Mahsa Amini protests

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Civil unrest and protests against the government of Iran associated with the death in police custody of Mahsa Amini began on 16 September 2022 and are ongoing. Amini had been arrested by the Guidance Patrol for allegedly violating Iran's mandatory hijab law by wearing her hijab "improperly" while visiting Tehran from Saqqez. According to eyewitnesses, she had been severely beaten by Guidance Patrol officers, an assertion denied by Iranian authorities. As the protests spread from Amini's hometown of Saqqez to other cities in the Iranian Kurdistan and throughout Iran, the government responded with widespread Internet blackouts, nationwide restrictions on social media usage, tear gas and gunfire.


  • Jins have activated.
  • Americans told us they don't want to topple.
  • Smart facial recognition for hijab is not reversible.
  • People are so desperate, so angry and hopeless, they might even welcome an attack on Iran.
  • We're no longer going back where Iran and Iranian people were four weeks ago.
  • We all know that for the regime, religion, gendered discrimination and violence, under the banner of the compulsory veil, are tools for the depredation and oppression of not only women, but also us workers and all the people who live in Iran. Compulsory veiling must be dismantled.
  • Struggle will continue because it is a humane demand, and there is excellent solidarity around the issue. The result will be rewarding.


  • The first thing the regime did was take that symbol away. But we’re all descendants of shir zan, of warrior women, in my opinion. It’s the reason this revolution is led by women now.
  • The executions amounted to "state sanctioned killing".
  • We'll make life for security offenders difficult, difficult , difficult.
  • I’d like to live in a society where when I submit a résumé for a job, I’m not asked to submit a full-length picture of myself and probably expected to sleep with my boss.
  • The courage of the Iranians is incredible. And the regime's brute force is an expression of sheer fear of the power of education and freedom.
    • German Minister of foreign affairs [12]
  • That seedling Islamic republic is a mighty tree now and no one should dare think they can uproot it.
  • They made it seem as though those present in the riots were against the country’s administrative and economical weaknesses, while on the contrary, their goal was not to eliminate the weaknesses, but to destroy the country’s strengths.
  • I say that these riots and insecurities were engineered by the U.S., the usurping and fake Zionist regime, their paid agents, and certain treasonous Iranians abroad supported them.
  • What was different this time was the show a solidarity by the women against a common cause of repealing Hijab as the exclusive.
  • Regardless of the short-term results of the protest movement, it is clear that the TikTok generation is fed up with the environment of multi-layered hypocrisy that it has grown up in.
  • #Mahsa amini in farsi has been tweeted historic record 200-300 million tweets.
  • Reports that Iran’s so-called morality police are again cracking down to enforce mandatory hijab. It seems the regime has learned nothing from the protests.
    • American special envoy [18]
  • At least think of your own survival. Fear poor peoples revolution.
    • Islamic republic [19]
  • No country allows its government to fall.
    • IRGC military intelligence chief [20]
  • Legaly those who participated in protests have corruption on earth charges , Bagh-ye, Muharabe. It is legal to kill them.
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