The Thing That Couldn't Die

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The Thing That Couldn't Die is a 1958 film about a psychically gifted young woman who discovers a centuries-old crate buried on her aunt's ranch. Opening it, her family discovers the living head of Gideon Drew, a 16th century devil worshiper who was beheaded by Sir Francis Drake.

Directed by Will Cowan. Written by David Duncan.
The grave can't hold it ...nothing human can stop it!  (taglines)

Gordon Hawthorne

  • [explaining why the branch fell on Linda] It must have been an evil wind!

Jessica Burns

  • You're all horrible! I hope you all die!

Flavia McIntyre

  • Well, there's nothing evil about digging a hole.


Gordon Hawthorne: I have a geologist friend who'd be happy to look at a new well for you. He wouldn't charge much.
Flavia McIntyre: But Jessica doesn't charge anything.
Gordon Hawthorne: People always pay for superstition.

Gordon Hawthorne: You're not the same girl you were yesterday.
Jessica Burns: Yesterday I was trying to do what was right, I was afraid, but I'm not afraid anymore.

Jessica Burns: Don't dig here! Please don't. There's something evil down there.
Hank Huston: Maybe it's gold, the root of all evil. Come on, start digging!

Gordon Hawthorne: If ye valuest thy immortal soul, open not this accursed chest, for within it lieth... lieth...
Flavia McIntyre: Well, go on, go on! What lie'th within it?


  • The grave can't hold it ...nothing human can stop it!
  • It rose from the crypt to slake its monstrous thirst for beauty ... and the power to rule the earth!


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