Harvey Danger

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Harvey Danger was an American alternative rock band that was active from 1994 to 2009. They were founded by Jeff Lin and Aaron Huffman; later members included Evan Sult and Sean Nelson.



Song lyrics

  • I don't get the relevance;
    I am irreverence.
    I have no reverence.
    Show me no deference,
    I'll do the same for you.
    • The Ballad of the Tragic Hero (Pity & Fear) (1998)
  • The twilight of your amp buzz;
    I couldn't see how true your aim was
    • Elvis, I Don't Love You (2006)
  • We named the constellations;
    We drew the maps and we divided up the nations.
    And now I'm so tired
  • "You go to sleep," she said.
    "And I will be there when you wake up."
  • Everything's subjective, nothing lasts for Johnny-O.
    Kiss Kim Novak where the redwoods grow
    Bleach her hair and pretend that she didn't die.
    Go up the mission stair, I'll follow anywhere, that is
    Until you climb too high
    cause I get vertigo.
    • Carlotta Valdez
  • What a thing to be the center of attention all the time.
    He isn't really falling for this, is he?
    He's getting dizzy
    And so am I.
    • Carlotta Valdez
  • I had visions, I was in them
    I was looking into the mirror
    To see a little bit clearer
    Rottenness and evil in me.
    Fingertips have memories,
    Mine can't forget the curves of your body.
    And when I feel a bit naughty,
    I run it up the flagpole and see who salutes
    (But no one ever does).
  • I'm not sick but I'm not well;
    And I'm so hot cause I'm in hell.
    • Flagpole Sitta
  • Been around the world and found
    That only stupid people are breeding.
    The cretins cloning and feeding,
    And I don't even own a TV.
    • Flagpole Sitta
  • I want to publish 'zines
    And rage against machines.
    I want to pierce my tongue,
    It doesn't hurt, it feels fine.
    The trivial sublime,
    I'd like to turn off time
    And kill my mind.
    You kill my mind.
    • Flagpole Sitta
  • Paranoia, paranoia
    Everybody's coming to get me.
    Just say you never met me.
    I'm going underground with the moles digging holes.
    Hear the voices in my head,
    I swear to god it sounds like they're snoring.
    But if you're bored then you're boring,
    The agony and the irony, they're killing me.
    • Flagpole Sitta
  • A labored expat fantasy:
    Quit your job and move away with me.
    Oh, what bliss it would be
    To pretend we never met.
    • Woolly Muffler
  • I miss talking to you
    But you never draw me out, so
    Cast off the ego scars and let's go hit the bars.
    • Private Helicopter
  • I'm on a private helicopter with my favorite ex-girlfriend
    No one to keep up appearances for
    Now we're alone and we can remember how we felt at first
    The desperate need to be together
    Must've been good for something, sugar
    I'm still attracted to you
    No one's around to make us act like we're supposed to
    So lie here in my arms
    • Private Helicopter
  • It doesn't make me cry to hear Dylan say
    "Most likely, you go your own way."
    I'll go mine, I'll go mine.
    I'll go mine, I'll go mine.
    • Problems and Bigger Ones
  • Disembodied ringlets from hair that look like yours
    Call me the looming shapes of winter dusk impending.
    • Old Hat
  • She barely fits inside my head, but I feel something.
    Every element but one is in my thrall.
    Stop traffic as I lie down in your footpath.
    Like a simile, I paint suggestive pictures
    (Of me and you).
    • Old Hat
  • I forget (I forget)
    What my friends look like (what they look like)
    And they forget why they like me (and they forget why they like me)
    But that's old hat (it's old hat)
    I'm so happy (I'm so happy)
    How do you write about that?
    • Old Hat
  • Like a zero drowning in a sea of higher numbers
    • Terminal Annex
  • I think that I liked you better when you just ignored me
    • Terminal Annex
  • I had a lovely brunch with Jesus Christ.
    He said, "Two words about inanity: fundamental Christianity," yeah.
    The food was very nice
    But then, He had to go and die for my sins and stick my ass with the check.

    "Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy."
    (Go near an open window and that'll be the end of me).

    • Meetings With Remarkable Men (Show Me the Hero)
  • Saint Leonard touched a Philistine,
    A sacred tongue, a perfect rhyme.
    But even he was "not much nourished
    By modern love."
    • Why I'm Lonely
  • Now it's absolutely clear to me
    That solitude is not the same as singularity.
    • Why I'm Lonely
  • Not another existential cowboy
    And no more "California champagne"
    Not another saddle tramp --
    Sick, sore, lonely, and out of place.
    • Sad Sweetheart of the Rodeo
  • The Marlboro Man died of cancer
    And he wasn't a rocket scientist when he was healthy, ha ha ha.
    • Sad Sweetheart of the Rodeo
  • Culture baron train wreck and it's hard to look away,
    But I'm yawning like a kid in a carpet store.
    Refusing to be interesting is a funny way to go,
    But I guess you know your business --
    You're the one who makes the windstorm blow.
    • You Miss the Point Completely, I Get the Point Exactly
  • I'm already spinning in my grave.
    • Authenticity
  • She wore barrettes of many colors in her many-colored hair.
    That's not the point -- they only notice what you wear.
    She said, "The moon is a toenail, the stars are a guardrail.
    My heart is a sand pail
    And you're Toluca Lake."
    • (Theme from) Carjack Fever
  • A community of dabblers who are vain and fond of biting backs.
    We hate it when our friends become successful
    And a different school whose energies are spent evading income tax
    A silicone enhancements by the breastful
    • Pike St./Park Slope
  • Well, when you like something, it's an opinion.
    But when I like something, it's a manifesto.
    Pomposity is when you always think you're right;
    Arrogance is when you know.
    • Pike St./Park Slope
  • Dim innuendos are spoken aloud.
    The supermodels are super endowed.
    Fashion is the art of brainwashing the proud.
    • (This Is) The Thrilling Conversation You've Been Waiting For
  • When you base your whole identity
    On reaction against somebody,
    It's the same as being in love.
    • The Same As Being In Love
  • I figured wrong (with a capital R);
    All the baggage I brought wouldn't fit in a mid-size car.
    • Wine, Women & Song
  • Song, women, and wine:
    You can't fool all the people all the time.
    But if you're trying, if you're looking, if you're lucky,
    You can always fool a few and feel fine.
    Is the line between shame and dread:
    One grips the lungs, one brains the head.
    But either one can crush you,
    Anyone can crush you.
    • Wine, Women & Song
  • You followed good advices to the letter.
    You know your friend? He's doing so much better than you
    Are ever likely to do.
    He'll eclipse you but he will not miss you.
    • Cream and Bastards Rise
  • People who could buy and sell you
    Sharing a joke that they will never tell you.
    You think you're dialed in, someone has to win.
    And you know what that means, it means someone's got to lose;
    It's probably you.
    • Cream and Bastards Rise
  • When wicked thoughts come inter alia,
    You wind up in Centralia, morally
    Looking for a decent cup of coffee.
    Trying to meet halfway,
    It seems like I'm stealing your words.
    But really I'm just giving them back to you.
    • Moral Centralia
  • A shooting star is a little piece of
    Cosmic debris desperately wanting to fall to earth.
    It doesn't get too far, it's not a real star.
    It's hardly even worth footnotes in your memoir.
    • Little Round Mirrors
  • I dreamed we were alone all night
    In a house made out of beds
    And nothing happened
    • Incommunicado
  • We could talk about the lives we've led
    And count the reasons we're not dead,
    Or maybe we could talk instead about the ways in which we are.
    • What You Live By
  • Lay me down in the bed that I made,
    Starved for sleep by the shrill serenade.
    Singing over and over
    You die by what you live by.
    • What You Live By
  • Why do you insist on being such a girl about it?
    You said you hoped we could still be friends;
    I doubt it.
    • Picture, Picture
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