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Vera Mae Green

From Wikiquote

Vera Mae Green (September 6, 1928 – January 17, 1982) was an American anthropologist, educator, and scholar, who made major contributions in the fields of Caribbean studies, interethnic studies, black family studies and the study of poverty and the poor.


  • Human rights have emerged as the most paradoxical subject of international discourse. While it is impossible to find governments baldly advocating the abolition of all human rights, it is also impossible to find a government committed to the full and free exercise of all possible human rights.
    • Nelson, Jack L.; Green, Vera M. (1980). International Human Rights: Contemporary Issues. Stanfordville, NY: Human Rights Publishing Group. p. vii. ISBN 0-930576-37-3.
  • International human rights is an issue basic to the quality of future life and deserving of extensive exploration. The effectiveness of this exploration may be increased by the use of an integrated, multifaceted format which is not only cross-cultural and/or cross-national but also interdisciplinary. Such an approach can reduce the tendency to treat human rights issues in an oversimplified manner.
    • Nelson, Jack L.; Green, Vera M. (1980). International Human Rights: Contemporary Issues. Stanforville, NY: Human Rights Publishing Group. p. 344. ISBN 0-930576-37-3.
  • The lack of understanding of the history of Blacks in the United States, including the variation of slave utilization, coupled with narrow theoretical orientation of some of the more recent social sciences studies has stimulated the limited conception of the black experience, past and present; this, in turn, paves the way for internal conflict (among Blacks).
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