Lonely Wives

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Lonely Wives is a 1931 American comedy film about a lonely husband whose wife has been away who hires a lookalike impersonator to fill his place and fool his mother-in-law while he plays around with a pretty coquette. Confusion prevails when his wife returns that evening.

Directed by Russell Mack. Written by Walter DeLeon, based on the German vaudeville act Tanzanwaltza, written by Pordes Milo, Walter Schütt, and Dr. Eric Urban.
You can fool some wives most of the time-and all the wives some of the time-but not all the wives all the time.

Madeline Smith

  • And Dickie, I bought a new lace nightie yesterday that's positively indecent. Wait till you see it!


  • The prettier she is, the more twisted he gets!


Richard: (pouring brandy) You're quite sure that this is fit for a lady?
Andrews: That will fit anybody, sir.

Andrews: Miss Minter, You mustn’t turn that off.
Kitty: It’s getting on my nerves.
Andrews: Sorry, but it’s Mrs. Mantle’s orders.
Kitty: Mrs. Mantle, who’s she?
Andrews: She’s Mr. Smith’s mother-in-law. She wasn’t home for dinner tonight.
Kitty: I didn’t even know he was married until a few moments ago.
Andrews: He’s inclined to forget it himself at times. He’s, uh, very susceptible.

Richard: What have you got on tonight?
Kitty: Nothing I can't get out of. Why?

Richard: Oh, you have a pretty mouth!
Kitty: Aw, I like your moustache.
Richard: Really? Well, shall we introduce them?

Diane: Are you decent?
Kitty: No, but come in anyway.

Kitty: Maybe my "it" isn’t working today.
Andrews: The day isn’t over yet.

Richard: Those eyes… I don’t suppose you mean that?
Diane: Mean what, Mr. Smith?
Richard: Why that “come and get me” expression in them.
Diane: Why, I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Richard: Ah… what a pity. You know that I can hardly believe that you’re married.
Diane: Well, I’m not. Very much.


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