Jeanne d'Arc Gakuba

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Jeanne d'Arc Gakuba in 2017

Jeanne d'Arc Gakuba is a Rwandan politician of the Rwandan Patriotic Front who served as the Vice-President for Finance and Administration during the Second legislature of the Rwandan Senate.


  • When you think clearly in your mind, you understand clearly that these plans make it easier to implement them, they don't become coercion or punishment, or even a plan that you are required to show that you have completed it. Is it comforting.
  • Not only to have many females in service, but to also have females who have the will and ability to deliver to the required standards.
  • After years of political and technical services, I thought it wise to continue serving the government in the Senate; and contesting in Kigali was to continue serving the region and the people I have served for many years. I know the people of Kigali and their needs.
  • But people should not expect that I am going to bring schools or roads…the duties of the Senate, like any other government institution, are well stated; to vet laws, following up the implementation of government programmes and policies like unity and reconciliation, fighting the Genocide ideology and other policies to build the country.
  • All these programmes are already in place; but there is need to follow up on their implementation, which I am going to ensure because I have the expertise in good governance and social development, If we leave everything to the government, we will not achieve the country’s targets. There is need for everyone to get on board, to work together to realize the country’s targets.
  • So people who are still 19, 20 years old, go to school, study hard, because what you will be tomorrow is preparing today. If you look for average you get average I don't think you were chosen to be the perfect girl and you get average or you are so surprised that you are told that you are beautiful that you forget that the inner beauty is better than the outer one.
  • It's been 20 years since the Genocide, a lot has been done in order to build Rwanda, but we don't sleep on the ideology that has been taught for many years that says that even to get rid of it, more efforts are needed.
  • The turn-up was high and people expressed their views freely.
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