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Steven M. Greer

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The UFO community and the media have taken this disinformation, hook, and sinker... psychological warfare experts staging these sort of events? Yes. And we know that, we have no question that that's going on.
I was 8 or 9 when I had a sighting of a disk-shaped craft that convinced me that it was certainly not an airplane or anything conventional.
People in Congress who make inquiries, and President Clinton who made inquires, are simply denied access.
We can prove through the testimony and documents that we will be presenting that this subject has been hidden from members of Congress and at least two administrations that we are aware of, two presidential administrations.
The so-called MJ-12 or Majestic group that controls this subject operates without the consent of the people, or the oversight of the President and Congress. It functions as a transnational government unto itself, answerable to no one. All checks and balances have been obliterated... Upwards of $100 billion of USG funds go annually into this [from] the ‘black budget’ of the United States
Since the mid-1950s, classified projects connected to extraterrestrial matters have operated outside of constitutionally required oversight and control... maintained by a carefully orchestrated psychological nexus of ridicule, fear, intimidation and disinformation...
Because of this misguided secrecy, the wondrous new sciences related to advanced energy generation, propulsion and transportation have been withheld from the people. These advances include the generation of limitless clean energy from the so-called zero point energy field...
[With the repressed technology] you wouldn't need oil, but the $30 trillion-a-year global economy would quickly grow to $200 trillion because there’d be clean, sustainable energy, and manufacturing and transportation would be very inexpensive. Eighty percent of the world’s population lives in amazing poverty, and it would lift that.
It is critical to understand that an enormous and sophisticated disinformation campaign exists around the whole extraterrestrial question- at least 90 percent of the information and images portrayed to the public are selected to evoke fear — followed by hatred of all things alien... But fear and horror sells, and the usual suspects benefit from a terrified, misinformed populace...
We know that clandestine paramilitary operations exist, controlled by a shadowy group staging simulated UFO/ETV events. This is not speculation: we have interviewed many independent corroborating military people who have participated on the teams that have deliberately "abducted" people to create the illusion of real extraterrestrial encounters.
“Well, what if these life forms are hostile?”... I said "... if they were hostile, in a nanosecond the earth could be turned into a cinder floating through space and you know it. And insofar as we have been doing reckless and dangerous things against them for decades, the fact that you and I still are breathing the free air of earth is abundant testimony to their non-violence.” He just looked at me.
Secretary of Defense Cohen had learned of Gordon Cooper's team filming a landed UFO... in the 1950s... Cohen knew the dates and details of the landing and filming - and yet Cohen could not gain access to the film or the records!
... we met with a number of members of Congress... we found we could meet privately with a number of key Congressmen.... What I found in almost every case is that they all wanted to know, but they didn't want to act.

Steven M. Greer (born June 28, 1955) is an American ufologist and retired traumatologist who founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and the Disclosure Project, which seeks the disclosure of supposed classified information about UFOs.




  • It really is the same thing. They are identical issues.... The implication of having this information released is so vast, profound, and far-reaching that no aspects of life on earth would be unchanged.
  • The conventional world of science thinks what I'm doing is nonsense, yet I'm one of the biggest skeptics in the UFO community because 90 percent of what I hear about this subject is nonsense. A lot of the information (about aliens) presented to the public is some kind of fantasy, but at its core there's always a little truth.
    About 55 percent of the population believe that (UFOs) are real and that some segment of the government is hiding it from them. That's a majority of the population, more people than voted for Clinton in the last election. About 10 percent of Americans have seen (a UFO) at some point. If you go out and talk to people, they believe this stuff is real. (Greer cites both the Gallup and Harris polls)
  • The secrecy hasn't been enforced because the government thinks people are going to freak out when they find we're not alone in the universe... what will be shocking is the scandal of the last 50 years of ecosystem destruction, when we've had the technology to avoid it since the late '50s.
    It's accepted that black holes exist, yet no one has ever seen one. We know they exist because of their effect on nearby objects. Do I have the left arm of ET strapped to a table? No. Are there (government) programs that do, and witnesses willing to come forward and testify to this in the right setting? Yes.
    Billy Graham, for example, has stated that it's likely there are other life forms out there. His take on it is that we should regard them as children of God, even as humanity is. The Vatican came out with a similar statement three or four years ago.
    Where you're going to have a problem is with your really orthodox groups, people who think the Earth is only 6,000 years old. They are going to see this as a threat to their very literalistic doctrines.
    It's been by turns frustrating and fascinating and wonderful beyond imagination.
  • Ending the secrecy surrounding the UFO/ET subject is a laudable goal. It is long overdue. It would transform the world in ways both simple and profound. And yet it is fraught with danger. The covert projects which have been running UFO related programs for nearly 60 years are not interested in a disclosure which upsets their apple cart. They want such a disclosure to transform their apple cart into a freight train. And they potentially have the power and connections to do it... I write about the kind of disclosure the world needs. An honest one. An open one. One which replaces secrecy with democracy. A disclosure which is peaceful, scientific and hopeful. But then there is the disclosure the powers that be would like to see: Manipulated. Calculated to consolidate power and engender fear. Configured in such a way that chaos and a deepening need for Big Brother is carefully inculcated into the masses. We have seen the plans and it is not a pretty picture. I write this as a warning. A warning that the wolves in sheep clothes are very cunning indeed. And have almost limitless resources... Evil steps in when good people do nothing... We stand at the beginning of a new time, and a new world awaits us. But we must embrace it, and help create it. For if we are passive, others will have their way- at least in the short run.


  • We can prove through the testimony and documents that we will be presenting that this subject has been hidden from members of Congress and at least two administrations that we are aware of, two presidential administrations.
  • ...the 10,000-pound gorilla that has been kept secret for about 50 or 60 years.
    • A 10,000-pound gorilla offers a mental workout, The Portland Tribune, Bill McDonald (3 May 2002)
  • ...the people who have dealt directly with the extraterrestrial evidence and the bodies. (Answer to Question: If you had five minutes of television time around the world to convince the skeptics that you were right, what evidence would you show?")
    • A 10,000-pound gorilla offers a mental workout, The Portland Tribune, Bill McDonald (3 May 2002)
  • Back in the early 1960s, when I was eight or nine... some neighborhood boys and I saw a disc-shaped, windowless object that hovered, silent, then simply vanished...I knew what I'd seen, and it was life-changing.
  • (Greer's response to: How would zero-point energy transform the global economy?] It would replace everything. You wouldn’t need oil, but the $30 trillion-a-year global economy would quickly grow to $200 trillion because there’d be clean, sustainable energy, and manufacturing and transportation would be very inexpensive. Eighty percent of the world’s population lives in amazing poverty, and it would lift that. It would revolutionize the planet. People talk about the “peace dividend,” but it’s time for a “space dividend.”
    The entity that runs this stuff is the world’s largested RICO [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization]. They used to be called MJ – Majestic – 12 – but the last term I heard was PI-40. It’s not one society. There are sweeping conspiracy theories about the Masons, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission and Counsel of Foreign Relations. I know people in all these entities, and most of them couldn’t find their ass in a well-lighted room. It’s much more prosaic and nuanced than that.
  • [Greer's response to: Why do they feel [[[w:Oligarchy|the ruling elite]]] threatened?] It would decentralize power. Right now the centralized financial and oil system is so integrated with the way the world runs...
    About... 50% of people involved in these super secret projects want this stuff out. They know we're running out of time environmentally & geopolitically. I have no doubt that the outcome will be peaceful, that these technologies will completely rehabilitate Earth's fortunes & environment, and eliminate poverty... in our lifetimes. But the question is, how much madness has to go on between now and then?
  • We have confirmation - and I'm not going to give the name yet because we are trying to coax this guy out of the closet - but one of the senior most people in the SETI project, which is the Carl Sagan Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Effort, has confirmed to the Disclosure Project... that they have received multiple extraterrestrial signals... but that now they are getting external human, probably NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) or NSA jamming of those signals and they are getting very frustrated. The question is why hasn't the SETI project, funded by Paul Allen who's the co-founder of Microsoft, come forward with this information? I'm a little uncomfortable even mentioning this, except for the fact that the public needs to know that this effort, which has received a great deal of mainstream media attention, has actually confirmed to us from two inside sources that they have received extraterrestrial signals and have confirmed them as being extraterrestrial and that they have become increasing in frequency.
  • They have had numerous extraterrestrial signals. They were apparently searching in a spectrum or in an area . . . where they hit the mother lode. The signals were so numerous that they began to have their systems externally jammed by some sort of human agency that did not want them to continue receiving those signals...
  • There is a major country in the world - G7 Country - that has decided to do this with us and has invited us to become the primary contactee to precipitate an event with these extraterrestrial vehicles with the full support of their air force, space command, everything, land and meet the leadership of this country with us facilitating this so that this can than be proximally disclosed to the world, and thats what we are doing eminent - what we are working on eminently. (February 11, 2007)

Special Presidential Briefing for President Barack Obama (23 January 2009)


Full pdf text online

  • Since the mid-1950s, classified projects connected to extraterrestrial matters have operated outside of constitutionally required oversight and control by the President and Congress. This constitutes a grave and ongoing threat to US national security and global security and peace. The implications of this subject are such that no aspect of life on Earth will be unaffected by its Disclosure. We are acutely aware that this subject is highly controversial and suffers from great social opprobrium within certain elite circles and within the mainstream media.
    Indeed, secrecy on the subject has, in part, been maintained by a carefully orchestrated psychological nexus of ridicule, fear, intimidation and disinformation that makes it difficult for any public figure to openly address the matter... Because of this misguided secrecy, the wondrous new sciences related to advanced energy generation, propulsion and transportation have been withheld from the people. These advances include the generation of limitless clean energy from the so-called zero point energy field and quantum vacuum flux field from the space around us, and propulsion that has been termed (incorrectly) anti-gravity. The field of electromagnetic energy that is teeming all around us and which is embedded within the fabric of space/time can easily run all of the energy needs of the Earth – without pollution, oil, gas, coal, centralized utilities or nuclear power.
    • p. 1
  • The world will not find justice and peace so long as half of the world’s population lives in poverty while the other half cannibalizes the Earth to maintain its standard of living. This dire situation can and must be transformed into a world of abundance, clean and plentiful energy and genuine sustainability. On this foundation, with these new sciences, technologies and a new consciousness, we can move forward as a people, united and in peace. Then and only then will we be welcome amongst the other civilizations of the cosmos.
    • p. 2
  • The so-called MJ-12 or Majestic group that controls this subject operates without the consent of the people, or the oversight of the President and Congress. It functions as a transnational government unto itself, answerable to no one. All checks and balances have been obliterated. While as a governing entity it stands outside of the rule of law, its influence reaches into many governments, corporations, agencies, media and financial interests. Its corrupting influence is profound and, indeed, it has operated as a very powerful and embedded global RICO whose power to date remains unchecked. Upwards of $100 billion of USG funds go annually into this operation, also known as the ‘black budget’ of the United States - enough to provide universal health care to every man, woman and child in America.
    Interests in Europe, the Vatican and Asia, especially France and China, are urging Disclosure. If the United States does not move forward, these other interests will, and America will be left behind and become increasingly irrelevant in the world. This cannot be allowed to happen. The European and Asian arenas will move with or without US involvement at some point in the very near future, as well they should. Six decades of secrecy is enough.
    We are also morally obliged to warn you of an existing highly secretive plan to use advanced technologies to hoax an ‘alien attack’ on Earth. There exists within the direct control of this Majestic group assets capable of launching such a false flag operation and virtually every person on Earth, as well as most leaders, would be deceived by it. Components of this operation have been tested on the public over the past 50 years...
    • p. 3
  • We have concluded that the actual extraterrestrial presence is distinctly non-hostile. In light of the reckless and aggressive nature of many of our covert military actions and the extraordinarily advanced technologies that permit interstellar travel by these extraterrestrial civilizations, if they were hostile, human civilization would have been dealt with decisively at the dawn of the nuclear era.
    These visitors, however, appear to be very concerned with unchecked human hostility, war-making and weapons of mass destruction, combined with our early potential for space travel. The tendency for people to engage in anthropocentric projection leads many to assume a threat where none exists.
    It is more likely that humanity may be seen as a threat to the cosmic order, insofar as we have failed to restrain the expansion of weapons of mass destruction while attempting to push farther and farther into space. Moreover, we have failed to initiate an enlightened and peaceful diplomatic mission to these extraterrestrial visitors. This needs to change immediately.
    Disclosure of this subject must be very carefully planned and positioned as a hopeful and elevating moment in human history. A poorly positioned Disclosure that demonizes these visitors or frightens the public may prove more harmful than secrecy.
    • p.4
  • World peace and universal peace are two sides of the same coin. Once we vow to live peacefully on Earth and go into space only in peace, we will be welcome with open arms. Until then, a type of cosmic quarantine exists - rightly - around the Earth.
    Unfortunately, the media and movie industry are highly penetrated by interests loyal to the Majestic group, which has used the media to, in turns, ridicule the subject and present terrifying images of ‘alien invasion’. In short, the populace is almost thoroughly brainwashed on the matter, and this presents a further hurdle that must be carefully taken into account when planning Disclosure.
    • p. 5
  • President Obama, we stand ready to assist you and your Administration with these and other tasks, and pledge to you our full support. I will personally fulfill any request from your office with the utmost integrity, discretion and confidentiality. Please be assured of my heartfelt prayers on your behalf for your guidance, protection and success as you begin your historic role as President of the United States.
    • p. 6
Everyone thinks we have a free press in America, we do not. We have a managed press... ABC News was pursuing this with us, I gave them 35 hours of digital tape of top-secret testimony and hard evidence...the executive producer...was told: “You will not be allowed to do this story.” So there’s a myth around the world that... the big mainstream media are free... this is not the case.
Unacknowledged, this documentary, it’s on Netflix now, around the world, it’s had tens of millions people see it. And on pirated sites, probably a hundred million people... These (advanced) civilisations are waiting for us to grow up... and until then, there’s not going to be any overt action by them unless some catastrophic event was to happen.
President Kennedy was assassinated for a constellation of related issues: UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence are part of a set of problems that include the world banking system, the intelligence directorates, this shadowy group that controls our society through interlocking corporate, financial and institutional interests and corrupt corporate interests in military and government affairs.
Without peace there can be no further progress on earth. The simple truth is this: We have reached the point in human evolution where the only possible future is a peaceful one.
We have to be aware of the chaos, but we should not only focus on that... We can discipline ourselves to dwell on that which is good and beautiful and draw that to us and bring it into the world... We must have the courage to choose enlightenment, and take responsibility for our own evolution and the progress of humanity.
On this foundation, with these new sciences, technologies and a new consciousness, we can move forward as a people, united and in peace. Then and only then will we be welcome amongst the other civilizations of the cosmos.
We live in the most interesting of times. We're the last generation that will fully have the experience of both the old world and the new era. We're too close to it to really see it, but we have a beautiful station that is pivotal. It is unlike any generation before or that will come after. We are the generation of transformation. It is at once overwhelming and beautiful. We should be joyous and amazed at the extraordinary time we are in and the unparalleled opportunities we have...


  • In a sense what he's calling for [President Trumps plans to create a United States Space Force] is acknowledging something that has existed in an unacknowledged special access project, black project, that has been operational in one form or another since the mid-to-late ‘60s... I have a man who is a very top secret technology management office whistleblower from the Pentagon who has acknowledged to me that we have operational systems on satellites in space that can track and target and destroy any object in space, and those have been fully operational for many years.... This is what we've discovered is the unacknowledged extra access projects are run off the books in an extra-constitutional way, and the leaders in Congress and in the presidency rarely have full access, never mind control, over those projects. This is something that needs correcting as soon as possible.
  • We’ve been working for over 25 years to disclose this information, and the public has accepted the fact that we’re not alone in the Universe, the vast majority. In fact, if you look at the, even on Unacknowledged, this documentary, it’s on Netflix now, around the world, it’s had tens of millions people see it. And on pirated sites, probably a hundred million people. So... this information is out there, but the governments have not seen fit to officially recognize it because it would disrupt the status-quo... There are a lot of people, like, of course, the science fiction, who’d make you think that there’s a risk of some kind of alien invasion or threat. It’s the other way around, we’re viewed as the threat, the human civilisation right now is viewed as a very unstable civilisation that has not attained a peaceful world situation, which should have happened at the end of World War 2, and has not yet happened... These (advanced) civilisations are waiting for us to grow up... and until then, there’s not going to be any overt action by them unless some catastrophic event was to happen.
  • Recently the Pentagon released a radar case off the coast of California where one of our fighter jets tracked one of these objects moving in a way that no conventional aircraft could possibly move, and this was in The New York Times, and CNN and elsewhere.... There’s a huge amount of evidence... We have... been accumulating it for decades... Everyone thinks we have a free press in America, we do not. We have a managed press. And if CNN started drilling on this subject they would be told to stand down off of it... ABC News was pursuing this with us, I gave them 35 hours of digital tape of top-secret testimony and hard evidence...the executive producer...was told: “You will not be allowed to do this story.” So there’s a myth around the world that... the big mainstream media are free to do this. And this is not the case.
  • A BIG thank you to everyone who has supported http://CE5Film.com  ! We just reached $300,000 today towards our goal of $700,000 - Let's keep going and much appreciation to all of you!
  • There have been several main stream media articles re UFOs recently with a disturbing bias. Read Dr. Greer's "When Disclosure Serves Secrecy" and watch the the Phoenix workshop about how the intelligence community controls the media: https://conta.cc/2MjMIzG

Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge (2013)


Full text

  • But it is time for you to know: Why did an emergency physician who had been chairman of a busy ER leave his career to get out to the world the information that we are not alone? What had I personally experienced from childhood onwards - that gave me the knowledge of cosmic cultures, cosmic consciousness and a glimpse of the wondrous future that awaits humanity? What are the new energy and propulsion technologies that can give us a new world, free of pollution, poverty and conflict?
    What is the nexus where Mind, Space, Time and Matter all come together- and how might this be used technologically by an advanced civilization? What does the blue-print of the next 500,000 years of human civilization on earth look like - and how can we transition to that time?
    What did I find- and experience - as I met with heads of state, CIA officials, billionaires and covert operatives who in turns are desperate to maintain the secrecy and yet pray for relief from the black box they have nailed shut around them? Who has been keeping this Hidden Truth and Forbidden Knowledge secret - and most importantly, why?
    • p. xi
  • It is critical to understand that an enormous and sophisticated disinformation campaign exists around the whole extraterrestrial question- at least 90 percent of the information and images portrayed to the public are selected to evoke fear — followed by hatred of all things alien... But fear and horror sells, and the usual suspects benefit from a terrified, misinformed populace...
    We know that clandestine paramilitary operations exist, controlled by a shadowy group staging simulated UFO/ETV events. This is not speculation: we have interviewed many independent corroborating military people who have participated on the teams that have deliberately "abducted" people to create the illusion of real extraterrestrial encounters.
    • p.33
  • Most of the UFO/ET information put out is designed by counter-intelligence, PSYOPS and disinformation people for a specific, intended effect.
    This is a concerted effort to create a false "alien threat." If someone comes forward with a dissimilar story, they're blacklisted from lectures and subsequently unable to get their story out to the public or the media in book form or through any other significant channel. But those who create terrifying messages - akin to the movie "Independence Day", or certain abduction books, - receive high dollar advances along with big publishing deals and film contracts. This is assuredly by design.
    The power elite want those alarming stories seeded into the mass consciousness, and for the truth to be buried.
    • p.35
  • Within the Shadow Government is a hard-core group of eschatologists: people obsessed with the end of the world who would like to see it go out in one big eco-alien cataclysm, to hasten the return of Christ! This is their agenda: They maintain that the world has to be in the most dire of conditions for the Second Coming to occur, and they hope to make circumstances ripe for that goal. It is just plain madness.
    • p. 36
  • I went to live in Israel in January of 1978, initially just to visit for about ten days. I ended up staying for three years, working at the world headquarters of the Baha'i religion on Mount Carmel in Haifa. It was a wonderful and interesting experience being at some very sacred places. In all my travels throughout that area, I could feel the presence of the spiritual teachers that have come to this small area. And at the same time, I sensed that every rock is soaked in the blood of conflict.
    • p. 39
  • We live in a time where universal education and the universal ability to read should open up the whole array of knowledge to every denizen on the planet. And those who would care to be gatekeepers or bottle- necks - and keep a choke hold on the flow of knowledge - simply need to step down and stand aside.
    • p. 54
  • So I explained, “In my dream, the President is going down to Colombia; either on take-off or landing, Air Force One is hit.” I described everything -- that it’s an inside job and it is Colombian defense people who betray the security detail and are acting on behalf of these people who run the drug cartels. The Secret Service agent said, “What do we need to do to avoid this?” I said, “Well, if you can’t get the President to cancel the trip, you need to, at the last minute, change where Air Force One lands... be sure that everyone within striking distance of a shoulder-held missile is connected to your people and not Colombian. And you need to sweep the area that far out. He said, “We’ll do it.” Weeks later, in “Newsweek” I read an article that said that, in fact, a contract for $5 million had been put out on the life of President Bush and that arms merchants in the Middle East, including Israel, had sold the drug cartels in Colombia shoulder-held missiles! This article, which came out AFTER my vision, stated that advisors to the President were asking him to cancel this trip. It turns out, of course, he did take the trip and he wasn’t killed.
    • p.67
  • People often ask, “How do you know the difference between a man- made UFO and an extraterrestrial vehicle?” It’s very obvious if you are ever close up to one, because the entire quality of it is different. The ones that are extraterrestrial are extremely advanced, in the sense that they are “awake.” The actual craft itself has artificial intelligence and is conscious. The beings on board are connected into it and can connect to you consciously. And the kind of light it gives off is like nothing you have ever seen on Earth: It is extraordinary. It looks like it is not of this world and has an energy and intelligence associated with it that is very advanced.
    • p. 76
  • So you have people like Laurance Rockefeller, who really wanted to do the right thing- but he allowed his wings to be clipped by family loyalties, and was surrounded by a mob of intelligence operatives and spooks who were hell bent on intercepting his interests, and making sure that whatever support he could give, went into the toilet.
    Many wonderful things happened, including the fact that we were able to put together briefing materials which Laurance Rockefeller used to personally brief Bill and Hillary Clinton at the “JY” Ranch.
    • p. 98
  • I later found out from a friend of the Clinton’s that when President Clinton returned to the White House and was reviewing the briefing documents again he exclaimed —and she did a perfect impersonation of Bill Clinton— “ I know this is all true, but God damn it, they won’t tell me a thing. Not a God damned thing !”
    • p. 99
  • [Vice Admiral] Shannon D. Cramer had ordered the meeting, and actually had to pull rank... to make it happen. The meeting went on for an hour or two, during which time I made a very clear case regarding how we had established contact on numerous occasions with the UFOs in question. They were writing furiously as we disclosed this information to them. We continued to explain that it was well past time for this information to be disclosed to the public.
    At one point... asked, “Well, what if these life forms are hostile?” I looked at him and I said, “You know what? You and I wouldn’t be having this conversation if they were hostile given the fact that the technologies that they have are so advanced that they can alter the fabric of space-time. If they were hostile, in a nanosecond the earth could be turned into a cinder floating through space and you know it. And insofar as we have been doing reckless and dangerous things against them for decades, the fact that you and I still are breathing the free air of earth is abundant testimony to their non-violence.” He just looked at me.
    • p.101
  • Later we learned that Admiral Cramer was told that he was not to be involved in this sort of meeting again. When our military advisor went back to visit the Admiral, his aide insisted, “Don’t ever bring up that subject again with Admiral Cramer. He can’t talk about that!” Do you think that we should have been surprised to learn that, shortly afterwards... I was told that Admiral Cramer was rewarded for not pushing this issue anymore...
    • p.102
  • In 1994, a... friend of Bill Clinton, came to my home after I had briefed the CIA Director. He was a very easygoing, affable guy He said, "You know, everyone agrees with what you're recommending, but there's a consensus that if the President does what you've suggested to him and to the CIA Director — that they exert executive power to get inside this operation and disclose it — the President will end up like Jack Kennedy." I thought he was joking, and to be honest with you, I laughed out loud. I truly thought, "Oh, come on." But no, he was deadly serious. And he made it very clear that he was serious.
    So it went from crisis to crisis, as I came to realize that the government of the United States and of every other nation was really hostage to an illegal, rogue group that had technologies that could do circles around a B-2 Stealth bomber and could, at will, terminate a presidency or terminate any other person who got in their way. This was made very clear to me by people who were in the inner circle of the greatest corridors of power on Earth.
    • p.110
  • Between 1994 and 1997, as we continued to work the system, I decided it was very important to reach out to the legislative bodies of the world. If the President... was too terrified, and too threatened to act, and his inner circle was being denied access to information, then the next best venue was Congress. So many senior White House officials were being denied access that it was clear only an open hearing in Congress could change things officially.
    Regarding other senior officials being blocked: Astronaut Gordon Cooper personally told me that Secretary of Defense Cohen had learned of Gordon Cooper's team filming a landed UFO at a dry lake bed at Edwards Air Force base in the 1950s. Cohen tried to get access to that information but was denied access. Cohen knew the dates and details of the landing and filming - and yet Cohen could not gain access to the film or the records!
    So, we met with a number of members of Congress... we found we could meet privately with a number of key Congressmen.... What I found in almost every case is that they all wanted to know, but they didn't want to act.
    • p.118
  • We requested that the long awaited Disclosure event take place at the U.N. They agreed to that. But around the time that the agreement was made, they ushered Boutros-Ghali out. Normally, the Secretary Generals get two terms. He only had one. They cited all sorts of reasons why they had to get rid of him...
    So in comes Kofi Annan. A senior aide to Kofi Annan... reached out to us. He said, "They have agreed to let us have the big hall, at the United Nations, to host these top military and government witnesses to UFOs for a conference". This was agreed to.
    But a few weeks later, this ambassador called me... He said, "Well, I know we've agreed to host this for you, but it can no longer happen. The Secretary General was visited by some people who showed him documents that so scared him that he knew he couldn't do anything more with this." I was told that the U.N., which was almost bankrupt, would have been shut down and closed! Essentially, these intelligence operatives and trans-national rogues threatened the UN leadership and put the fear of God in them.
    • p.120
  • Without peace, there can be no progress on the Earth. So let us work for peace with hearts filled with love. For when we pass from this world, all we really take with us is love - endless, infinite love.
    • p.165
  • I've asked him to come forward publicly, but he's terrified and he's certain that he'll be assassinated if he does. He said that they actually had humans directing people who were made to look like extraterrestrials. This 'stagecraft' is very advanced and would fool almost anyone that it really was an ET doing the operation. He said they were using electronics, as well as drugs, to abduct people. "You have no idea how many important political and key military figures have had either themselves or their family members abducted by us so they would learn to hate the extraterrestrials and support the Star Wars effort." I said, "Yes, I do believe it," I told him, "because I met with Prince S.A., whose brother had been abducted through a covert paramilitary operation so that this powerful banking family would accept there was a threat. These operations are extremely well managed, and very sophisticated at the art of deception."
    A number of separate, corroborating people who've been in corporate and military intelligence programs have told me the exact same details regarding the modalities that are used and the purpose behind the operations. These hoaxes are perpetrated in other countries, as well.
    • p.170
  • Jack Kennedy knew a great deal about this and was going to take decisive actions to try to correct it. He was going to rein in the military industrial complex. He was going to make peace with the Soviets; he was going to end the Cold War. In short, he was going to upset the fascist apple cart. And you have to understand that Jack Kennedy also was bright enough to know that Marilyn Monroe was murdered because she was going to talk about some of the things he had told her about ETs and related issues.
    Bobby Kennedy certainly knew about these things. I have a letter from Bobby Kennedy talking about UFOs and his interest in the subject, written not long before he was assassinated.
    Jack Kennedy, as I understand it from my sources, was in the process, in the fall of 1963, of putting through the federal system an executive order that would have altered the dynamics of many of these projects. He was very much in favor of virtually dissolving the CIA. He wanted the UFO matter disclosed and the technologies used to benefit humanity He wanted to change the course we were taking in Vietnam. Well, this rogue entity was not going to let all this happen. He was, of course, assassinated before these changes could be effected.
    • p.174
  • When I met with Lord Hill Norton, in England — a five-star Admiral, "sea lord" and former MOD head... At one point, he asked me, "Why would they not tell me about this? I was head of the Ministry of Defense, and I was also head of MI-5 and MI-6.. I was head of the Military Committee for NATO! Yet I never knew about this... I only learned about it later, and I found out about it from people like Lord Mountbatten. Why wouldn't they tell me?" He was outraged that he was "out of the loop," just like Admiral Tom Wilson... head of Intelligence Joint Staff, and... CIA Director James Woolsey and on and on and on.
    I said, "Well, sir... What would you have done if you had found out that there was a transnational group that answered to no government in the world but had infiltrated almost every aspect of every government of any significance in the world; that had arrogated to itself, through a criminal enterprise and ruthless behavior ~ including murder and assassinations illegal control of the most important technologies ever discovered, including technologies capable of interstellar travel, technologies that could take the whole world off the need for fossil fuels, save the environment, and end poverty in the world; and that this group had utter contempt for the rule of law and for democracy and for the freedoms and welfare of the people, or even for the future of Earth?
    • p. 174
  • He exclaimed, "I wouldn't have stood for it for one bloody moment!!" I said, "And that's why they never told you. You've just answered your own question." He asked, "Well, what do you mean?" I said, "Because if you had known, and this would have been your response, you would have ended up like Jack Kennedy or like Lord Mountbatten, blown up by an alleged IRA bomb that was actually set by this rogue group. And you would have ended up like Marilyn Monroe and Mary Meyer and all these other people, who were killed for not going along with the secrecy You would have ended up like all the rest of them." Then I added, "And like, unfortunately, some of my group — like former CIA Director, Bill Colby" He just looked at me. He then muttered something to effect of, "Those bastards!".
    • p. 174
  • So the question is: Just exactly what has to happen before the body politic learns this lesson? We have already hit peak oil production, and we are going to become like "Mad Max", the movie, fighting over the last barrel of oil. The time has come to do the right thing, and move our civilization to its next level of development.
    Are we willing to live with the rule of law, like a civilized world, or are we going to be cowardly and look the other way when rogue and illegal operations and 'Murder Incorporated' run roughshod over the interests of the people?...How much chaos and stupidity will transpire before we come out on the other side?
    • p. 236
  • I welcome the fact that releasing these technologies would require us to create an enforceable, sustainable, peaceful civilization just to survive. We're at the point now where every one knows we can't put off much longer dealing with these large structural and environmental issues. So when a solution comes along, it will focus people's attention and finally require us to do what we should have done decades ago.
    • p. 236
  • Without peace there can be no further progress on earth. The simple truth is this: We have reached the point in human evolution where the only possible future is a peaceful one.
    Now, there are many people who argue: "Oh, we're never peaceful and we'll always try to kill each other." The truth is most people don't want to go around murdering each other. Out of six billion people, most are actually very nice peaceful people. Unfortunately we have not been willing to restrain the few rabid dogs that routinely like to attack the flock.
    • p. 236
  • Some in these covert projects have misinterpreted certain ET actions: For example, when we tried to detonate a nuclear weapon on the moon, to show the USSR how powerful America was, an extraterrestrial vehicle came in and intercepted it and destroyed it. Now, you could take that to be evidence that these ETs were hostile towards us, when in reality they were trying to protect facilities on the moon, and also the sanctity of space as a peaceful place free from weapons of mass destruction.But from the shoes of those humans who wanted to see that moon detonation happen, their frustration could lead to the assumption that this ET action was proof of their hostility!
    A number of such events have happened, where humans have misinterpreted ET actions as evidence of hostility, when in reality it was evidence of enlightenment. These extraterrestrial civilizations are simply trying to contain an immature and out-of-control militarized civilization on earth from escaping the biosphere and going out into space.
    • p. 237
  • We have to be aware of the chaos, but we should not only focus on that. It's easy to dwell on the negative. But there is so much that's beautiful that's all around us and there's so much that's happening that's positive. We can discipline ourselves to dwell on that which is good and beautiful and draw that to us and bring it into the world. It isn't easy, because we live in a world that's increasingly harsh and destructive. But this propels us all the more to connect firmly to truth and to a deeper vision.
    We must have the courage to choose enlightenment, and take responsibility for our own evolution and the progress of humanity.
    • p. 300
  • We live in the most interesting of times. We're the last generation that will fully have the experience of both the old world and the new era. We're too close to it to really see it, but we have a beautiful station that is pivotal. It is unlike any generation before or that will come after. We are the generation of transformation. It is at once overwhelming and beautiful. We should be joyous and amazed at the extraordinary time we are in and the unparalleled opportunities we have.
    Efforts expended through the difficulty of this time, for this purpose- for the establishment of universal peace- will be honored and remembered for thousands of years. If we seize the opportunity, we are providing a service to humanity that no other generation could provide — and that's why we're here.
    • p. 300-301

Unacknowledged: An Expose of the World's Greatest Secret (2017)


Film script

  • For as long as mankind has fixed his gaze upon the heavens, the age-old question has remained, "Are we alone... in the universe?" As our tools for exploring this vast expanse continue to improve, the answer to our question comes more clearly into focus. It's now estimated that for every grain of sand on planet Earth, there is another earth-like planet capable of sustaining life. So... can we truly be alone?
    • Film Narrator
  • I can introduce a man who says, "There are more things between heaven and hell than any of us have accepted." And I have the witnesses and the documents to prove it. Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Steven Greer.
  • On May 9th, 2001, 20 military, government, and corporate witnesses, held a press conference in Washington DC. And these are folks who have been involved in so-called "Black Budget", or covert unacknowledged projects. They described a decades long conspiracy to cover up extraterrestrial visitation to Earth. These unacknowledged special access projects are taking in at least 40 to 80 billion dollars per year. And the study of extraterrestrial technology in covert military programs. And, they are sitting on technologies that can change the world forever. This technology would liberate Earth from fossil fuels, environmental devastation, and poverty in a single generation.
    • Film Narrator and Steven Greer
  • I didn't believe in UFOs until London control called us in the winter of 1962 and asked us would we chase one. Their testimony would make history. I said, "what are you gonna tell the public about it?" And he says, "No, we don't tell the public about this, it would panic the public." This was the most-watched event in the history of the National Press Club.
    • Film Narrator and witnesses
  • We actually did recoveries of crashed saucers. There were bodies that were involved with some of these crashes. There were also some were alive. It marks the beginning of the global disclosure movement. These just were hovering off the floor without any visible means of support. They were referred to as "Alien reproduction vehicles." Fifteen years later, Dr. Steven Greer opened his archives of documents and interviews. This information was refused to the President of the United States by the director of Central Intelligence George Bush Senior. They revealed the true story of the secrecy, and of disclosure.
    • Film Narrator and witnesses
  • There is no evidence. I wish to emphasize that these lifeforms from elsewhere are hostile towards us. But there is a great deal of evidence that they are concerned with our hostility. This is that story...One of my biggest disappointments over the last 25 years is those who lack the courage of their convictions. If one percent of the people who I've talked with, met with, or briefed, had that courage, this would have all been fixed long ago. I've always told them, "If you won't do it, I will." So here it goes...
    • Steven Greer
  • I'm Richard Doty. I was assigned as a special agent with the Air Force office special investigations at Kirtland Air Force base. I was a counter-intelligence officer at the base. During my time there, my first few months there, I was briefed into a special access program involving the US government's investigation and contacts with extraterrestrial. The visitation of these extraterrestrials to... To Earth.
    • Richard Doty
  • I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on Earth.
    • President Harry S. Truman.
  • And so the public has to understand there became to be this bifurcation that this separation between legitimate national security and military operations, and the deep black programs that are unacknowledged. We're talking about the black budget, the deep black, super-secret unacknowledged budget that runs in the 100 to 200 billion dollars a year. I'm being conservative.
    • Steven Greer
  • My '03 budget calls for more than $48 billion in new defense spending.
  • More money for the Pentagon when it's own auditors admit the military cannot account for 25% of what it already spends.
    • News
  • According to some estimates we cannot track 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions.
  • $2.3 trillion with a "T." That's $8,000 for every man, woman, and child in America.
    • Narrator
  • We're spending well over a $100 million per day on classified programs that have no congressional oversight, no public scrutiny, uh, there is no monitor of these programs. A number of these programs go directly through Congress, totally. When you start going through these documents, these programs start dropping off the radar screen. These are all classified programs within the defense budget, but they don't supply any technical information on the program.
  • And if people think that the Congress and the President actually have a hand on this, they're gravely mistaken. They do not. This is where we get into the structure of secrecy.
    • Steven Greer
  • The structure of secrecy is complex, and multifaceted. We've been led to believe that we live in a mostly transparent democracy, with the President at the top of the intelligence food chain. A true Commander-in-Chief. The reality however is much different.
    • Narrator
  • A shadowy government with it's own Air Force, it's own navy, it's own fund-raising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interests, free from all sects and balances, and free from the law itself.
  • There is secrecy that is legal, and unfortunately, where Edward Snowden made his mistake, was by disclosing secrets, no matter how inappropriate it might have been that they were going on, that were being managed legally that the President and Congress and the intelligence communities knew about... On the other hand, there's secrecy that is illegal! And these are the unacknowledged special access projects. USAPs, U-S-A-P for short.
    • Steven Greer
  • What they've done is they formed this alliance among themselves, of the industry that makes money by building war machines. The military that uses the war machines and justifies them, and then the intelligence community that is not really an intelligence community, it's a covert operations community, armed with military weapons and nuclear weapons, and that they're trying to push the boundaries now of establishing their dominion in full-spectrum dominance over the planet.

Quotes about the film

  • Meanwhile , Unacknowledged is being BLOCKED by media, no coverage even though it is the 2017 #1 Documentary on iTunes and widely popular on Netfli[ etc. The secret government is manipulating a false disclosure and threat via their lackeys and 'cut-outs'. Stay tuned!
    • Steven Greer Twitter post (17 Dec 2017)
  • "Unacknowledged" focuses on the historic files of the Disclosure Project and how UFO secrecy has been ruthlessly enforced - and why. The best evidence for Extraterrestrial contact, dating back decades, is presented with direct top-secret witness testimony, documents and UFO footage, 80% if which has never been revealed anywhere else. The behind-the-scenes research and high level meetings convened by Dr. Steven Greer will expose the degree of illegal, covert operations at the core of UFO secrecy. From briefings with the CIA Director, top Pentagon Generals and Admirals, to the briefing of President Obama via senior



Quotes about Steven Greer

  • Dr. Steven Greer is a global authority on extraterrestrials who has previous works with Sirius and Unacknowledged and now founder of the Disclosure Project, brings this documentary to talk about shattering the bounds of secrecy of the ET phenomenon. People seeing UFO’s (Unidentified Flying Objects) is not a new phenomenon. What has been sightings spoken has turned into sightings being video’s with cell phones making it impossible to deny that, at the very least, something is happening in our world. Dr. Greer has submitted briefings to five presidents on the subject and with information that he has gathered.
    While the government creates their own narrative based on fear, Dr. Greer wants to put the facts together in this brutally honest documentary. He believes that it is possible to create a relationship between humans and Extraterrestrials (ET). This documentary brings groundbreaking video/photographic evidence along with the interviews of Princeton’s PEAR lab Adam Curry, civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan and CIA’s Dr. Russel Targ. These interviews are as equally important as with what Dr. Greer has to share. The most important is Greer’s story of being visited as a child and through learning joint meditation with the ET’s, he was able to create the CE5 protocol which allows goodwill telepathy inviting ET’s to know where the good guys are.
  • Dr. Greer has a formidable background in the science of human consciousness. A former emergency room doctor, Greer studied meditation, Sanskrit, the use of mantras, and the ritual of pujas from the time he was a teenager. He has published books and released documentaries and he seems to have the ear of practical, grounded folks at the highest levels of society, government, and the military. He speaks with riveting authority and intelligence. Dr. Greer claims that extra-terrestrials have been visiting us for a long time... Greer compiled evidence from hundreds of sources. He gathered a group of impressive and credible sources, and he presented the people and the evidence at a televised press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC in May, 2001. Disclosure has already happened, according to Dr. Greer... Dr. Greer posits that the ETs visit us by way of transdimensional technology, using the science of consciousness. He reasons that the distances are so vast that any species who can travel across the cosmos must travel faster than the speed of light. And the way to exceed the speed of light is through the speed of thought, which is instantaneous, or nearly so. This assumption evokes physicist Dr. William Tiller’s work on quantum physics and intentionality.
  • Dr. Greer would probably say “Conscious intention…creates robust effects,” not limiting this theory to human consciousness. Tiller goes so far as to posit the Tiller model, which states, “We are primarily elements of spirit, indestructible and eternal and ‘multiplexed’ in the Divine.” It’s that ‘multiplex’ that Greer touches on; it unites all beings who are consciously aware of being conscious. That is, who are awake. Tiller’s model and Greer’s discourse bear strong similarities... This story, like all good stories, has protagonists and villains. The protagonists are We the People who want the truth and who also want to make peaceful contact with other citizens of the Universe. The ETs themselves, who are waiting for the inhabitants of Earth to mature into peaceful, open-hearted contact, are also good guys. The villains are the war-mongering military-industrial complex who want to maintain their hegemony... These “petro-Nazis,”... maintain their vast wealth through cultivating war, fear, and dependence on fossil fuel oils... the new technologies gleaned from the downed ET craft could save the planet... could also save us ordinary folk vast amounts of money. Those technologies are being sequestered by the very people about whom Eisenhower warned us in 1961... This poignance, this heart-break, this sense of ‘what if?’ underscores Dr. Greer’s film. Close Encounters... evokes thought, excitement, wonder, and personal responsibility. We each can be one of the 1% whose higher thoughts resonate all of us into an uplifted reality — a reality of universal community and good will.
    • Traci L. Slatton, Review of Dr. Steven Greer’s Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Fascinating and Poignant, Medium, (19 May 2020)

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