Gary Schmitt

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Gary James Schmitt (born 1952) served as executive director (1999–2001) and president (2002–2005) of the New Citizenship Project before becoming the executive director of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) from 1998 to 2005. He is now a resident scholar and co-director of the American Enterprise Institute’s Marilyn Ware Center for Security Studies launched in 2012.


  • [N]eoconservatives are not ringing the bell for Orban’s Hungary, France’s Marine Le Pen, or any of Europe’s populists. Perhaps what a British film critic has to say about American politics doesn’t matter, but it’s a good example of just how prevalent the use of the word “neocon” has become for anybody the center-Left or Left finds objectionable. That an editor wouldn’t think twice about letting the descriptor into the paper’s pages suggests both how accepted that practice has become and why some push-back is called for.