Furious 7

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Furious 7 is a 2015 American action film about Dominic Toretto, Brian O'Conner, and the rest of the team return to their lives until Owen Shaw's brother, Deckard Shaw, seeks revenge against them for putting a comatose Owen in the hospital.

Directed by James Wan. Written by Chris Morgan.
One last ride.  (taglines)

Dominic Toretto

  • [Realizing that the package from Tokyo on the front porch of the house is actually a bomb about to go off] GET DOWN!
  • I don't have friends, I got family.
  • This time, it ain't just about being fast.
  • You thought this was gonna be a street fight? You're goddamn right it is.
  • The thing about street fights, The street always wins.
  • It's about time.
  • [last words for Brian] I used to say I live my life a quarter mile at a time. And I think that's why we're brothers, because you did too. No matter where you are, whether you're quarter-mile away or halfway across the world...you'll always be with me, and you'll always be my brother.

Brian O'Connor

  • [talks to Dom as they try to escape Deckard Shaw aboard a Lykan Hypersport by driving it through the Etihad Towers) DOM, CARS DON'T FLY! CARS DON'T FLY!!! OH, SHIT!!!
  • (outsmarting Kiet with a move that sends him falling to his death) TOO SLOW!!!
  • (last words) Hey. You thought you could leave without saying goodbye?

Luke Hobbs

  • Well, once you dig through 30 feet of concrete and steel, my fist and a body bag will be waiting for you on the other side. So I suggest you get to digging, boy.

Letty Ortiz

  • If you die, I die. And I'm not ready to leave this place yet. This moment is still ours. I remember everything. I remember it all.

Roman Pearce

  • Double alpha. Man-candy. You know what I'm saying?

Tej Parker

  • Man, sit your candy ass down.

Mia Toretto

  • [Brian O'Conner: You know, the best decision I ever made was stepping into the store and buying that first sandwich.] It was such a bad sandwich.

Mose Jakande

  • Keep the drone on the girl. Kiet. O'Conner's on foot somewhere between Sixth and State. Don't let him make it there.
  • [on being informed that Dom and his team have regained God's Eye] WHAT? SHIT!


  • Too slow!


  • You ain't that charming, bitch.
  • Thank God you showed up, These parties bore me to death.


  • I know enough. Ex-cop. Military, something like that. The way you took out those guys shows training. Tech guy, offended by the hacker remark, naturally. Alpha. Ms. Alpha. Joker.
  • Life is binary, zeroes and ones. Only one thing keep a group like this together: fear or loyalty.

Mr. Nobody

  • Shaw lives in a world that doesn't play by your rules. Like it or not, you live in that world now too.
  • Let’s go bag a shadow.

Deckard Shaw

  • Dominic Toretto, You don't know me, But you're about to.
  • You never should have messed with a man's family.
  • You thought this was gonna be a street fight?


Dominic Toretto: Yeah?
Deckard Shaw: Dominic Toretto. you don't know me. you're about to.
Dominic Toretto: [Realizing that the package from Tokyo on the front porch of the house is actually a bomb about to go off] GET DOWN!
Mia Toretto: JACK! JACK!

Dominic Toretto: Deckard Shaw.
Luke Hobbs: British Special Forces Assassin. The kind of unique asset. that no government would ever admit to employing.
Dominic Toretto: Black Ops boys.
Luke Hobbs: Worse. They created a monster. They felt Shaw was a necessary evil until eventually.they decided he was unnecessary. The powers that be, felt that he knew just a little bit too much. The asset became a liability. So they sent in 20 elite operatives to retire him.
Dominic Toretto: And they missed.
Luke Hobbs: That was 6 years ago and Shaw's been a ghost ever since.
Dominic Toretto: Until now. How do I find him?
Luke Hobbs: The official answer is, you don't.
Dominic Toretto: He killed Han, Almost killed my family.
Luke Hobbs: He also tried to put me in a body bag, too. Which is why when I get out, I'm gonna put a hurt on him so bad. he's gonna wish his mother had kept her legs closed. But until then, my official answer to you, is stand down.
Dominic Toretto: Now you know I can't do that.
Luke Hobbs: I do know you, Dom. Which is why now I give you a brother to brother answer. You do whatever it is you gotta do. When you find that sumbitch, Just do me one favor.
Dominic Toretto: What's that?
Luke Hobbs: Don't miss.

Sean Boswell: We found a couple of things by the crash, Wasn't much left.
Dominic Toretto: Gisele.
Sean Boswell: Oh, Yeah. There's one more thing. I found this, Must've meant something to him. When you find the guy that killed Han, what are you going to do?
Dominic Toretto: Words ain't even been invented yet.

[at Han's funeral]
Dominic Toretto: They say that to live in the hearts of those we leave behind. is not to die. But he put you in this grave, So now I'll do the same to him.
Roman Pearce: I can't do no more funerals.
Tej Parker: First Han, Now Hobbs is laid up, of all people. We're being hunted. You know he's out there somewhere watching, right?
Brian O'Connor: I hope so. That means he's close.
Roman Pearce: Just promise me,Brian. No more funerals.
Brian O'Connor: [sees car in the distance] Just one more. His.
Deckard Shaw: You never should've messed with a man's family.
Dominic Toretto: I told your brother the same thing, Reinforced your chassis, Just like going into the ring with weighted gloves.
Deckard Shaw: Your mistake. I'm not here to play games.See you and me, We're from different worlds. Trust me, I've seen a lot meaner streets than the ones you're used to.
Dominic Toretto: Stick around, It's gonna get a lot meaner.
Deckard Shaw: You think this was gonna be a street fight?
Kiet: Guns Free.
[But Kiet reaches the end first. He closes the gate that traps Brian at the front and mocks him,Kiet escapes from the bus right before it goes over a cliff.]
Kiet: Too Slow.
Shaw: Interesting.
Dom: Hold on.
Mose Jakande: Target the Driver. Fire on my mark. 3 2 1 Fire!

[Brian calls up Mia]
Mia Toretto: Brian, are you okay?
Brian O'Connor: Mia, listen to me. Something's about to go down, and if you don't hear from me in 24 hours, I need you to take Jack and move on. You understand? You understand what I'm saying?
Mia: No, I can't do that, Brian. No, I can't. We're gonna have another baby. It's a little girl, and she's going to need her father. So you have to finish what you're doing and you have to come home to her. You have to come home to us. [pause] I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I was scared you'd be disappointed with domestic life.
Brian: You know, the best decision I ever made was stepping into the store and buying that first sandwich.
Mia: It was such a bad sandwich.
Brian: I know, right? But I ate a lot of them. Uh... I love you, Mia.
Mia: Don't do that.
Brian: What?
Mia: The way you said it. It's like goodbye. Say something else.
Brian: Okay. Kiss Jack for me.
Mia:I will. I love you, Brian.
Brian: I love you, Mia.

Mose Jakande: Boot up God's eye. Find them.
Helicopter: I'm getting something. I got a positive ID. It's Toretto. God's eye is placing him at Hill and Seventh. Should we follow them?
Mose Jakande: No. Let Shaw take care of him. Find Ramesy.
Helicopter: Yes,sir.
Roman: I don't know why we gotta keep driving around like this. Why can't we just pull over somewhere, park, gather our thoughts in, like, a bunker somewhere?
Tej: Because it does not work like that. We gotta stick close enough to the bad guys in order to get in range for Ramsey to hack 'em, but we gotta be mobile enough not to get shot like fish in a barrel. So, do me a favour: focus on the mission, keep us from getting killed.
Mose Jakande: Fire!
Dom: You thought this was gonna be a street fight? You're goddamn right it is.
Helicopter: Sir,did you hear that? O'Conner is on foot,heading for a repeater. He's going to try to reinitiate the hack.
Mose Jakande: Keep the drone on the girl. Kiet. O'Conner's on foot somewhere between Sixth and State. Don't let him make it there.
Roman: Ramesy, get ready to go again!
Helicopter: Drone has missile lock.
Mose Jakande: Fire!
Helicopter: Target destroyed.
Ramesy: Let's see if we have a connection. If I can get back in...
Helicopter: Wait,wait,wait! God's eye still has her.
Mose Jakande: How can that be?
[Brian then taunts Kiet at him as Kiet falls to his death]
Brian O'Conner: TOO SLOW!
Helicopter: Go it.
Mose Jakande: FIRE!
Letty : I can't shake this thing!
Helicopter: The predator has missile lock.
Mose Jakande: Take it out!
Mose Jakande: Wait! What happened?
Helicopter: Sir, someone just double tapped our drone.
Helicopter: We lost the God's Eye!
Mose Jakande: WHAT? SHIT!
Helicopter: Military's inbound, Three minutes and closing. We need to get the hell outta here.
Brian: Tej, Roman, I'm on my way.
Roman: Alright, homie. I'll see you there.
Mose Jakande: Goodbye, Toretto.
Dominic Toretto: Don't miss.
Letty Ortiz: DOM!

[Seeing that Dom could probably die after the big fall at the parking garage, Letty shoves off Brian trying to revive him and cradles him in her arms]
Letty : Dom. Dom, baby. I know you're hurting right now. But I want you to listen. Stay awake and focus on me. I remember everything. It came to me like a flood. I remember that night in the Dominican Republic. The night we got married... [flashback of the wedding]
Priest: Do you have the ring?
Dominic Toretto: [gives crucifix necklace to priest] Will this do? [priest wraps necklace on their hands] We have eternity in this moment.
Letty: You will never be alone again. I vow wherever you go, I go. You ride, I ride. You fight, I fight. And if you ever die on me, Dominic Toretto, I'm gonna die with you.
Dom: [voiceover] I love you, Letty. I will always love you.
Letty: [flash forward] If you die, I die. And I'm not ready to leave this place yet. This moment is still ours. I remember everything. I remember it all. [kisses Dom]
Dom: It's about time.
Letty: Why didn't you tell me we were married?
Dom: Because you can't tell someone they love you.

[Hobbs is in the process of locking Shaw up]
Shaw: You do know none of this will keep me, right?
Luke Hobbs: Well, once you dig through 30 feet of concrete and steel, my fist and a body bag will be waiting for you on the other side. So I suggest you get to digging, boy.


  • One last ride.
  • Vengeance hits home.
  • This Film is Dedicated in Loving Memory to Paul Walker.


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