The Legend of Zelda (TV series)

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The animated Legend of Zelda series is loosely based on the first and second Legend of Zelda games for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The show aired on NBC Saturday Mornings.

Season 1


The Ringer [1.1]

Link: Looking good, princess, especially from this angle!
Link: Hey, it's been fun, but the other customers are getting impatient!
Link: Guys, it's been a blast, but you're going home!
Link: OK, that's better. That's how I like to start a morning.
Zelda: Don't you ever whistle at me again!
Link: I may never whistle again, period.
Link: Well, excuuuuse me, princess! If I had known you were coming, I would've asked the Moblins to sweep up before I zapped 'em!
Triforce of Power: But you're no amateur, you're a fool!" ~Triforce of Power
Amateur magician: This is my best spell, your highness. It removes the stinkiness from my dirty socks.
Ganon: Hyrule, a peaceful kingdom and a beautiful day. Well, that will soon change!
Triforce of Wisdom: Evil is the path you choose, but evildoers always lose!

The White Knight [1.2]


Plot:Link is jealous of Zelda paying attention to a handsome hero Prince Facade!

Link: How can I get Zelda to pay more attention to me?
Spryte: Who cares? She's a snob. You should stick with me.
Link: Spryte, you're only three inches high!
Spryte: What, you don't like short girls?
Link: My kind of girl--completely crazy!

Cold Spells [1.3]

Link: Oh boy, smooching time!

Kiss 'N Tell [1.4]

Gibdo: (as a maiden) Will no handsome hero save me from this three-headed freak?
Gleeok Right Head: Hey, sis! Watch the insults, will ya?
Gleeok Left Head: Yeah, that's not in the script.
Gibdo: I am getting into the part!

Sing for the Unicorn [1.5]

Zelda: You're sweet, Link. Clumsy, but sweet.
Zelda: I still wonder where Ganon got that flying unicorn. Beautiful creatures aren't his style...
Link: We'll ask him when we see him, OK? Now stay quiet and don't touch the statues.
Zelda: (leaning on Armos's pedestal) Why?
(Armos comes to life!)
Lemmie go, marblehead! (kicks Armos) Ow, my toes!
Link: I'll take a raincheck on that kiss, princess. Duty calls!
Link: One more zap and you're de-energized, Ganon!

That Sinking Feeling [1.6]

Zelda: It's gone! The whole castle! But how! Where is it!
Triforce of Wisdom: It's in Ganon's hands. He won't let go unless defeated down below.
Link: Sounds like we have a job to do princess.

Doppelganger [1.7]


Plot:Gannon makes a evil twin of Zelda! will he succed in capturing the Triforce of Wisdom,?

Spryte: Zelda? Are you in here? (spots mirror) Huh? Where'd this mirror come from? Yet another thing for me to dust! That princess is so vain sometimes!

Underworld Connections [1.8]

Link: (Link zaps the Vires through the third triforce piece, killing them and causing them to drop the other pieces) Did it work?
Zelda: I think so... yes! See? This side is wet, and this side; ouch! Its hot!

Stinging a Stinger [1.9]


Plot:Link is tricked into giving up his magic sword for a useless sword!

Zelda: And that Link is how you sting a Stinger.
Zelda and Link: Hahahahah!

The Moblins Are Revolting [1.10]


Hitch in the Works [1.11]

Link: Sheesh, build the lamps, fix a drawbridge, clean the moat (Link spills paint on the ladder and floor).
Link: I'm a hero not a handyman (Link hears a noise and falls on the floor).

Fairies in the Spring [1.12]


Zelda and Link have to fight water monsters

King Harkinian: You said you were attacked by monsters?
Soldier: Never saw something like it your majesty, scared all of my crew and soaked all the place! As you can see I'm all wet.

Plot:After Gannin is Tyring to capture Zelda Link is zapped!Can Zelda reunite Links spirit with his Body?

Ganon:Eliminate that heroic pest! I want Zelda. My new Wand of Power will allow me to zap her into my Evil Jar! Very good, princess. But not good enough. Time to send you to my Evil Jar! (sends a spell from the Wand of Power at Zelda)
Zelda: No! (creates a barrier with the Triforce's magic and blocks the attack)
Ganon:Blast! She deflected my power zap!"

{Link is accidently trapped by the power zap]

Ganon:Well, not quite what I planned, but it will do!" Give me the Triforce, princess.
Zelda: Come and get it, pigface!
Ganon: Oh, I could. But why work so hard? You will bring me that Triforce, princess, or you'll never see your precious Link again! Aha ha ha ha! (disappears back into the Underworld)
Ganon:So...the foolish princess is attempting a rescue, is she?
Stalfos :Yes, and Link is with her.
Ganon: What? Impossible! Link is right there!
Stalfos :I heard his voice, evilness. And Zelda seemed to be able to see him, though I could not.
Ganon:Blast! Then that's the explanation. I captured only Link's body, his spirit stayed behind! But one thing puzzles me. Why would Zelda be able to see him? She could only do that if--no, no, impossible.
Stalfos: What is it, master?
Ganon: The only way she could see him is... if she was in LOVE with him! Zelda in love with Link? Augh! How disgusting!"