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The Expendables 3

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The Expendables 3 is a 2014 American ensemble action film, the film third of the Expendables franchise that pays tribute to the blockbuster action films of the 1980s and early 1990s. A group of elite mercenaries are augmented with new recruits to defeat the internal threat of the rogue Conrad Stonebanks, the Expendables co-founder and notorious arms trader who is self destructing the team.

Directed by Simon West. Written by Sylvester Stallone, Creighton Rothenberger and Katrin Benedikt.
New team. New attitude. New mission. (taglines)

Barney Ross

  • [After Smilee performs an outrageous stunt] Couldn't take the stairs?
  • Barney Ross: [Sees Stonebanks] It can't be...

Lee Christmas

  • You were stupid enough to get yourself into this mess! And we're the only ones crazy enough to get you out of it!


  • Good morning! Let's get to the CHOPPA!
  • If your guys wanted to fight, why didn't they just get married?
  • Happy hunting!
  • Hurry up. It's boring.
  • I'm getting out of this business, and so should you.
  • Then I guess our favors are done. [Smoking a cigar] But you're still an idiot! [The last word echoes through the hangar]


  • [Repeated line] Men.

Hale Caesar

  • 'Bout time you boys showed up!
  • Hale Caesar: Time to mow the lawn! [Wreaks havoc with a mini-gun]


  • [Rescues Luna from a fight and then serenades her] Your name is Luna, right? Luna means uh, moon. Hypnotic, mysterious, much like yourself. Would you like to hold... my gun? [Luna bemusedly takes the gun] Vamonos, chica.
  • [Shouting] I need a job! All I know what to do is kill people! And I do that very well, Goddammit!
  • Insane! Courageous, but insane!

Yin Yang

  • [Regarding Drummer] And I thought Church was an asshole...


  • You know, I'd love to party with you boys, but I don't have my shit. [Barney hands Doc his set of knives] That's my shit!
  • Jing-a-lang, jang-a-lang...
  • [Sees Ceasar's gun] What the hell is that?
  • Lots to digest.
  • You finished here?


  • How hard can it be to kill ten men?
  • Useless bunch... You want something done right...
  • Oh, we don't need this, do we? [Throws away gun]
  • [After shooting Barney] Come on, stand up. You'll feel better.
  • Hey Barney! You should have killed me when you had the chance. If you want the kids, come get 'em! [Features a video showing the younger Expendables captured]


  • Welcome to the 21st century.


  • [Piloting a helicopter in the battlefield] Drummer's in the house!
  • This happened on my watch. You fucked up, and now I'm wearing it.

Toll Road

  • Damn, that's cool!


  • [Climbing a cliff, looking at the adjacent ledge] You know what, I'm gonna come out and say it. I belong ON you. One, two, thr... [Jumps but misses the ledge, parachutes down]


Toll Road: Heard you killed more people than the plague!
Doc: How 'bout that.
Gunnar Jensen: Why do they call you 'Doctor Death'?
Doc: Used to be a medic. But that was a long time ago.
Toll Road: So why'd you get locked away?
Doc: Tax evasion.

Barney Ross: Better get out of that seat and move to the back, Christmas is coming.
Galgo: But it's only June...
Barney Ross: Galgo, get out of the seat!

Lee Christmas: So you like knives, huh?
Doc: I'm the knife before Christmas.

Barney Ross: [Watching Luna fight] I could do that.
Bonaparte: You wanna slip on a dress and give it a shot?

Lee Christmas: You look like a proud, demented father.
Barney Ross: You could've skipped the demented part.
Lee Christmas: That was a compliment. [They laugh and fist-bump]

Drummer: This is it? This is your evac team?
Trench: Short notice.
Drummer: [looks at Yin Yang] Yeah, very short.

Galgo: Who the hell are you?
Trench: I'm the guy that just saved your ass.
Galgo: Ay! [Starts cursing in Spanish] "¡Aquí no dicen nada y me confundo, después le voy a pegar un tiro a quien no se lo tengo que pegar!" (Nobody tells me anything and I'm getting confused, next I'm going to shoot someone who I'm not supposed to!)

Toll Road: [Looks at Gunnar's new gadget which is similar to Thorn's] What the hell is that?
Gunnar Jensen: What?
Toll Road: That computer strapped to your wrist.
Gunnar Jensen: [Poker faced] Nothing.
Toll Road: That same thing you were busting that kid's balls about?
Gunnar Jensen: [Embarrased] No, I had it for a while now.
Toll Road: Hah!

Barney Ross: [Barney prepares to rescue the young team when Galgo suddenly appears] How in the hell did you find me?
Galgo: I... peop... people talk, I hear things. You got a mission, I can help. My name is Galgo. Let me fill you in. I am good - very good. At warfare, you know, with memory. Afraid of nothing. I want to be your friend.
Barney Ross: I don't need a friend.
Galgo: Yes, you do. Everybody does. You know, I don't have any friends. That is why I know. But besides by friendship issues, what I really need now is something to do. Well... not just anything, but... what I was BORN to do.
Barney Ross: Best bet, this is a one-way trip.
Galgo: Excuse me, sir, but one-way trip is better than no-way. Which is the way I live now.
Barney Ross: [Pauses briefly] Help me with the crate.
Galgo: [Barney turns away; Galgo does excited happy dance. Barney turns back; Galgo calms down quick] Sir.

Barney Ross: What happened to Church?
Drummer: You don't have to worry about Church any more. He's out of the picture.

Trench: What are you gonna do?
Barney Ross: [Furious] Reload.

Barney Ross: [Bonaparte is flying a plane to the next recruit] Hey, did you turn off the auto-pilot?
Bonaparte: I didn't touch the auto-pilot.
Barney Ross: [Sees Bonaparte drinking] Give me the booze. Are we off course?
Bonaparte: Where in the hell are we? Here, hang on a second. [Looks outside] Is that... is that the big dipper? Yeah, we gotta turn around.
Barney Ross: [Deadpan] Wow...

Stonebanks: [After being shot by Barney] You motherfucker... What about the Hague?
Barney Ross: [Shoots and kills Stonebanks] I am the Hague.

Barney Ross: I missed you, Christmas.
Lee Christmas: I missed you too, you demented bastard.
Barney Ross: You could've left out the demented part.

[Barney, Smilee and Thorn are in a van with Stonebanks unconcious and his mouth ducktaped]
Smilee: Why don't you just put a bullet in his head and be done with it. [Reaches over and takes off Stonebank's mouth tape then Barney punches him awake]
Thorn: Hey, you said you were taking him in!
Stonebanks: [After Barney punches him] Woah, ha ha! Good morning! Are these your students? Hey, what happened to the old crew? Oh, that's right. They stuck their noses into other people's worlds and got fatally injured. Now they're The Deleteables. Hey, you hear that kids? Take note - that's what you are right now.
Smilee: [To Barney] You want me to shut his mouth?
Stonebanks: You're talking pretty tough for a guy that incapacitated, which is good for you.
Smilee: Is it?
Stonebanks: Why don't you cut me loose, I'll open your meat shirt and show you your own heart. Hey Barn, why don't the two of us just end this. What do you say? Mix it up, you snapping my spine or me snapping yours. You know, make it snappy. [Barney keeps staring] He thinks I'm joking. I'm not joking. You should see me when I'm angry. You'd be very impressed. And very dead. So come on pal. Anything you want to get off your chest? Come on, lay it out. I'm a good listener. You're going to take me back to the Has-been-crew, carve me up around a fire. Very tribal.
Barney Ross: [Snarls] When we stop, I'm gonna break every bone in your body and drop what's left at The Hague.
Stonebanks: [Laughing] The Hague! Well, I fucking made the big time! I'm a war criminal!
Barney Ross: Keep laughing.
Stonebanks: [Stops laughing] Do you think that you can just deliver me, like a package? We were close once. See, we started this whole Expendables thing together. See, I got the markers. [Shows his 'Expendable' tattoos] A bit faded but, we had a falling out.
Barney Ross: You went dark.
Stonebanks: It's a dark business, Barney, don't pretend you're not in it! The baddest survive, those are the rules. I didn't make them up! You see, Barney here was content to work for the small-end money, as an employee. But being a boss is more lucrative, but that is a concept that somehow eluded you. Plus, you had that pesky moral conscience. God, that stuff gets in the way! He thinks he's the good guy!
Barney Ross: Keep talking while you can.
Stonebanks: Sure, you got a conscience that makes you weak. Success, real success, is being willing to do the things that other people are not.
Barney Ross: Not everyone is as sick as you.
Stonebanks: Oh, but you are! You kill anyone today, Barn? Blow any shit up? How about you kids, kill anyone? Before you all start grabbing bricks and stoning me at The Hague. You might want to check your own hands for blood. Ah, but I digress, where was I? Yes, business is booming right? A chopper here, a missile there, guns, whatever. When suddenly a competitor - if you can call Uncle Sam a competitor - hires my own team, Barney and the whole gang to whack me. Things got ugly real fast, and a lot of people got real dead. Three former brothers in arms.
Barney Ross: [Barks] You shut your mouth!
Stonebanks: [Furiously rants Three expendables, our brothers, men we ate with, fought with, bled with, DEAD! He puts three slugs into my chest. Thank God for body armor, even I thought I was dead. Then he boogies out with the casualties, all dead because you couldn't stay out of my business!
Barney Ross: [Attacks Stonebanks and aims a gun at his head while Smilee and Thorn restrain him] Shut your mouth!
Stonebanks: Go on, do it! Go on!
Smilee: That's what he wants.
Stonebanks: [Barney begrudgingly released him] It's hard to fathom, I can't believe you forgot.
Barney Ross: What?
Stonebanks: That it's hard to be an enemy when you're living inside your own head. So you tie me up like an animal, leave me to the slaughter, you humiliate me, disgrace me. Now, when the time comes to kill you - and it will - I will not use a weapon, I will use my hands, because I want you to feel the way I feel right now. Since we were brothers.

[Barney is doing maintenance work on a plane engine with Galgo is singing and marching in place]
Galgo: I am the bridgegroom of death. The lyrics of a Spanish Legion old songs. That we used to sing when we're on mission in Croatia. That's where I met Mingo. The best point man ever. Some kind of savant. You don't know. The best team member ever, was Torres. Holy shit! You wouldn't believe what this guy could to do. Un. Bel. Ievable. I'm telling you, man. Ambush this guy couldn't sniff. And under fire, the coolest cat ever. Just pure ice in his veins. We were pinned down once, like two bullets left. I looked over, not on bead of sweat. [Gestures totally mesmerized] Yeah. Can I help you up there?
Barney Ross: You're a mechanic now?
Galgo: Of course I am a mechanic. I am whatever you need me to be, sir.
Barney Ross: Okay then, just be quiet.
Galgo: Yes, sir.
Galgo: Tiger, this guy I knew, I mean, this guy had it all figured out. Wind speed, temperature, barometric pressure. But you know what he said was the most important?
Barney Ross: No.
Galgo: Patience.
Barney Ross: Really?
Galgo: Yeah. He said that. This thing smells good, what is that? Kerosene? Gasoline?
Barney Ross: Aviation fuel.
Galgo: [Impressed] Aviation fuel. It's good.
Barney Ross: Galgo?
Galgo: Yes, sir.
Barney Ross: I think I know why your team let you go.
Galgo: You do? Really? [Climb ladder and breaks the fourth wall looking into camera with a fist pump] Yes! [Goes in plane]
[Plane is taxiing to runway]
Barney Ross: Last chance. You sure you wanna do this?
Galgo: [Holds up gun and cocks it] I like traveling.
Barney Ross: Good.
Galgo: [A row of men block the plane's path] Uh, who are those guys?
Barney Ross: My old team. [Sticks head out window] What the hell are you doing here?
Lee Christmas: You were stupid enough to get yourself into this mess. We're the only ones crazy enough to get you out of it.
Barney Ross: Come on. We're late for a war. [The crew walks to plane] Galgo, you might want to get out of that seat, Christmas is coming.
Galgo: But it's June.
Barney Ross: Galgo, get out the hell out.
Galgo: Yes sir. [Hesitates] My hat. [Leaves]

Lee Christmas: Since, when did suicide become your hobby?
Barney Ross: I got a will.
Lee Christmas: You know, I'm probably the only friend you got.
Barney Ross: I got lots of friends.
Lee Christmas: You walk into a room, people jump on the tables.
Barney Ross: I missed you, Christmas.
Lee Christmas: I miss you too, you demented bastard.
Barney Ross: You could've left it demented.

Galgo: It's a kind of solid structure that is taking us from one place to another through unbelievable speeds. Think about it. If God- if God -if he knew he would've liked, you know, flying. Then he would've given us feathers. Do you have feathers. I don't have feathers.
Toll Road: It's gonna be a long ass flight fellas.
Galgo: It's going to be. It's going to be a very long flight, but don't worry, I'm here because I can't sleep on planes.
Drummer: Thought you should know Barney, you're walking into a shitstorm. NSA ran signals and frequencies check on your team's phones. This bastard's not even trying to hide them.
Barney Ross: Where has he taken them?
Drummer: They're in Azmanastan.
Lee Christmas: Another honey hotspot.
Drummer: Who is that?!
Lee Christmas: Lee Christmas.
Drummer: Not far off Christmas. Stonebank's compound is where he trains his goons. It's very heavily fortified.
Lee Christmas: What's up with the local army?
Drummer: I don't understand a word this guy is saying.
Lee Christmas: Local army status.
Drummer: Small, corrupt. Stonebank's got all the brass in his pocket. Been running his operations through this shithole of a country for years. Want some advice?
Lee Christmas: What's the advice?
Drummer: What goddamn language is that?
Barney Ross: They don't teach you that on the language stage either.
Lee Christmas: Look who's talking?
Barney Ross: What's the advice Drummer?
Drummer: Forget about what you're thinking. Remember our deal. We need him alive.
Barney Ross: So he can sit in a courtroom and beat this on a technicality?
Drummer: Those are orders Barney. [Barney throws phone over shoulder in frustation]
Lee Christmas: You broke the phone.
Barney Ross: I got another one.
Lee Christmas: Think we'll make it back from this one?
Barney Ross: You didn't have to make it back from this one Christmas.
Lee Christmas: Sure I did. Morons need friends.

Barney Ross: Lucky ring on!
Lee Christmas: Feel so much safer.

Toll Road: They got valet parking here?
Gunnar Jensen: [Blasts a hole in the building with the tank gun] Yeah, there's some right here!

Barney Ross: [At a nightclub] Where is the candidate?
Bonaparte: [Points at Luna] Right there in the red dress, about to chop those guys in half.
Barney Ross: [Luna approaches drunk patrons fighting] The hostess?
Bonaparte: Not the hostess, she's the bouncer.

Mars: [Regarding the old Expendables] Bunch of has-beens still trying to be hard.
Lee Christmas: You're young and you're dumb!

Lee Christmas: [Christmas and Doc throw knives at a dartboard, both hitting the bullseye] Not bad...
Doc: [Doc's knife falls off] Oooooh... Best two out of three?

Thorn: [After disabling security] Ladies first.
Luna: Go ahead, Thorn.

Stonebanks: [Holding the young Expendables hostage] Well, lookin' a little strung out there, kids! This is what you get for being pawns in Barney's moral chess game. [Looks at Thorn] That one looks a little slack. [Soldiers straighten Thorn out while Stonebanks turns to Luna] You know, I feel most bad for you.
Luna: I don't give a shit how you feel.
Stonebanks: I do, I have a daughter. I have feelings. Anyway, when the CIA, I presume that is who you're working for. The CIA, am I right? I bet you don't know who you're working for. What, for Barney? Do you know who he's working for? Does HE know who he's working...? It gets very confusing. Anyway when the CIA wanted guys doing the dangerous work in the dangerous places, they called us, they didn't want to get their hands dirty. They called us. Yep, we cleared every hotspot they had, we bumped the bad guys so the good guys could roll in looking like heroes. We killed a lot. But we saved more lives than you could possibly imagine. Then, the boys on the Hill wanting no loose ends tried to bury me. I was an American! Working for America! Was. They'd eat their own children. The lesson here is... Never do business with the government. I'm going to save you that heartache. He never will.

Doc: [Looks at the young Expendables] Ama-teur.
Toll Road: Amateur assholes...
Mars: [Pissed] Who're you calling asshole, grandpa?
Toll Road: [Confronts him] Grandpa's about to crush your windpipe.

Luna: You know, if you were 30 years younger...
Barney Ross: I'd be afraid of you.

Barney Ross: So, you're with Trench now?
Yin Yang: Yeah, he pay me more money!

Galgo: [After seeing Luna fight] You're not going to believe this?
Luna: [Exasperated] Oh, God!
Galgo: I've been thinking about you the whole time! Do you know that?
Luna: Can we just go?

Gunnar Jensen: [Looks at Thorn's gadget] What's this? Your toy, boy?
Thorn: You want to dance, big guy?

Barney Ross: You know, it's very hard for me to say this, but at one time, you guys were the best. Maybe still are. But nothing lasts forever. Hard as it is to hear, we aren't the future any more. Unfortunately for us, we're part of the past.
Lee Christmas: You, uh, you done swingin' with us?
Barney Ross: As I see it, if we keep this life up, the only way this thing ends, for all of us, is in a hole in the ground, and no one giving a shit. Now if that's the way I'm supposed to go out, I can live with that. For me. But what I can't live with - and won't live with - is taking you with me.

Goran Vata: Can you access [Making a mushroom motion] nuclear weapons?
Stonebanks: I might. [Getting in close] But generally I find that people are little too emotional of ownership. And I'd hate you killing all my other customers by accident. Or on purpose.

Barney Ross: Great to have you back.
Doc: No better place to be.

Barney Ross: If you're looking to go the family route, this is the wrong job for you.
Luna: There are different kinds of family. When my life is on the line, that's my family fighting with me.

Barney Ross: And you, I thought you retired.
Trench: I lied.

Lee Christmas: Jesus God, you're OK?
Galgo: Do not worry. I love this.

Barney Ross: [Breaking up an argument between the older and younger Expendables] It's not an accident that we're trapped in here! This is exactly what he knew would happen, us tearing at each other! This stops now! We can do this, but only if we do this together. If we work as a team, we just may get out of this alive. Now, do you wanna make it work? That simple.
Smilee: You got any weapons?




  • Get fired up August 15.
  • Never send a boy to do a man's job.

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