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Ibn al-Athir

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Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ash-Shaybānī, better known as ʿAlī ʿIzz ad-Dīn Ibn al-Athīr al-Jazarī (Arabic: علي عز الدین بن الاثیر الجزري; 1160–1233) was an Hadith expert, historian, and biographer who wrote in Arabic and was from the Ibn Athir family.[5] At the age of twenty-one he settled with his father in Mosul to continue his studies, where he devoted himself to the study of history and Islamic tradition.



The Complete History

  • In the year 159 (AD 776) Al Mahdî sent an army by sea under ‘Abdul Malik bin Shahãbu’l Musamma’î to India… They proceeded on their way and at length disembarked at Barada. When they reached the place they laid siege to it… The town was reduced to extremities, and God prevailed over it in the same year. The people were forbidden to worship the Budd, which the Muhammadans burned.
    • Ibn al-Athir The Complete History, Khalîfa Al-Mahdî (AD 775-785) Barada (Gujarat) Elliot and Dowson, Vol. II. pp. 246
  • So he prayed to the Almighty for aid, and left Ghaznî on the 10th of Sha’bãn AH 414… with 30,000 horse besides volunteers, and took the road to Multãn. After he had crossed the desert he perceived on one side a fort full of people, in which there were wells. People came down to conciliate him, but he invested the place, and God gave him victory… So he brought the place under the sway of Islãm, killed the inhabitants, and broke in pieces their images…
    • Ibn al-Athir The Complete History, Sultãn Mahmûd of Ghazni (AD 997-1030) (Rajasthan and Gujarat) Elliot and Dowson, Vol. II. pp. 469-71
  • The chief of Anhilwãra called Bhîm, fled hastily… Yamînu-d daula again started for Somnãt, and on his march he came to several forts in which were many images serving as chamberlains or heralds of Somnãt, and accordingly he (Mahmûd) called them Shaitãn. He killed the people who were in these places, destroyed the fortifications, broke in pieces the idols and continued his march to Somnãt…
    • Ibn al-Athir The Complete History, Sultãn Mahmûd of Ghazni (AD 997-1030) (Rajasthan and Gujarat) Elliot and Dowson, Vol. II. pp. 469-71
  • This temple of Somnãt was built upon fifty-six pillars of teak wood covered with lead. The idol itself was in a chamber… Yamînu’d daula seized it, part of it he burnt, and part of it he carried away with him to Ghaznî, where he made it a step at the entrance of the Jãmi‘ masjid…
    • Ibn al-Athir The Complete History, Sultãn Mahmûd of Ghazni (AD 997-1030) Somnath (Gujarat) Elliot and Dowson, Vol. II. pp. 469-71
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