Queer theology

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Queer theology is a hermenutic reexamination of scriptures providing an LGBT perspective of religion and spirituality.


  • Only in the longing for a world of economic and sexual justice together, and not subordinated to one another, can the encounter with the divine take place. But this is an encounter to be found at the crossroads of desire, when one dares to leave the ideological order of the heterosexual pervasive normative. This is an encounter with indecency, and with the indecency of God and Christianity.
  • Now that we have remembered the drama of the people of Israel coming out of Egypt, the phrase "coming out" means something new. In the exodus, as in our lives, it means moving out of a situation of bondage—the bonds in our case being secrecy and silence—into freedom. Israel had to come physically out of Egypt in order to worship God and not the idols of Egypt and also had to come out of the way of thinking that makes it possible for slaves to remain slaves: the habits that make idols seem like gods.
    • Richard Cleaver, Know My Name: A Gay Liberation Theology (1995), p. 42
  • Men usually remain unmarried for three reasons: either because they cannot afford to marry or there are no girls to marry (neither of these factors need have deterred Jesus); or because it is inexpedient for them to marry in the light of their vocation (we have already ruled this out during the ‘hidden years’ of Jesus’ life); or because they are homosexual in nature, in as much as women hold no special attraction for them. The homosexual explanation is one which me must not ignore. ... All the synoptic gospels show Jesus in close relationship with the ‘outsiders’ and the unloved. Publicans and sinners, prostitutes and criminals are among his acquaintances and companions. If Jesus were homosexual in nature (and this is the true explanation of his celibate state) then this would be further evidence of God’s self-identification with those who are unacceptable to the upholders of ‘The Establishment’ and social conventions.
    • Hugh Montefiore (Bishop of Kingston from 1970 to 1978 and Bishop of Birmingham from 1977 to 1987), “Jesus, the Revelation of God,” in Christ for Us Today: Papers read at the Conference of Modern Churchmen, Somerville College, Oxford, July 1967, edited by Norman Pittenger (SCM Press, London: 1968), pp. 109-110.

See also

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