovering over Midgar; shows a shot of everyone’s face]
Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Yuffie, Cid and Reeve: Vincent!
[Vincent rushes up high into the sky]
Vincent: Hmh. Guess I have no choice. It's time... to save the world.
[Vincent zooms towards Omega]
Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Yuffie, Cid and Reeve: Yeah!

[Weiss is walking towards Vincent/Chaos]
Weiss: Hmph.
[Weiss attacks; Vincent shoots and hits Weiss; Weiss is suddenly behind Vincent, his blades through Vincent’s torso; he shuts his eyes and Vincent is behind him with gun pointed at his head]
Weiss: Ha-ha.
[the two of them resume fighting]

[Omega grows wings and starts to rise; shows Vincent chasing it; scene switches to group on ground]
Reeve: Omega’s… ascending! But that would mean…!
[Vincent speeds ahead and hovers above Omega; he charges up and plunges through it, howling; panshot of a great light exploding over part of planet; then the light fades, leaving the sky clear; the group on the ground looks up in dismay]
Barret: Oh… oh.
[light remnants fall from the sky]
Yuffie: Vincent…?

[shows Midgar and Edge]
Shelke: [narrating] Vincent… It has been almost a week since that day. The Lifestream has returned to the planet and has begun to flow normally once again.
[shows Shelke sitting in the 7th Heaven holding her phone]
Shelke: And I have started to fill the ten year hole in my life. Or at least, started to try. I’ve learned so much in the past weeks. Now that I realize I’m not alone I think I may be a little stronger than I was before.
[Shelke looks over as Yuffie runs up to Tifa]
Yuffie: Have you heard from Cloud?
Tifa: Mm-hm. He hasn’t found anything.
Yuffie: Agh. Ain’t gunna make this easy for us, is he.
[Shelke looks out window]
Shelke: [narrating] Vincent… do you remember the last words we exchanged? Do you remember our promise? Your promise to Lucrecia? Go. Tell her how you feel. Tell her what is truly in your heart.
[Shelke places phone down on table and leaves; phone screen shows text message is being sent]
Shelke: I know that you will probably never see this, but I have to try... I have to believe.
[shows Shelke sitting with Red XIII on steps]
Shelke: I’ve learned I must never give up hope. Never.
[scene changes to inside crystal cave; shows Lucrecia’s face]
Vincent: Lucrecia. Everything's alright now. Omega and Chaos have returned to the planet.
[shows Vincent sitting in front of crystal; he stands]
Vincent: Thank you. It was you. You were the reason I… survived.
[As Vincent leaves a tear slides down Lucrecia’s cheek; Vincent walks out cave and sees Shelke standing outside; he walks up behind her and stops]
Shelke: Everyone’s waiting, Vincent Valentine. I don’t know why they made me come up here and get you.
Vincent: [smiling] Hmh.
Shelke: [laughs slightly and turns] Not that I mind though.
[Vincent and Shelke both look up at the remnant of Omega in the sky]

WRO soldier: "Sir. I've been spending time analyzing the data retrieved from the files of former weapons development administrator Scarlet. Deepground. It used to be a medical facility for injured SOLDIER troops. Military personnel would be sent there for care and rehabilitation. However, over time, it evolved into a laboratory for madmen content on ignoring all laws of man and nature. And supposedly this evolution took place because of the existence of one rogue SOLDIER—a man known only as "G." However, that's all we were able to retrieve."

G: "It is not yet time for slumber. We still have much work to do... My brother."

Voice Cast
