Last words in God of War series games

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Following is a collection of last words spoken by characters in all God of War series games.


God of War: Ascension

  • They will torture me if I fail!
    • Who: Castor
    • Note: Character refers to the Furies, who tasked him with stopping Kratos from reaching the Oracle of Delphi. He falls to his death following a battle with Kratos.
  • I am but an innocent! / It was my brother who betrayed me! Betrayed us all!
    • Who: Pollux
    • Note: Character is a small, withered figure conjoined to his brother's torso. After battling them, Kratos tears him off, then crushes his skull underfoot as he tries to drag himself away.
  • Find the Eyes... and they will show you the path to freedom.
    • Who: Aletheia, Oracle of Delphi
    • Note: Before dying after being crushed by a rock, she tells Kratos to retrieve the Eyes of Truth from the Lantern of Delos in order to free himself from the Furies.
  • You have caused me pain for the last time, Spartan!
    • Who: Megaera
    • Note: Character says this before mutating the head of the Hecatonchires Aegaeon to attack Kratos. Kratos eventually reaches her and sends her falling; he slams her against a platform, at the same time driving his blades into her chest. Her death also causes Aegaeon to die, freeing him from his suffering.
  • They were not there by chance, Kratos.
    • Who: Tisiphone
    • Note: Character is speaking of Kratos' family, while in the form of the Oracle who was present when he murdered them. Kratos then snaps her neck.
  • My death will not free you from this madness!
    • Who: Alecto
    • Note: After battling Kratos in the form of a kraken-like sea monster, she is slain by him plunging both his blades through her chest.
  • There is no other way, Spartan. Destroy the oath. Kill Ares. Have your revenge. I was never the warrior my father wanted me to be. But please - all I ask... give me an honorable death.
    • Who: Orkos
    • Note: Character is willingly killed by Kratos, freeing them both from their oaths to Ares.

God of War: Chains of Olympus

  • I must
    • Who: Attican Soldier
    • Note: Trying to destroy invading Persian ships with a ballista, but is mortally wounded.
  • Take my kingdom, my women, my gold.
    • Who: Persian King (presumably Darius I)
    • Note: Is trying to ransom for his life, but fails utterly.
  • The gods have obviously taken pity on their slave.
    • Who: Charon
    • Note: Refers to Kratos, who has only just escaped from the depths of Tartarus.
  • Your suffering will never end... Ghost of Sparta.
    • Who: Persephone
    • Note: Said after Kratos impales her on the Gauntlet of Zeus.

God of War

  • It... it's you! The visions, they were real! The gods came to me, told me that their champion would come and rescue us from the Hydra. But you're too late! We're pinned down! These creatures... they came from out of nowhere. The ships are all destroyed! All hope is lost, Spartan! Even for you--!
    • Who: Warning Soldier
    • Note: Is killed by an arrow from an Undead Archer immediately after saying this.
  • It's the giant one! He keeps healing the others!
    • Who: Sailor
    • Source: God of War
    • Note: Character is referring to the heads of the Hydra attacking their ship. He is then eaten by one of the heads.
  • Thank you! Thank the gods you came back for me! [Kratos: I didn't come back for you.] Noooooooooo!
  • You again?!
    • Who: Captain
    • Source: God of War
    • Note: Dies three separate times, twice in the first game and once in the second. First, he was about to fall into the stomach of a dead Hydra, and Kratos appears. Thinking that he came back for him, the man says the first quote. However, the hero just takes the key from the captain's necklace, and leaves him to die inside the dead beast. Then, later in the first game, he is kicked off of a ledge in Hades, down to the River Styx below.
  • Stay away! Don't come near me! Keep away!
    • Who: Unnamed Woman
    • Note: Runs away, terrified of Kratos' past deeds, and falls off of a balcony to her death.
  • N-no! I won't let them get me. They won't get across! These...monsters! They'll, they'll tear me apart!
    • Who: Athenian Bridge Keeper
    • Note: Is holding down a lever for a bridge, keeping it from extending for fear of being killed by them. Kratos kills him with a long range lightning bolt to release the lever and extend the bridge.
    • Who: Sacrificed Soldier
    • Note: Is pressed between two halves of a furnace and burned alive as a offering to the gods in order to proceed.
  • I was trying to make you a great warrior...
    • Who: Ares
    • Note: After his battle with Kratos, he says these words. Kratos icily says "You succeeded," and proceeds to impale him.

God of War: Ghost of Sparta

  • Finally, I am free... Find your brother, Kratos. Go to Sparta. Find Deimos. He... needs you.
    • Who: Callisto
    • Note: Speaker is Kratos' mother, who briefly became a monster that her son had to kill in self defense. She dies a human once more.
  • "...The labor begins. ...Death...awaits the Ghost. He will never get the Skull. The Skull..."
    • Who: Spartan Messenger
    • Note: Mortally wounded by Erinys, but kept alive long enough to give Kratos this message. "The Skull" is a key needed to enter the Domain of Death.
  • [Kratos: Even in death, you stand tall for battle.]Thank you, Lord Kratos.
    • Who: Spartan Defender
    • Note: Mortally wounded by Erinys while defending the path to Sparta, and is comforted by Kratos as he dies.
  • Ghost of Sparta. The god-slayer. Your brother belongs to Thanatos. So does your blood.
    • Who: Erinys, the Daughter of Death
    • Note: Alluding to the fact that Kratos is searching for Deimos, his brother.
  • to Sparta.
    • Who: Dissenter
    • Note: Is in the process of being impaled by Kratos, who he attempted to have killed, since he believes that only Ares is the true god of war.
  • Why won't the gods let me die?
    • Who: King Midas of Macedonia
    • Note: Implied to not be dead from this line, but is encased in a waterfall of lava that is turned to gold by his famous touch, rendering him frozen solid forever.
  • Come, brother. Follow me! … We're nearly there, Kratos!
    • Who: Deimos
    • Note: Said before the final boss battle, during which he is killed.
  • Your fate lies in the hands of Olympus, foolish, stubborn Spartan.
    • Who: Thanatos

God of War: Betrayal

  • Help us! Lord Kratos, come to our aid!
    • Who: Spartan Soldiers
    • Note: Called out to the new God of War as he is fighting monsters elsewhere. Since those soldiers are not seen again, they can be implied to have been killed by monsters.
  • Kratos, slayer of gods!
    • Who: Ceryx
    • Note: This son of Hermes was sent to order Kratos to give up his chase of the Assassin of Hera's pet, Argos, but Kratos killed him in his rebuttal.

God of War II

  • By the gods, he's killed them all! He still has some of the powers of a god! RUUUN!
    • Who: Rhodes Soldier
    • Note: Refers to Kratos' remaining strength from his time as the God of War, power that has mostly been taken from him.
  • It is the only way. Kill me, Kratos. Kill me.
    • Who: Prometheus
    • Note: Refers to how he needs to be dropped into the Fires of Olympus to kill him and taint them. His death was possibly undone by the time travel at the end of the game.
  • [Kratos: Let me pass, and I will let you live, old man.] I do not think that is your choice to make. Come forward. Let us finally see who is the greatest warrior in all of Greece!
    • Who: Theseus
    • Note: Killed by having his head crushed repeatedly by a door at the end of the ensuing boss battle. His death was possibly undone by the time travel at the end of the game.
  • This time, Ghost of Sparta, I will have your head!
    • Who: Alrik, the Barbarian King
    • Note: Referring to his decapitation by Kratos in the events of the franchise's prologue, the first death from him in the direct service of Ares. Is beaten back to death with his own hammer, though his death was possibly undone by the time travel at the end of the game, leaving him to roam the world as a member of the undead.
  • No! Not you again!!
    • Who: Captain
    • Note: Dies three separate times, twice in the first game and once in the second. In the second game, he is summoned as a spirit to fight Kratos, but is too terrified of him to attack.
  • No...what are you doing?! I need your help!
    • Who: Last Argonaut
    • Note: Thrown onto a conveyor belt leading to a spinning, spiked wheel directly after saying this, which destroys his body. His last words might be different after the time travel takes place, but he likely dies nonetheless of his wounds from the Mole Cerberus.
  • Kratos... murderer of children. Yes, I am aware of the misery you have brought upon my brood... Ruthlessly cutting down my line; your hands wear their blood. Praise to the Sisters! For on this day, Kratos... you will meet your end!
    • Who: Euryale
    • Note: Refers to her "brood", meaning her sister, Medusa (killed in the first game as the first Gorgon faced), the many other Gorgons faced throughout the games up to that point, and possibly the other of the three Gorgon sisters, Stheno, who does not appear in the games themselves. Due to time travel, her death could have been undone at the end of the game.
  • I'm right here. / I'm over here now.
    • Who: Perseus
    • Note: Taunting Kratos while invisible due to wearing Hades' Helm of Darkness. Is murdered soon after saying one or both of the above. His death may have been undone by the time travel of Kratos, though he could have still died, locked away and alone on the Island of Creation.
  • Wait! Perhaps the Sisters have sent you to help me! I realize now! Ahhhhh! No! Ahhhhhh!
    • Who: Icarus
    • Note: While falling off of the Island of Creation down to Hades below, Kratos is ripping off Icarus' wings, ignoring his pleading and allowing him to fall down to the Underworld below as he lands on Atlas. Due to time travel, his death could have been undone at the end of the game, though Kratos says that he is dead in God of War III.
  • [Kratos: Read it!] Hear me, Sisters who control the Threads. [Kratos: Keep going!] Another searches for what only the Sisters may give. [Kratos: Read it!] As proof that he is worthy-- No! Please no, I cannot do it! [Kratos: Read!] Accept this blood.
    • Who: First Translator of Lahkesis
    • Note: Head is bashed repeatedly into the book his is reading from each time that Kratos speaks, as well as a final blow as he finishes. Due to time travel, his death could have been undone at the end of the game.
  • Ghost of Sparta? It was foretold that you would come. I will not let you reach the Sisters!
  • [Kratos: Read the words!]Hear me, noble Sisters who forge our destinies. Another seeks an audience to change their fate. … As proof that he is worthy-- No, Kratos! This will be the end of us all! You must stop! [Kratos: This is your purpose! Die with honor.] I give my illuminate the way.
    • Who: Second Translator of Lahkesis
    • Note: First death is a suicide, jumping to his death in order to prevent being forced to translate for Kratos. Through time travel, Kratos averts this death, and bashes the translator's head against the book as with the previous translator. Due to time travel, his death could have been undone at the end of the game.
  • Zeus. He came under the cloak of darkness...into Sparta. The people cried out for you. They begged for their god to save them...but you did not come. I was left with no choice. I had to seek out the Sisters, to change the fate of our beloved Sparta. For I am all that is left. Now you are all that is left. I have faith that our brothers of Sparta will live on, through the true God of War.
    • Who: Last Spartan
    • Note: Accidentally fought and was killed by Kratos while trying to reach the Sisters of Fate in order to change the fate of Sparta, which Zeus had destroyed as punishment for Kratos' lack of piety.
  • Die, Ghost of Sparta!
    • Who: Atropos
    • Note: Not the actual last words ever spoken, but the last heard by the player. It can be assumed that she might have died during the battle in the past between Kratos and Ares, trapped forever with Lahkesis.
  • I am through playing games with you, Kratos. This power was never meant for a mortal like you!
    • Who: Lahkesis
    • Note: Refers to the power to change one's fate, to travel through time of one's own accord. Is trapped in another time and place forever after the ensuing battle along with Atropos.
  • You will never control your Thread, Kratos!
    • Who: Clotho
    • Note: Is telling Kratos that he cannot control his fate. Impaled by a swinging, blade-like pendulum through the skull.
  • God after god will deny you, Kratos. They will protect Zeus. Zeus must live so that Olympus will prevail.
    • Who: Athena
    • Note: Athena is dying in Kratos' arms after he accidentally impales her.

God of War III

  • The death of Olympus means the death of us all!
    • Who: Poseidon
    • Note: Is beaten to death with Kratos' bare hands as the Titans scale Mount Olympus, and his death causes the oceans to flood the world.
  • My death will not lead you to Zeus.
    • Who: Helios
    • Note: Is decapitated after this, causing worldwide darkness and storms, with implications that his severed head still lives. However, these are the last words he speaks.
    • Who: Hades
    • Note: Has his soul ripped away from his body with his own clawed weapons. It has been speculated that it remains in the claws and therefore Hades is not truly destroyed. His demise subsequently releases all souls from the Underworld.
  • Leave me alone! … Go away!
    • Who: Hermes
    • Note: Is trying to crawl away from Kratos after having his leg severed. Summarily has his other leg severed and dies, which releases a plague on the world.
  • Finally! A challenge!
    • Who: Hercules
    • Note: Says this after having his weapons, the Nemean Cestus, taken off of his arms, allowing him to move faster and use his hands. Dies by those weapons soon after.
  • Lord Kratos! Do not leave me!
    • Who: Poseidon's Princess
    • Note: Is tied by her chains to a crank, which turns soon after, crushing her.
  • I should have expected this from a coward such as yourself! A coward who kills his own kin!... KRAAATOOOOS! NOOO!
    • Who: Cronos
    • Note: Is impaled through the forehead by the Blade of Olympus directly after saying the last word.
  • My beautiful Pandora... please, spare her. Pandora... forgive me...
    • Who: Hephaestus
    • Note: Is impaled on his own anvil. Pandora is his "daughter" that he created through his smithing.
  • Good luck with that little whore you call Pandora.
    • Who: Hera
    • Note: Neck broken by an enraged Kratos directly after saying this, and her death results in the end of all plant-life.
  • Spartan, no man was meant to make it this far, though maybe you are not a man? I do not know you, but I suspect whatever bring you here means that are no friend of Zeus. He must pay for breaking his promise and letting my son die. I can only hope that you complete your mission. What a fitting end, to die in my greatest invention. The only thing I loved more was Icarus. Now I can be with him...
    • Who: Daedalus
    • Note: Not actually spoken, but written on a note presumably directly before his death due to the loss of the will to live after learning of the death of his son, Icarus. His last spoken words are unknown.
  • Kratos, you know this is the only way!
    • Who: Pandora
    • Note: Is referring to the fact that she has to die for him to reach Pandora's Box and gain the power necessary to kill Zeus.
  • Enough! Father and son will die together!
    • Who: Gaia
    • Note: Crushes the Shrine of Olympus, but Zeus and Kratos fall into an old wound of hers from earlier in the game, where she is killed by having her heart stabbed in the battle.
  • Kratos, I'll put an end to this chaos!
    • Who: Zeus
    • Note: First quote is when his body first is killed through impalement on the Blade of Olympus. The second is the death of an astral projection he makes, heard within the depths of Kratos' mind as he is somehow resisting death on the outside.
  • Kratos!
    • Who: Lysandra
    • Note: Lysandra is Kratos' wife, who he accidentally killed in a blood-fueled rage. Chronologically the first death in the series, but her last words were heard for the first time here.
  • No, father. No!
    • Who: Calliope
    • Note: Calliope is Kratos' daughter, who he accidentally killed in a blood-fueled rage. Chronologically the second death in the series, but her last words were heard for the first time here.
  • My vengeance... ends now.
    • Who: Kratos
    • Note: Said before Kratos impales himself with the Blade of Olympus. (also said at the very beginning of the game) However, he survives in the 2018 video game.

God of War

  • Hehehehe... That's what I said to your mother... Right before I gave it to her.
    • Who: Modi
    • Note: Mocking Atreus about his mother before an enraged Atreus stabs his neck with a dagger.
  • Why... why do you even care?! You... you could have... walked away! (Kratos: The cycle ends here. We must be better than this.) Snow...
    • Who: Baldur
    • Note: During their final battle, Baldur is pierced with a mistletoe arrow tip that was in Atreus' quiver, which breaks the spell of invulnerability on him; mistletoe was the only thing that Freya could not prevent from breaking the spell and had kept it secret. He is then defeated and given the chance to retreat, but Baldur attempts to kill Freya, so Kratos kills him to protect her. This serves as the catalyst for the beginning of Ragnarök, which was not supposed to occur for another hundred years.