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Kate Bashabe

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Kate Bashabe

Kate Bashabe(born 9 september 1990) is a Rwandan businesswoman and is the founder of Kabash brand and Kabash Cares organization charity.


  • I cannot say it has been easy, it all started from scratch as I managed the limited resources that I had (like time, money and personal relationships). But with determination, passion and motivation, self-belief, hard work and discipline, I managed to build my businesses without ‘getting bored’ because I enjoy what I do.
  • I have not achieved much, neither have I achieved less, though I’m looking onto much more that is yet to come. But I can say I have so far improved on my communication skills and developed a good relationship with clients; I am running two businesses, I pay for my school tuition, and many more. The keenness that I have for the next level is the hope and confidence that keeps us in motion.
  • Being in the fashion sector is fun because it requires a lot of creativity and being current, but most of all, you must have a sense of attraction. Who you are is who you attract. You have to attract people into your life and into your business and ideas. People need to understand that the greatest growth will always come as a result of finding people ahead of you who can show you the way forward.
  • I have come to understand that it’s not all about you and your idea. My focus on my early business start led to just me, me, me. This was a lonely experience and it negatively affected me and my businesses. I’ve since changed and now, I continually make time for others. I look for opportunities to assist people and serve. This not only makes me feel better about myself but it helps my businesses. I don’t expect anything in return. Sometimes people you’ve helped will help you, other times they will not.
  • I can’t say people have not seen it, but will just highlight it again; its adaptability and flexibility. It is good to be passionate or even stubborn about what you do. But being inflexible about clients or market needs will lead to failure. Entrepreneurial venture is not simply about doing what you believe is good, but also, making a successful business out of it. Market needs are dynamic, changes are a recurring phenomenon.
  • Challenges and interferences in business are always there but my own challenge is marketing and customer loyalty. This includes, how to market to potential customers effectively and retain your existing customers, figuring out the right marketing channels, and knowing where your customers are and how best to reach them.
  • Business is a battle of perception, focus, and marketing.“When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there.”- ZigZiglar. That quote describes my success.
  • I have one word for the young people; self-motivation, that internal drive to achieve, to produce, to develop, and keep moving forward. With self-motivation, you’ll learn and grow regardless of the specific situation. That’s why it’s such a fundamental tool for reaching your goals, achieving your dreams, and succeeding, in this journey we call life.

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