Richard Walther Darré
Richard Walther Darré (July 14 1895 – September 5 1953), born Ricardo Walther Oscar Darré, also known as Richard Walter Darré, SS-Obergruppenführer, was one of the Nazi leading "blood and soil" ideologists. He served as Reich Minister of Food and Agriculture from 1933 to 1942. He played a leading part in setting up the SS Race and Resettlement Office (where he later received the nickname "Crazyknight"), a fiercely racist, anti-Semitic organization. Darré was arrested in 1945 and tried at the subsequent Nuremberg Trials. He was acquitted on many of the more serious charges against him, specifically those relating to genocide; but was nevertheless sentenced to seven years in prison. He was released in 1950 and died in Munich on September 5, 1953 of cancer of the liver, induced by alcoholism.
- The unity of blood and soil must be restored.
- 1930. Quoted in "Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience" - Page 17 - by Janet Biehl, Peter Staudenmaier - 1995
- The concept of Blood and Soil gives us the moral right to take back as much land in the East as is necessary to establish a harmony between the body of our Volk and the geopolitical space.
- Quoted in "Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience" - Page 19 - by Janet Biehl, Peter Staudenmaier - 1995
- The United States is at present so demoralized and so corrupted that, like France and England, it need not be taken into consideration as a military adversary.
- Speech to Nationalist Socialist Party officials, May 1940. Quoted in "The Experts Speak" - Page 112 - by Christopher Cerf, Victor Navasky - 1984
- As soon as we beat England we shall make an end of you Englishmen once and for all. Able-bodied men and women between the ages of 16 and 45 will be exported as slaves to the Continent. The old and weak will be exterminated. All men remaining in Britain as slaves will be sterilised; a million or two of the young women of the Nordic type will be segregated in a number of stud farms where, with the assistance of picked German sires, during a period of 10 or 12 years, they will produce annually a series of Nordic infants to be brought up in every way as Germans. These infants will form the future population of Britain. They will be partially educated in Germany and only those who fully satisfy the Nazi's requirements will be allowed to return to Britain and take up permanent residence. The rest will be sterilised and sent to join slave gangs in Germany. Thus, in a generation or two, the British will disappear.
- Alleged speech (1940), as reported in Life magazine. (No German source known; could be allied propaganda. Richard Walther Darré was also cited as having pro-English views, and attended King's College in Wimbledon as an exchange student in his younger years.) Quoted in "Women in Air Force Blue" - Page 213 - by Beryl E. Escott - History - 1989