Gina Holden

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Gina Holden (2010)

Gina Holden (March 17, 1975 –) is a Canadian actress.


  • The amount of hours and travel – for me for my career, it’s so invaluable, that experience. I grew up so fast, but in a wonderful way. Having all that responsibility was great for me. I embraced it. It wasn’t a challenge. It was just natural. It really helped me when I started acting, because the hours that you work modeling are just crazy and it’s just such a huge amount of energy. You’re telling a story in a different way. It’s a still photograph. You have to be so expressive and natural. It all really compliments each other. It was setting me up for something I didn’t know at the time. Now I know why I have all that experience under my belt. Even the dance background set up for modeling, because that discipline of ballet and the poise and how natural it needs to look – but underneath it all it’s very technical. Everything has sort of led to the next. I feel so blessed.
  • The challenges for me are the fun part of acting, it’s working with green screen and not the actual monster itself, you use a green ball or something like that, so that’s always a really really exciting challenge, because you have to use your imagination, and make yourself believe something that’s not really there.
  • I just can’t believe that I am actually on the screen telling the story. Just, I’m one of them. I’m right there. I’m accessible, and I’m part of the whole movement, I’m not just up there because it’s a job. It is so important to me, and so fun, that I just want to honor every role that I can. That’s me.
  • I certainly do all sorts of work. I’m very, very blessed to do drama and other types of television, and things like that, but I always go back to sci-fi, whenever possible, because that’s really exciting for me. I love that I can do this type of thing that my friends and family are familiar with, and I can impress them with the type of visuals that come with doing this. I get to do fun things that I would never, ever normally do. I feel very, very lucky to be a part of stuff like this. And, I have a crazy amount of energy and it’s hard for me to sit still, anyway, so put me to work, make me useful and throw up a huge green screen of a giant octopus, and I’ll have fun with it.
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