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Joseph Silk

From Wikiquote

Joseph Silk (born 3 December 1942) is an English-born astronomer and the Savilian Chair of Astronomy at the University of Oxford.


  • The left hand of creation
    • Title of book
  • The Infinite has to be a relative concept. Go any distance: an infinite space means that there is more to be explored.
    • The Infinite Cosmos, Page 1
  • Our knowledge of physics only takes us back so far. Before this instant of cosmic time, all the laws of physics or chemistry are as evanescent as rings of smoke.
    • The Infinite Cosmos, Page 3

The Dark Side of the Universe, 2007


The Dark Side of the Universe, article in "Astronomy and Geophysics", April 2007, pages 2.30-2.38

  • Science is paramount, but presents no challenge to a creed that rests on faith-based belief.
    • Page 2.30
  • The beauty of science and the nature of scientific revelations constitute part of the modern theologian's perspective and toolbox.
    • Page 2.30
  • Four predictions of the Big Bang Theory have now been verified - surely enough to quench even the most biased critics.
    • Page 2.30
  • One can always find inflationary models to explain whatever phenomenon is represented by the flavour of the month.
    • Page 2.38
  • Nowadays, cosmology seems rather unexciting.
    • Page 2.38
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