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Terminator 2: Judgment Day

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Hasta la vista, baby.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day, also known as T2, is a 1991 film about a shape-shifting cyborg who is sent back from the future to assassinate John Connor before he can grow up to lead the resistance, while a protector cyborg is also sent. It is the sequel to the 1984 film The Terminator.

Directed by James Cameron. Written by James Cameron and William Wisher Jr..
Ten years ago, the machines who rule the future sent an unstoppable Terminator to assassinate the yet unborn John Connor. They failed. In 1991, the machines will try again.(taglines)

The Terminator

Come with me if you want to live.
Stay here, I’ll be back.
  • I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.
  • Come with me if you want to live.
  • [to John Connor] Your foster parents are dead.
  • Stay here, I'll be back.

Sarah Connor

  • Three billion human lives ended on August 29, 1997. The survivors of the nuclear fire called the war Judgment Day. They lived only to face a new nightmare: the war against the Machines. The computer which controlled the machines, Skynet, sent two Terminators back through time. Their mission: to destroy the leader of the human Resistance, John Connor, my son. The first Terminator was programmed to strike at me, in the year 1984, before John was born. It failed. The second was sent to strike at John himself, when he was still a child. As before, the Resistance was able to send a lone warrior, a protector for John. It was just a question of which one of them would reach him first.
  • Watching John with the machine, it was suddenly so clear. The Terminator would never stop. It would never leave him. It would never hurt him, never shout at him, or get drunk and hit him, or say it was too busy to spend time with him. It would always be there. And it would die to protect him. Of all the would-be fathers who came and went over the years, this thing, this machine was the only one that measured up. In an insane world, it was the sanest choice.
  • [epilogue] The unknown future rolls toward us. I face it for the first time with a sense of hope, because if a machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too.
  • [alternate epilogue] August 29, 1997, came and went. Nothing much happened. Michael Jackson turned 40. There was no Judgment Day. People went to work as they always do. Laughed, complained, watched TV, made love. I wanted to run to through the street yelling to grab them all and say, "Every day from this day on is a gift. Use it well." Instead, I got drunk. That was 30 years ago. But the dark future which never came still exists for me. And it always will, like the traces of a dream. John fights the war differently than it was foretold. Here, on the battlefield of the Senate, his weapons were common sense and hope. The luxury of hope was given me by the Terminator. Because if a machine can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too.


John: Now don't take this the wrong way, but you are a Terminator, right?
Terminator: Yes. Cyberdyne Systems Model 101.
John: [pokes at one of Terminator's bullet wounds] Holy shit! You're really real! I mean, you're like a machine underneath, right? But sort of alive outside?
Terminator: I'm a cybernetic organism. Living tissue over a metal endoskeleton.
John: This is intense. Get a grip, John. Okay, um, you're not here to kill me. I figured that part out for myself. So what's the deal?
Terminator: My mission is to protect you.
John: Yeah? Who sent you?
Terminator: You did. 35 years from now, you reprogrammed me to be your protector here, in this time.
John: Oh, this is deep.

[John and the Terminator are riding on a motorcycle at night]
John: So this other guy? He's a Terminator like you, right?
Terminator: Not like me. A T-1000. Advanced prototype.
John: You mean more advanced than you are?
Terminator: Yes. A mimetic polyalloy.
John: What the hell does that mean?
Terminator: Liquid metal.
John: Where are we going?
Terminator: We have to get out of the city immediately. And avoid the authorities.
John: Listen, I gotta stop at my house first. I wanna pick up some stuff.
Terminator: Negative. The T-1000 will definitely try to reacquire you there.
John: You sure?
Terminator: I would.

John: Wait a minute. You're telling me this thing can make itself look like anything it touches?
Terminator: Anything it samples by physical contact.
John: Get outta here. So it could disguise itself as a pack of cigarettes?
Terminator: No, only an object of equal size.
John: Then why not just become a bomb or something and come get me?
Terminator: It can't form complex machines. Guns and explosives have chemicals, moving parts. It doesn't work that way. But it can form solid metal shapes.
John: Such as?
Terminator: Knives and stabbing weapons.

[While Sarah Connor is locked inside Pescadero State Hospital, she is eavesdropping at Dr. Silberman at Douglas]
Silberman: Yeah, you're right about number 24. Increase the medication to 250 milligrams.
Douglas: Same kind?
[Silberman nods, but Sarah ambushes and beats both men with a stick as she grabs a syringe]
Silberman: You broke my arm...
Sarah: There're 215 bones in the human body. That's one. Now don't move!
[Sarah stomps on Silberman and fills the syringe with poison]
Silberman: What are you going to do?

[John and the Terminator arrive at Pescadero State Hospital but a security guard is at the gate]
Terminator: Why do we stop now?
John: Now, you gotta promise me you're not gonna kill anyone, right?
Terminator: Right.
John: Swear?
Terminator: What?
John: Just put up your hand and say, 'I swear I won't kill anyone.'
Terminator: [raises hand] I swear I will not kill anyone.
John: Alright, let's go.
[they arrive at the gate where a security guard stops them]
Guard: Visiting hours is 10 to 4 Monday through Friday.
[Terminator stands up, pulls out his gun and shoots the guard's knees, and the guard screams in pain]
John: What the hell are you doing?!?
Guard: You son of a bitch, you shot me! You crazy bastard! Don't shoot me again, don't kill me!
[Terminator breaks glass, opens the gate, grabs gun clips then goes back to the bike with John]
Terminator: He'll live.

[Back inside the Pescadero State Hospital]
Hospital Guard: Son of a bitch!
[the guard turns her eyes to Sarah threatening to poison Silberman]
Hospital Guard: Let's all try to remain calm.
Sarah: Open it, or he'll be dead before he hits the floor.
Hospital Guard: There's no way, Connor. Let him go.
Sarah: Open the door!
Hospital Guard: It ain't gonna happen!
Attendant: Take it easy, Sarah. Easy.
Silberman: It won't work, Sarah. You're no killer. I don't believe you can do it.
Sarah: You're already dead, Silberman. Everybody dies. You know I believe it. So don't FUCK WITH ME!
Silberman: Open the door... Open the door!
[the guard opens the steel door]
Sarah: Back off. Get back! Or I'll pump him full of this shit, I swear!
Attendant: Back up, back up, back up, back...
[Sarah moves out of confinement with Silberman in custody]
Sarah: Don't move!
[Sarah stops]
Sarah: Drop the shit!
Attendant: Do it. Do it!
[the attendants drop their weapons]
Sarah: Get me off it. On the floor, face down, not you! Open the door.
[one of the attendants open the room door]
Sarah: On the floor, hold it open! FACE THE WALL!
'[one of the hospital attendants attack Sarah Connor from behind, prompting her escape]
Silberman: Get her. Get her!
[the hospital guard activates the alarm, but Sarah escapes and locks the attendants behind]
Attendant 1: Hurry up! Open the door! The door's locked!
[the attendants unlock the door and pursue Sarah]
Attendant 1: Let's go! Come on, open it!
[just as the attendants can continue their pursuit of Sarah, they encounter a broken door]
Attendant 2: She's broke it off.
Attendant 1: Open it!
[Sarah continues with her escape as the attendants continue to pursue Sarah]
Attendant 1: Go around, come on!
[Sarah continues with her escape but is frightened to see a Terminator come out of the elevator]
[Sarah instead opts to turn back and away from the Terminator, who is with John Connor]
John: Mom, wait! Mom!
[the attendants trip Sarah to foil her escape and corner her in the process]
John: Help her!
Terminator: Wait here.
Attendant 1: Hurry up!
Sarah: He'll kill us all! He'll kill us all!
Silberman: Hold her.
[the Terminator approaches Sarah]
Sarah: He'll kill us all!
[before Silberman and his staff can poison Sarah, the Terminator proceeds to beat them up as John arrives in time to help his mother]
John: Mom, are you okay? Mom!
[Sarah calms herself and looks at the Terminator, who extends its left hand for Sarah to hold]
Terminator: Come with me if you want to live.
John: It's okay, mom. He's here to help. It's okay!

[John is trying to teach the Terminator on socializing in a more human way while driving a car]
Sarah: Keep it under 65. We don't wanna get pulled over.
Terminator: Affirmative.
John: No, no, no, no. You gotta listen to way people talk, You don't say "Affirmative" or some shit like that. You say "No problemo." And if someone comes on to you with an attitude, you say "Eat me". And if you want to shine them on, it's "Hasta la vista, baby".
Terminator: Hasta la vista, baby.
John: Yeah Or "Later, dick wad." And if someone gets upset, you say "Chill out!" Or you can do combinations.
Terminator: Chill out, dick wad.
John: Great! See, you're getting it!
Terminator: No problemo.

Sarah Connor: I need to go how Skynet gets built. Who's responsible?
Terminator: The man most directly responsible is Miles Bennett Dyson.
Sarah: Who is that?
Terminator: He's the director of special projects at Cyberdyne Systems Corporation.
Sarah: Why him?
Terminator: In a few months, he creates a revolutionary type of microprocessor.
[the Terminator and the Connors drive off]
Sarah: Go on. Then what?
Terminator: In three years, Cyberdyne will become the largest supplier of military computer systems. All stealth bombers are upgraded with Cyberdyne computers, becoming fully unmanned. Afterwards, they fly with a perfect operational record. The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes online on August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 AM, Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.
Sarah: Skynet fights back.
Terminator: Yes. It launches its missiles against the targets in Russia.
John Connor: Why attack Russia? Aren't they our friends now?
Terminator: Because Skynet knows that the Russian counterattack will eliminate its enemies over here.
Sarah: [sighs] Jesus. How much do you know about Dyson?
Terminator: I have detailed files.
Sarah: I want to know everything. What he looks like, where he lives, everything.

John: I wish I could have met my real dad.
Terminator: You will.
John: Yeah, I guess. When I'm like, 45. They sent him back through time to 1984. Man. He hadn't even been born yet. It messes with your head. Mom and him were only together for, like, one night, but she still loves him, I guess. I see her crying sometimes. She denies it totally of course, like she got something stuck in her eye.
Terminator: [pause] Why do you cry?
John: You mean people?
Terminator: Yes.
John: I don't know. We just cry. You know. When it hurts.
Terminator: Pain causes it?
John: Uh-unh, no, it's different... It's when there's nothing wrong with you but you hurt anyways. You get it?
Terminator: No.

[John and the Terminator have stopped Sarah killing Miles Dyson]
Sarah: [voiceover] Dyson listened while the Terminator laid it all down. Skynet, Judgment Day, the history of things to come. It's not every day that you find out you're responsible for three billion deaths. He took it pretty well.
Miles Dyson: [after the Terminator completes his story] I feel like I'm gonna throw up. You're judging me on things I haven't even done yet. How were we supposed to know?
Sarah: Yeah. Right. How were you supposed to know? Fucking men like you built the hydrogen bomb. Men like you thought it up. You think you're so creative. You don't know what it's like to really create something, to create a life, feel it growing inside you. All you know how to create is death and destruction -!
John: Mom! We need to be a little more constructive here, OK? We still have to stop this from happening, don't we?
Tarissa Dyson: But I thought... Aren't we changing things, I mean right now, changing the way it goes?
Dyson: That's right. There's no way I'm gonna finish the new processor, not now. Forget it. I'm out of it. I'll quit Cyberdyne tomorrow.
Sarah: That's not good enough.
Terminator: No one must follow your work.

Dyson: We have to destroy all the stuff at the lab; the files, the disk drives, everything, everything here. Everything. I don't care. [Realizes something] The chip. Do you know about the chip?
Sarah: What chip?
Dyson: They keep it in the vault at Cyberdyne. It must be from the other one, like you.
Terminator: The CPU from the first Terminator?
Sarah: Son of a bitch, I knew it!
Dyson: They told us not to ask where they got it.
Sarah: Those lying mother-fuckers!...
Dyson: It was scary stuff, but radically advanced. I mean, it was smashed, it didn't work, but...it gave us ideas, took us in new directions. I mean, things we would have never...All my work was based on it.
Terminator: It must be destroyed.

[The LAPD have descended on the Cyberdyne Systems complex]
Terminator: I'll take care of the police.
John: Hey wait! You swore.
Terminator: [grins] Trust me. [uses a minigun on the police force, destroying vehicles and scaring off the police without causing a single casualty]

[After the T-1000 falls into the molten steel vat]
John: Is it dead?
Terminator: Terminated.
John: [brings out the robot arm] Will this melt in there?
Terminator: Yes. Throw it in.
John: Adios. [throws the arm into the molten steel vat]
Terminator: And the chip. [John throws chip into the molten steel vat]
Sarah: [relieved] It's over.
Terminator: No. There is one more chip. [points to his head] And it must be destroyed also. [hands Sarah the controller for the winch] Here. I cannot self-terminate. You must lower me into the steel.
John: No. [tearfully, hugging the T-800] No!
Terminator: I'm sorry, John. I'm sorry.
John: No! It'll be okay! Stay with us! It'll be okay!
Terminator: I have to go away.
John: No! Don't do it, please! Don't go!
Terminator: I must go away, John.
John: No! No, wait! Wait, you don't have to do this!
Terminator: [gets chain] I'm sorry.
John: No, don't do it! Don't go!
Terminator: It has to end here.
John: I order you not to go. I order you not to go! [breaks down] I order you not to!!!
Terminator: I know now why you cry, [wipes a tear from John's face] but it's something I can never do. [hugs John, turns to face Sarah, who shakes his hand; the Terminator then grabs the chain and holds onto it] Goodbye. [gets lowered by Sarah into vat, but flashes John and Sarah a thumbs-up before he completely disappears]


  • Ten years ago, the machines who rule the future sent an unstoppable Terminator to assassinate the yet unborn John Connor. They failed. In 1991, the machines will try again.
  • The future is not set.
  • It's nothing personal.
  • He said he'd be back.
  • This time there are two.
  • Same Make. Same Model. New Mission.
  • [from teaser] They know its face. They know its mission. But there's one thing they don't know: This time there are two.
  • [from teaser] One programmed to destroy. The other programmed to protect.
  • [from trailer] Once he was programmed to destroy the future. Now his mission is to protect it.
  • [from trailer] His loyalty is to a child, and his enemy is the deadliest machine ever built.
  • [from trailer] If you thought you had seen it all...look again.
  • [from trailer] This time, he's back...for good.



About Terminator 2: Judgment Day

  • On T2, I wondered if I could get the audience to an emotional place where they would cry for the Terminator. That was my goal: Could I take world's coldest motherfucker and turn you around in a two-hour time period to where you actually felt sorry for him? Forget about all the hoo-ha with the liquid metal guy: that was fun, but getting the audience to cry for the Terminator was the big cinematic challenge. That's the reason I made the movie.

See also

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