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Gian Carlo Passeroni

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Giancarlo Passeroni

Gian Carlo Passeroni (8 March 171326 December 1803) was an Italian poet.



Rime (1775)

  • Non conoscendo Dio, come mai puoi
    Vantarti di dottrina? essendo cieco,
    De’ colori esser giudice tu vuoi.
    • Capitolo III.
    • Translation: Thou know’st not God; how, then, canst reason find
      To vaunt thy doctrine? ’tis as though thou ’dst claim
      To be a judge of colours, being blind.
    • Translation reported in Harbottle's Dictionary of quotations French and Italian (1904), p. 372.
  • Il più tristo mestier che mai sia stato,
    Che sia, che mai sarà nel mondo tutto,
    A mio parere, è quel del letterato.
    • Capitolo IV.
    • Translation: The very meanest trade, I’m very sure,
      That e’er has been, or is, or e’er will be
      In all the world, is that of literature.
    • Translation reported in Harbottle's Dictionary of quotations French and Italian (1904), p. 319.
  • Stampano i dotti e stampan gli ignoranti
    Libri diversi; e peggiorando invecchia
    Il mondo, in mezzo di tanti libri e tanti.
    • Capitolo VI.
    • Translation: Wise men and fools alike, in varying style,
      Rush into print, and still, midst books galore,
      The world grows ever older and more vile.
    • Translation reported in Harbottle's Dictionary of quotations French and Italian (1904), p. 424.
  • Chi stampa un libro, par che sia obbligato
    A saper, quasi fosse Angiol celeste,
    Quanto è mai stato scritto, oppur sognato.
    • Capitolo VII.
    • Translation: Who prints a book, ’tis by the critics deemed,
      Should know, as might an angel come from heaven,
      All that has e’er been writ, or even dreamed.
    • Translation reported in Harbottle's Dictionary of quotations French and Italian (1904), p. 272.
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