Queen & Country

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Queen & Country is a comic book published by Oni Press and written by Greg Rucka with various artists illustrating.

Operation: Broken Ground


Chapter 1

Tara: [narrating] First rule...keep moving. Second rule...find a crowd.

Chapter 2

Tom: How are you feeling?
Tara: Leg's fine, Tom.
Tom: There's both fine, you ask me.

Chapter 3

Tara: [narrating] I am, after all, worth one million dollars. Or at least, that's what the red mafia is willing to pay for my head. Not really the same thing, is it?

Chapter 4

Tara: [narrating] There's a trick, they teach it to you at the School. When someone pulls a gun on you, they say…charge at him like a bloody lunatic…It's the last thing they expect and most of them can't hit water from a submarine anyway…and repeat to yourself over and over that you're doing this for Queen and Country.

Operation: Morningstar


Chapter 1

Tara: What are you writing?
Psychologist: Just my notes. They're confidential, just between you and me.
Tara: Then I can read them?
Psychologist: Certainly. Have I got it right so far?
[Notes read "Reticent. Suspicious."]

Chapter 2

Tara: …Bloody talking about me like I can't hear them! I'm a spy for God's sake!

Chapter 3

Kate: Minder Two as requested, sir.
Crocker: Show her in, Kate. And if we could get some coffee, I won't have to fire you.
Kate: I obey.

Operation: Crystal Ball


Chapter 1

Tara: Because sweat, mud and shite make a girl glow.
Ed: Works for me.

Chapter 2

Tara: Either you move right now, or I shall move you…and I shall do it in such a way as to make your future a very high-pitched one.

Chapter 3

Crocker: But if he is, then Ed's just bought us a chance to prevent a major C.B.W. incident.
Tom: Sound good at his wake, won't it?

Chapter 4

Tom: …And hail the conquering hero. Back from Iraq with not a scratch to show for it.
Ed: Oh, I've got scratches…Just none that I'm willing to show you.

Chapter 5

Tara: How fast are you?
David: When someone's shooting at me? I'm bloody Carl Lewis.

Operation: Blackwall


Chapter 1

Tara: An affair, by definition, is conducted with a degree of discretion, if not secrecy.

Chapter 2

Lisa: We ran "Andre" here through the visual database, looking to match his face with any on file.
Tom: Don't tell me it actually worked?
Lisa: Heavens no. It never does. The computer always wants to match the subject with the late Queen Mother, may she rest in peace.

Chapter 3

Tara: My friend fell in love with you, Anton…and that's the only reason I haven't started putting my fags out on your face.
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