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Revision as of 14:41, 29 March 2019 by Peter1c (talk | contribs) (Not even when the political freedom of a nation is at stake should the Christian militant make use of an unchristian weapon. The following of Jesus Christ is infinitely more important than the maintenance of political liberty at the expense of his principles. ** Kirby Page)
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A militant is a person who subscribes to the idea of using vigorous, sometimes extreme, activity to achieve an objective, usually political.


  • Capitalism is an exploitative system, as Marx has argued so cogently, and as anyone who studies the inequalities within and between the countries of the world today must see. It is therefore a priori likely that its ideology conceals realities that if known would make the exploited militant.
    • Andrew Collier, in Transcendence: Critical Realism and God (2013) p. 85
  • Not even when the political freedom of a nation is at stake should the Christian militant make use of an unchristian weapon. The following of Jesus Christ is infinitely more important than the maintenance of political liberty at the expense of his principles.
    • Kirby Page, The Sword or the Cross, Which Should be the Weapon of the Christian Militant? (1921), p. 100
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