Giorgio Gandola

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Giorgio Gandola

Giorgio Gandola (born February 1, 1958 in Como) is an Italian journalist, known for having been the editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper L'Eco di Bergamo from 2011 to 2016. He is a prominent figure in Italian journalism.


  • In the past, the rich bought houses and villas only on the hills of Lake Como, as Pliny did with Villa Commedia, in order not to lose the view and not to have floods. “The poor went to the shore to get their feet lapped by the water.”
    • In passato i ricchi compravano le case e le ville solo sulle colline del Lago di Como, come fece Plinio con villa Commedia, per non perdersi la vista e per non avere allagamenti. "In riva a farsi lambire i piedi dall'acqua ci andavano i poveri.”