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Arese Ugwu

From Wikiquote

Arese Ugwu (born 19 March 1986) is a Nigerian author of the ground-breaking The Smart Money Woman, the financial-chick-lit novel, engaging young Africans on the importance of financial literacy and the impact it has on helping them get money, keep the money, and grow money.



Smart Money Woman

  • “The way you spend, invest and manage ten naira is the way you will spend, invest and manage ten million.”
  • “Developing a wealthy mind-set requires the understanding of the concept that the way you spend, invest, and manage ten naira is the way you will spend, invest, and manage ten million.”
  • "Confronting money fears is the right way to conquering them."
    • [3] in her book
  • “Money matters should should be a part of premarital counseling.”
  • “Ultimately, improving her net worth is more important than upgrading her wardrobe.”
  • “Becoming an entrepreneur means you are responsible for an enterprise and beyond the idea”
  • “In order to maximize your earning power and have the ability to invest, you need to pursue a career you are passionate about and create multiple streams of income.”
  • “Women have what is called ‘imposter syndrome’. We tend to rate ourselves lower than the rest of the world would rate us.”
  • “The business or job opportunities you’ll have access to will come from your ability to harness your network and learn how to convert that network into opportunities.”
  • “Having an extensive network allows you to maximize your potential.”
  • “A strong personal brand that visibly demonstrates your work experience as an intrapreneur, your achievements, and how you are able to overcome challenges, ultimately speaks for you before you enter a room.”

Smart Money Tribe

  • “Anyone who makes you feel bad for prioritising your financial health isn’t someone that should be in your life.”
  • “The key to guilt-free spending is setting up financial systems that allow you to know what you can afford when you can afford it.”
  • “A woman identifying as feminist and striving for financial independence doesn’t mean she hates men. It just means she wants equal access to opportunities that can generate enough income to look after herself and pay her bills.”
  • “One of the most significant stress tests in any relationship is how people deal with financial problems. Who they are and what they do first in a financial crisis.”
  • “The reality is there are only two levers that control wealth – earn more or spend less.”
  • “Invest in your circle of friends because the sort of people and relationships you surround yourself with have an impact on your ability to make, keep and grow money.”
  • “Your mind is your most powerful asset, if you harness it, it will be your most useful tool even in the worst of times.”
  • “Invest in your circle of friends because the sort of people and relationships you surround yourself with have an impact on your ability to make, keep and grow money.”
  • “If you walk into a room thinking you offer nothing, others can smell it and they’ll think it too.”