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James Hutton (Moravian)

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James Hutton (1715–1795) was among the founders and leaders of the Moravian church in England.



Memoirs of James Hutton (1856)

Comprising the Annals of his Life, and Connection with the United Brethren by Daniel Benhem
  • The Lamb, and all His grief and smart,
    Shall be the pleasure of my heart,
       While it doth move in me;
    And when that heart no more shall move,
    My Spirit, finding her old Love,
       Shall kiss Him tenderly.

    Then you and I, and thousands more,
    From this, and your, and every shore,
     Shall each the other find:
    Happy in that which always here,
    When to the heart 'twas plain and clear,
       The many members join'd.

    And then, too, we shall think no more,
    What we were used to think before;
       Alas! how distant we!
    The Blood will flow through every limb
    On each of us from Him! from Him!
       And we united be.
    • Hymn written March 15, 1744
  • Dear Lamb! this Congregation
       Is poor, despise her not;
    She's taken with thy Passion
       As were she on the spot,
    Where earning her Election,
       Thy Heart-strings broke in death;
    That stirs up her affection,
       And gives her life and breath.

    Shouldst thou desire her beauty,
       For shame she bides her face;
    And shouldst thou look for duty,
       Ah! here she has no place:
    O that Thy bowels' feeling
       O'er us might joyful be;
    Howe'er Thou'rt with us dealing,
       0 then how blest are we!
    • Hymn written November 15, 1753
  • In this matter, I am a woman, and so I wish ever to remain.
    • Describing his weeping, if unable to advance winning arguments in support of his Saviour, against any man or angel attempting to lessen his belief.
  • Discontent, although human, is at all times wrong, and oftentimes becomes sin.
    • July 16, 1763
  • In Thy light shall we see light... afterwards we have a light indeed for our poor being, if it be true that we thus know Him: but that must be truth; otherwise one, after many good appearances, is liable to be carried away, at one time or another, by various winds of doctrine, deluded by some spirit of error, or overpowered afresh by one's former natural corruptions...
  • November, 1763

See also


Hutton, James (1715-1795) (DNB00)

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