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Heinrich Müller

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(Redirected from Heinrich Müller (Gestapo))

Heinrich Müller aka "Gestapo Müller" (born April 28, 1900 – disappeared after April 29, 1945, date of death unknown), was head of the Gestapo, the political police of Nazi Germany, and played a leading role in the planning and execution of the Holocaust. He was last seen leaving the Führerbunker in Berlin on April 29, 1945 and remains one of the few senior figures of the Nazi regime who was never captured or confirmed to have died. There are rumors that he may still be alive and living in Barcelona although this is not proven.


  • Soup is never eaten as hot as it is cooked.
    • Quoted in "The SS, Alibi of a Nation, 1922-1945" - Page 33 - by Gerald Reitlinger - History - 1989
  • If we had fifty Eichmann's, we would have won the war.
    • About Adolf Eichmann's devotion. Quoted in "And the Crooked Shall be Made Straight" - Page 37 - by Jacob Robinson - Jews - 1965
  • We know the Russian methods exactly. I haven't the faintest intention of being taken prisoner by the Russians.
    • April 29, 1945. Quoted in "U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis" - Page 150 - by Richard Breitman, Norman J. W. Goda, Timothy Naftali, Robert Wolfe - History - 2005
  • You are a very interesting case, General. Do you know what fat file of evidence we have against you here?
    • To General Walter Dornberger, 1944. Quoted in "Gestapo: Instrument of Tyranny" - by Edward Crankshaw
  • You are in the hands of the Gestapo. Don't imagine that we shall show you the slightest consideration. The Fuhrer has already shown the world that he is invincible and soon he will come and liberate the people of England from the Jews and Plutocrats such as you. It is war and Germany is fighting for her existence. You are in the greatest danger and if you want to live another day must be very careful.
    • To Captain Best, quoted in "Heinrich Müller: Gestapo Chief" - Page 59 - by Mark Beyer - 2001
  • One should herd the entire intelligentsia into a mine and then blow it sky-high.
    • Quoted in The Third Reich: A New History (2001) - Page 191
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