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Fun and Fancy Free

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Fun and Fancy Free is a 1947 American animated musical fantasy package film produced by Walt Disney. It consists of two segments, one based on the book Little Bear Bongo and another based on the classic fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk.

It's Got That DISNEY MAGIC! (original print media ad - many caps) (taglines)
  • You know, you worry too much. In fact, everybody worries too much.
  • [reading in a newspaper] Here, just look at the morning paper. Turn to any page. You'll find the whole world worryin' about some future age. But why get so excited? What's gonna be is gonna be. The end of the world's been comin' since 1903. That's, uh, B.C., of course.
  • [comes across an envelope] Miss Luana Patten? [walks off] Hmm, well! Of course, it's not cricket to read other folk's mail, but... [stops in his tracks and sees an invitation] A party? [opens and reads] "Tonight! The house across the street. Charlie McCarthy, Mortimer Snerd, Edgar Bergen." Hmm. Never heard of him. "Please come." Why, I'd be delighted!
  • Now, some folks like the heavy stuff with titles five feet wide. Not me, I'm always out for fun. I like the lighter side, yes, sir!
  • Life is a song, happy, gay. So let's have some music. Come on! What do you say?
  • Never saw such a dismal pair. A deadpan doll and a droopy bear.
  • Three is a crowd, they say, so I'll drop back another day.




Dinah Shore as the Narrator: This is the story of three bears.
Jiminy Cricket: Yeah, I know. The mama bear, the papa bear, and the itsy-bitsy baby bear.
The Narrator: Oh, but it's not the story you expect.

The Narrator: [talking about Bongo the circus bear] He was a circus bear. He was born in the circus, grew up in the circus, in fact, Bongo was the star of the circus. Why, he could juggle and dance while on a trapeze; walk a tightrope with the greatest of ease. In jujitsu, he was beyond compare; once threw a bull at the county fair; super at wrestling and lifting weights; outboxed the champs of seventeen states. They all packed in from near and far to see this death-defying star. With mouths wide open, they watched his ascent as he daringly climbed to the top of the tent. Then for a grand climax, he would gracefully plunge three hundred feet into a wet sponge.

The Narrator: Naturally, you'd think he'd be handled with kid gloves, treated like a king, and pampered like a baby. But, no! He was tossed around like an old shoe. Bongo, the bear in the gilded cage.

Mickey and the Beanstalk

Ophelia: Well, good night, Luana.
Luana Patten: Good night, Ophelia.
Ophelia: Bonne nuit, Mortimer.
Mortimer Snerd: Uh...ma'am?
Ophelia: Bonne nuit.
Mortimer: Oh, yes, ma'am. Yeah, yeah. Bunny. Uh bunny, bunny wee, bunny wee. Bun-Uh...uh, I don't know no bunny wee.

Edgar Bergen: Now, Luana, how would you like another piece of cake or some ice cream?
Luana Patten: No, thank you. I'm full up.
Edgar: Some candy?
Charlie McCarthy: Care for a cigar?
Luana: Me?
[Everyone laughs]
Edgar: How about you, Mortimer?
Mortimer Snerd: Uh...I don't smoke.
Edgar: I don't mean that.

Edgar: Once upon a time, long long ago...
Charlie: Funny, nothing ever happens nowadays.

Edgar: Just look at that miserable creature. Doggedly struggling to maintain life. A gaunt, lean bag of bones and feathers. Truly a picture of despair. But Donald doesn't whimper. Donald doesn't give up.
Donald Duck: SHUT UP! I can't stand it! [furiously eats plates and cutterly]
Mickey Mouse: Donald, no! [stops Donald from eating plates]
Goofy: Easy, Donald.
Mickey: Donald, Stop!
Goofy: Pull yourself apart and get it together! [slaps Donald to calm him down]
Mickey: There. There, now. There. Easy, Donald.
Donald: [panting] I - I'll be all right. Yeah. I'll be all right. I'll be all right. [sees an axe]
Edgar: He says he's all right, but I wonder. He's suffered too much. What diabolical thought is being hatched in the fevered brain...of this poor, demented duck?
Mickey: [sees Donald taking out an Axe] Donald! No! No!
[The axe is missing, and we see Donald holding the axe behind his back]
Donald: [goes near the cow] Nice bossy, bossy. Nice old cowsy wowsy.
Mickey: Donald! [Donald angrily screeches at the cow, who runs away from Donald] Donald, no!
Donald: [eats the cow's tail] Give it here! Let me- [Mickey and Goofy restrain and pin him down; choking, muttering, panting] I just gotta eat. I'm so... hungry.
Edgar: [grabbing Charlie while telling a story] The little fellow was completely out of his head.
Charlie: Cut it out, will ya? I get the idea!
Edgar: He was a pitiful sight. Weeks without food. [Charlie moans] Poor Donald.
Charlie: Yeah, poor me!
Edgar: It was all they could do to restrain him. You see, he had just about reached the end of his rope.
Charlie: Yeah.
Edgar: Oh, it was a sorry predicament indeed. What to do? What to do?
Charlie: Well, Donald may be nuts, but he's got the right idea. Kill the cow.
Luana: Oh, no, Charlie! The cow was their best friend.
Charlie: Well, a friend in need is a friend indeed.
Edgar: So what?
Charlie: So, they need some steak.
Mortimer: No! If you're gonna kill the cow, I don't wanna hear the rest of the story!
Charlie: Well, she wouldn't have to know. They could sneak up on her and surprise her. Yeah, that's what we'll do. We'll kill the cow.
Luana: Oh, no, Charlie. You mustn't.
Charlie: We'll get a stranglehold on her while she's asleep, a-a-and then push her off the cliff.
Luana: Oh, no!
Mortimer: I ain't a-gonna listen to the story.

Edgar: [as the beanstalk climbs into the stratosphere] And all through the night, it grew onward and upward.
Charlie: That thing is a menace to aviation.

Mortimer: [referring to giant footprints] Oh, gosh! Who made them?
Charlie: Well, it wasn't Cinderella.

Mickey: How do you get here?
Singing Harp: I was kidnapped by that wicked giant!
Mickey: Oh. [double-take] A-A giant?!
Mortimer: A giant?!
Luana: A giant?!
Jiminy: A giant?!
Edgar: Bigger than forty men!
Mortimer: Oh, no!
Edgar: An ogre who had the power to turn himself into anything, man or beast!
Jiminy: That calls for a drink. [Sips from the cocktail on the table and hiccups]

Luana: But why did the giant want to steal the harp?
Edgar: Because he was cruel and selfish. He didn't care what happened to the valley. He just wanted someone to sing him to sleep.
Mortimer: Well, why didn't he turn on the radio?
Edgar: Well, they didn't have radios in those days.
Charlie: Yeah. That's why they called it Happy Valley.

[Willie is sniffing around his table while Mickey and the others are trying to avoid getting caught]
Charlie: Hey, giant! You're getting warm!
Mortimer: Well, don't tell him!
Charlie: Behind the jar, stupid!
Luana: Charlie!

[Willie prepares himself a sandwich]
Willie the Giant: Feedee! [slices some cheese, taking Mickey but narrowly avoiding Goofy] Fidee! [takes a chicken leg] Fodee! [takes some onions, narrowly missing Donald] Fum! [pours pepper on his sandwich. Mickey sneezes the contents on his face]
Mickey: Gesundheit! [laughs]

Willie: [pointing at one of the lines on his hand] But what's this here? What is it? What is it?
Mickey: Uh-oh! I can't believe it!
Willie: Is it bad?
Mickey: Why, i-i-it says here that you can change yourself into anything!
Willie: Sure, sure! You wanna see me? I can change myself into the darndest things! Go on, gimme somethin'. Anything!
Mickey: Anything?
Willie: Anything!
Edgar: See? Mickey never misses a trick. He's got a good idea.
Mickey: Well, uh. Can you change into a fly?
Willie: A cute, teeny-weeny, itsy-bitsy housefly?
Mickey: That's it! A housefly!
Willie: Aww, you don't want a fly! How about a bunny with long, pink ears?
Mickey: Huh! Well, of course, if you can't do a fly, why, uh...
Willie: All right. A fly. [suddenly loudly] WHY?!
Mickey: Well, uh...because.
Willie: Okay. A teeny-weeny fly... [cackles, then smiles] with pink wings! Now for the magic wordies. [Mickey whistles to Donald and Goofy from the salt and pepper shakers] Fe, fi, fo, fum. He, hi, ho, hum. [They grab the flyswatter and charge at Willie] I'm the most amazing guy. Te, ti, te, ti, te, ti. [They stop running as he transforms into a bunny] You sure you don't want a pink bunny? [Notices that Mickey, Donald and Goofy have a flyswatter] Hey, what is this? [grabs them] You think you fool Willie?

[Mickey is pressed between a wall and the giant's jewelry box]
Charlie: Anybody wanna buy a tall, thin mouse?
Edgar: No, thank you. Uh, I mean, no.

[Mickey has retrieved the key to the jewel box from Willie's pocket and has climbed back up to the box]
Donald: He made it!
Goofy: He did? [looks through keyhole] Here he comes with the key!
Donald: [looking through keyhole] Let me have it, Mickey!
[The key goes through the keyhole and hits Donald, knocking him over]

[Last lines; Mortimer is crying because Willie got killed]
Edgar: What I'm trying to explain, Mortimer, is that Willie the Giant didn't actually exist.
Mortimer: No?
Edgar: No. He's a metaphysical phenomenon of your subconscious mind, a phantasmagoria of your mental faculties.
Mortimer: Yeah?
Edgar: In other words, just a figment of your imagination.
Mortimer: No!
Edgar: Yes. So there's nothing to be upset about.
Willie: [lifts the roof off of Edgar Bergen's house] Hey, has anybody seen anything of a teensy-weensy, little mouse?
Edgar: No, I-I-I... [faints]
Luana: Oh, Mr. Bergen!
Charlie: Bergen, speak to me! Speak to me!
Willie: What's the matter with him? Something he ate?
Mortimer: No, it's uh, it's a fig...fig...figmentation of his imagination.
Willie: No!
Mortimer: Yeah. Well, good night, Willie. Don't slam the roof. You might wake Mr. Bergen. [laughs]


  • It is Got That DISNEY MAGIC! (original print media ad - many caps)


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