John Suckling

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If of herself she cannot love, Nothing can make her: The devil take her!
Fragmenta Aurea, 1646

Sir John Suckling (February 10, 1609June 1, 1642) was an English Cavalier poet.


Why So Pale and Wan, Fond Lover?

Full text at Wikisource
  • Why so pale and wan, fond lover
    Prithee, why so pale?
  • Will, when looking well can't move her,
    Looking ill prevail?
    Prithee, why so pale?
  • Quit, quit, for shame, this will not move:
    This cannot take her.
    If of herself she cannot love,
    Nothing can make her:
    The devil take her!

Other poems

  • If I a fancy take
    To black and blue,
    That fancy doth it beauty make.
    • Of thee (kind boy) I ask no red and white.
  • 'Tis now since I sat down before
    That foolish fort, a heart,
    (Time strangely spent) a year, and more,
    And still I did my part:
    • 'Tis Now, Since I Sat Down Before.
  • Oh for some honest lover's ghost,
    Some kind unbodied post
    Sent from the shades below!
    I strangely long to know
    Whether the nobler chaplets wear
    Those that their mistress' scorn did bear,
    Or those that were used kindly.
    • Oh! For some honest lover's ghost.
  • Her feet beneath her petticoat
    Like little mice stole in and out,
    As if they feared the light;
    But oh, she dances such a way!
    No sun upon an Easter-day
    Is half so fine a sight.
    • Ballad upon a Wedding. Compare: "Her pretty feet, like snails, did creep A little out, and then, As if they played at bo-peep, Did soon draw in again", Robert Herrick, To Mistress Susanna Southwell.
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