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Ric Berger

From Wikiquote

Richard "Ric" Berger (1894 – 1984) was a Swiss professor of design, decoration, and art history and a devoted supporter of a common easily understood European language, Interlingua.


  • Europa es dividite per le muros de 30 linguas. Felicemente, inter iste linguas national, circa 10.000 parolas de origine grec e latin son commun. Iste preciose tresor linguistic debe esser utilisate al maximo sin mutilar un sol parola o inventar alteres.
    • Translation: Europe is divided by the walls of 30 languages. Fortunately, among these national languages, around 10,000 words of Greek and Latin origin are common. This precious linguistic treasure ought to be used maximally without mutilating one single word or inventing others.
    • Revista de Interlingua, nº 48, 1970.
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