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King of the Zombies

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King of the Zombies is a 1941 film about three stranded travelers on an island, who find an evil doctor working with foreign spies and in control of zombies.

Directed by Jean Yarbrough. Written by Edmond Kelso.
Blood-chilling revelations of the weird cult that practices its black magic in the impenetrable jungles of Central America!  (taglines)

Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson

  • [Squeezing between two hypnotized "zombies"] Move over boys, I'm one of the gang now.
  • If there's one thing that I wouldn't want to be twice, zombies is both of 'em.


Samantha, the Maid: What you doing in that lineup?
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: Don't bother me woman. Can't you see I is a has-been?
Samantha, the Maid: A zombie?
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: Nothing else but. And don't ask me my name, 'cuz I don't know. I don't know nothing.
Samantha, the Maid: You ain't no zombie, 'cuz zombies can't talk.
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: Can I help it 'cuz I'm loquacious?

Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: [Eating the food set out for the zombies] This being a zombie sure is a drawback. Where's the salt?
Samantha, the Maid: You eats that the way it is and likes it. Zombies ain't supposed to use salt.
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: [Samantha brings Jeff the salt] I thought you said...
Samantha, the Maid: I changed my mind.
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: [Samantha continues to pour the salt] That's more like it. Take it easy there woman, I ain't no herring!
Samantha, the Maid: Now eat.
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: [Samantha keeps pouring the salt] Whew! What is you trying to do? Poison me?

Bill Summers: It's the same drums we heard the other night. Voodoo drums! Come on, we've got to find him!
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: Oh Mr. Billy, we found enough for one day!

Bill Summers: [about to chase off after another eerie happening] Come on!
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: I cain't, my foot done took to root.

Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: [after Dr. Sangre has shown Bill Summers and James McCarthy to their sleeping quarters] Excuse me, Mr. Doctor, but didn't you forget something?
Dr. Miklos Sangre: I think not.
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: What about me?
Dr. Miklos Sangre: You will be taken care of.
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: That's what I'm afraid of.
Dr. Miklos Sangre: In the servants' quarters. Momba will show you the way.
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: [scared] Momba? That goblin?
Dr. Miklos Sangre: He won't hurt you -- if he likes you.
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: And if he don't?
Dr. Miklos Sangre: [shrugs] Well.
Bill Summers: It'll be all right, Jeff.
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: For who?


  • Blood-chilling revelations of the weird cult that practices its black magic in the impenetrable jungles of Central America!
  • ARE YOU A ZOMBIE? If you can sit through this spine-tingling carnival of shrieks and howls without getting the thrill of a lifetime...you must belong to the living dead!
  • Don't miss this shock-crammed punch-packed double thriller-chiller terror program!


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