Green Lantern (film)

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In brightest day, in blackest night
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!

Green Lantern is a 2011 superhero film based on the DC Comics characters of the same name.

See also: Green Lantern
No matter how bad things get, something good is out there, just over the horizon…
Help me save my planet! Don't give in to fear — fight it! Fight it with me!
  • No matter how bad things get, something good is out there, just over the horizon…
  • I, Hal Jordan, do solemnly swear to pledge allegiance — to a lantern, that I got from a dying purple alien, in a swamp. … To infinity and beyond, by the power of Greyskull.
    • Attempting to activate the Green Lantern ring with the Lantern.
  • In brightest day, in blackest night
    No evil shall escape my sight
    Let those who worship evil's might
    Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!
  • Anything I see in my mind, I can create. I've just got to focus.
  • I know that humans aren't the strongest species — or the smartest — we're young, we have a lot to learn. But we're worth saving.
  • You're afraid to even admit you're afraid. I know — I've spent my entire life doing it. You know, we have a saying on Earth — we say: "I'm only human." We say it because we're vulnerable, we say it because we know we're afraid. It doesn't mean we're weak. Help me save my planet! Don't give in to fear — fight it! Fight it with me!
  • The ring, it chose you. Take it — place the ring on the lantern — place the ring, speak the oath — great honor — responsibility.
Billions of years ago, a race of immortals harnessed the most powerful force in existence: the emerald energy of willpower.
Your will turns thought into reality. To master the ring you must learn to focus your will and create what you see in your mind. The ring's limits are only what you can imagine.
  • Billions of years ago, a race of immortals harnessed the most powerful force in existence: the emerald energy of willpower. These immortals, the Guardians of the Universe, built a world from where they could watch over all of existence: the planet Oa. They divided the universe into three thousand six hundred sectors, a ring powered by the energy of will was sent to every sector of the universe to select a recruit. In order to be chosen by the ring, it is said that one must be without fear. Together these three thousand six hundred recruits formed the intergalactic peacekeepers known as the Green Lantern Corps.
    Of all the threats the Corps ever faced gravest was an entity of fear known as Parallax. Only the legendary Green Lantern Abin Sur was capable of capturing and imprisoning this beast, which he did on the lost planet of Ryut.
  • Welcome to Oa. This planet has been our home for countless millennia. It was created for us by the Guardians.
  • Since time immemorial the Green Lantern Corps have served as the keepers of peace, order and justice throughout the universe. To be chosen to join its ranks is the highest of honors — the greatest of responsibilities.
  • Green is the color of will. The Guardians harnessed will because it's the strongest source of energy in the universe.
  • Your will turns thought into reality. To master the ring you must learn to focus your will and create what you see in your mind. The ring's limits are only what you can imagine.
  • Of all the Lanterns who have ever worn the ring, there was one whose light shined brightest. At first his humanity was thought to be a weakness, and yet it proved to be his greatest strength.
Remember, your enemy is not gonna play fair.
  • I don't need to tell you your duty... I don't need to tell you who we are.
    • To the Green Lantern Corps.
  • A sword. How human.
    • After challenging Hal Jordan to a contest of wills.
  • You must ignore your fear. When you're afraid, you can't act. You can't act, you can't defend. You can't defend, you die.
    • Whilst sparring with Hal Jordan.
  • Though his time wearing the ring has has been brief, Hal Jordan's defeat of Parallax will be remembered as long as the Corps exists. His actions are a reminder of why the ring chose each of us — to overcome fear, and destroy evil wherever it may hide. As Lanterns we must fight with all our will. Our wills have not always been united. It's time they were.
  • Yeah, I've heard about humans — think you're the center of the universe. You want to be a Lantern — you gotta commit to the Corps.
  • Remember: your enemy is not gonna play fair.
  • You're afraid. Good.
  • You're just as much of a failure as I am, and just as afraid... Well, I used to fight my fears. But now that I've tasted its true power, I'll NEVER GO BACK!


What happens now?
Hal Jordan: He said the ring chose me. He said it's a great honor — responsibility.
Thomas Kalmaku: Responsibility? You? Well maybe on their planet responsibility just means asshole.
Hal Jordan: Let's hope so.

Carol Ferris: Wait, go back. How did the ring make a mistake?
Hal Jordan: The one thing a Green Lantern is supposed to be is fearless. "Fearless" is the job description. That isn't me....

Carol Ferris: The ring didn't see that you were fearless. It saw that you have the ability to overcome fear. It saw that you're courageous. Which you are.

Carol Ferris: What happens now?
Hal Jordan: I'm gonna go look for trouble.

Parallax: I feel your fear growing. You will be dead soon…
Hal Jordan: In brightest day, in blackest night…
Parallax: …and when you are gone, I will destroy everything you ever loved…
Hal Jordan: …no evil, shall escape my sight…
Parallax: …your family, your home, your planet will be no more.
Hal Jordan: …let those who worship evils might…
Parallax: Your entire human race will be wiped out, because you, Hal Jordan, were afraid.
Hal Jordan: …beware my power...GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!

Quotes about Green Lantern (film)

  • When we shot Green Lantern, nobody auditioning for the role of Green Lantern was given the opportunity to read the script because the script didn't exist. I'm not complaining about it — it was an opportunity of a lifetime, and if I were to go back and retrace my steps, I would probably do everything the exact same way.
  • It looks like the hero, has the details like the hero. But its just a pale imitation of the hero. Ugly, unimaginative, not charming and inspires no joy whatsoever.


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