Heaven's Lost Property
(Redirected from Sora No Otoshimono)
Heaven's Lost Property is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Suu Minazuki. The plot revolves around Tomoki Sakurai, a highly perverted young man struggling to live a peaceful life. His already-difficult life worsens when he encounters a fallen Angeloid named Ikaros, who soon becomes his servant.
Season 1
[edit]Episode 1: A Full-frontal Hero Arises in the World
[edit]- Tomoki: (In Voiceover) I Don't Think I've ever Had a dream like this before. In a dream, there's a girl I've never met. I Love her... and she loves me back. But ... in the End, She always... The Sky always spirits her away and I wake for a dream.
- Sugata: Hello, Everyone. My name is Eishiro Sugata. This is my assistant, Pretty-kun. Look at this. There appears to be an anomalous hole, of some sorts, moving above the Earth's surface. Scientists from across the globe have been working to figure out Whatit is... and have dropped monitoring instruments into the anomaly, but they haven't been able to come to any sort of conclusion. But you see, their hypotheses are flawed because they're grounded in reality. As you are no doubt aware, Columbus, Discoverer the Americas, was able to demonstate how an egg can stand on its tip by thinking outside the box. No one believes in the unreal until they see it for themselves. You could say that it's akin to the world beneath a girl's skirt -- it's a world not yet known.
- Computer Voice: But I have the ability to see it! I can see the keywords that connects everything: "A Whole New World." Now, thenext issue is... what makes up this "Whole New World" of ours? Metaphorically-speaking, you could say that, under the panties...
- Sohara: Tomo-chan, get up! Get up! We're going to be late!
- Tomoki: Let me sleep a little longer...
- Sohara: For crying out loud... I said get up! (Gasps, then she start screams)
- Tomoki: What's Wrong, Sohara?! Aw, aw? They say it's a good sign... when the flag's flying at full mast, Sohara.
- Sohara: Yes!
Episode 2: An Airborne Prismatic Panty Adventure
[edit]- Tomoki: (In Voiceover) My name is Tomoki Sakurai. I'm just your average student who loves peace and quiet. But I'm surrounded by... a girl with a murderous karate chop, a weirdo that flies through the sky, and as if that wasn't enough, I'm getting loads of SOS messages in my dreams. Oh, and to top it all off, an alien creature dropped off the sky. The Following story depicts the downfall of my quiet and peaceful life.
- Eishiro: Hello, Everyone. My name is Eishiro Sugata. This is my assistant, Pretty-kun. The Earth has magnetic lines of force running between its northern and southern axes. In other words, it has a magnetic field. But, if this black hole is causing the Earth's magnetic field to become slighty disturbed... To give an example, migrant birds rely on the magnetic field to determine which way to fly. An abnormality in the field will cause a bird to lose sight of its destination and it'll plummet from the sky. If this is the case, then it's not out of the question for something to now be able to fly, when before, it couldn't. There's a reason for everything. Basically, anything that flies up there in the sky has a specific reason to be flying. What's important is the first one to take flight. That's not good. I Think I'll mark that down as a fail.
- Sohara: Please don't let them grow any bigger... Good morning, Tomo-chan! For crying out loud... He's still asleep? Tomo-chan! Wake up. You're gonna be lat-
- Tomoki: I-It's not what it looked like, Sohara-san. I was trying to take off this chain when...
- Sohara: Yes! What's this all about?! Who's That? Why's she here?!
- Tomoki: Well, um... She fell out of the sky.
- Sohara: Tomo-chan, you jerk! There's no way I'd believe something like that.
- Tomoki: But it's true! Look, Sohara! See? She's flying. See? See? Look! See? See? Sohara! Ah!! Sohara! F-First things first, I have to do something about this chain...
- Ikaros: Um, I can extend the chain as far as you wish or even remove it altogether.
- Tomoki: Why didn't you tell me that earlier?! Okay, I'm off!
- Ikaros: Yes, Master.
- Middle School Students: Good morning, morning.
- Tomoki: Sohara! Listen to me! Ikaros! Don't follow me! Get over here!