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Patrick Joseph McKinney

From Wikiquote

Patrick Joseph McKinney (30 April 1954 –) is a prelate of the Catholic Church who serves as the Bishop of Nottingham.


  • On the Cross we venerate God who does not just offer us sympathy, from the safe distance of heaven; but rather God who, in his love for all humanity, became a human being, Jesus, who revealed God's love in his words and actions and, most especially, in his being willing to suffer and die on a Cross for us and all humanity, so as to become our Saviour.
  • We all know how easy it can be to submit passively to the opinions of the crowd. But the Christian in whom Christ is risen sometimes needs to dare to think and act differently, not because they are arrogant, but because they listen carefully and respond to the guidance of God's Holy Spirit at work within them. They know they are not alone, and that God's grace will provide them with what they are lacking.
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