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Gabrielle Zevin

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Gabrielle Zevin (born October 24, 1977) is an author and screenwriter who lives in the USA.


  • “And what is love, in the end?" Alabaster said. "Except the irrational desire to put evolutionary competitiveness aside in order to ease someone else's journey through life?”
    • Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow (2022)
  • “The way to turn an ex-lover into a friend is to never stop loving them, to know that when one phase of a relationship ends it can transform into something else. It is to acknowledge that love is both a constant and a variable at the same time.”
    • Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow (2022)
  • privacy gives you creative freedom.
  • I like to believe, as a writer, that anybody who isn't a reader yet has just not found the right book.
  • I myself am mixed race — my mother is Korean and my father is an American Jew — so I've always felt other. But I think what's a little bit amazing about books, again, is the way in which they can sort of transcend that to an extent. And I also wanted the world as I see it — and the world as I see it is a world that is increasingly [filled] with people [of] different ethnicities.

Interview with Wired (2022)

  • I see gaming as having the possibility to be a profoundly empathetic experience. I think the idea of the gamer, like the capital-G Gamer, this kind of misogynist dude shouting insults at women, is antiquated and not true. If you look at it, there are so many people that have played games their entire lives, like myself, that don’t necessarily identify themselves as gamers in that sense...the idea that, again, the person who is a gamer is somebody who is less empathetic, less romantic, or less trying to seek human connection is sort of old fashioned or possibly just ignorant.
  • Generally, the best art comes from people that are a bit alienated from the system. I think it’s that friction that actually leads to making good books or good games, and not just being like, I’m a company man, or something for that system.
  • I believe in the possibility for real human connections in virtual spaces. I also believe that the virtual version of yourself might very well be the best and truest version of yourself...We don’t have to necessarily be the worst versions of ourselves behind the mask of an avatar, though it often seems as if we are. People think we have it all figured out in certain ways, but in fact we’re just babies and toddlers when it comes to all these issues. We haven’t figured out exactly the best way to be good citizens, good humans online yet, and that’s OK. Because all these things are really young.
  • I think the reason I liked gaming so much as a subject was because it has all the subjects in it—it’s a grand subject.
  • We all live at that intersection of art and technology. That’s where games live, in a really easy way to see.

The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry (2014)

  • Sometimes books don't find us until the right time.
  • You know everything you need to know about a person from the answer to the question, What is your favorite book?
  • We aren’t the things we collect, acquire, read. We are, for as long as we are here, only love. The things we loved. The people we loved. And these, I think these really do live on
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