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Never change when love has found its home.

Sextus Propertius (50 BC16 BC) was a Roman elegiac poet in Maecenas' circle.




  • Neque assueto mutet amore torum.
    • Never change when love has found its home.
    • I, i, 36.
  • Nudus Amor formam non amat artificem.
    • Love is naked, and loves not beauty gained by artifice.
    • I, ii, 8; translation by G.P. Goold
  • Navita de ventis, de tauris narrat arator,
    Enumerat miles vulnera, pastor oves.
    • The sailor tells of winds, the ploughman of bulls,
      the soldier counts his wounds, the shepherd his sheep.
    • II, i, 43–4.
  • Qua pote quisque, in ea conterat arte diem.
    • Let each man pass his days in that wherein his skill is greatest.
    • II, i, 46.
  • Aut patrio qualis ponit vestigia ponto
    Mille Venus teneris cincta Cupidinibus.
    • O like Venus attended by a thousand tender Cupids, setting foot upon the sea that gave her birth.
    • II, ii, 9-10.
  • Quod si deficiant vires, audacia certe
    Laus erit: in magnis et voluisse sat est.
    • What though strength fails? Boldness is certain to win praise. In mighty enterprises, it is enough to have had the determination.
    • Variant translation: Even if strength fail, boldness at least will deserve praise: in great endeavors even to have had the will is enough.
    • II, x, 5.
  • Quicumque ille fuit, puerum qui pinxit Amorem
    nonne putas miras hunc habuisse manus?
    is primum vidit sine sensu vivere amantes
    • Whoever he was who first depicted Amor as a boy, don’t you think it was a wonderful touch? He was the first to see that lovers live without sense.
      • II, xii, 1-3; translation by A. S. Kline
  • Nemo in amore videt.
    • No one in love can see.
      • II, xiv, 18.
  • Errat, qui finem vesani quaerit amoris:
    verus amor nullum novit habere modum
    • He errs that seeks to set a term to the frenzy of love; true love hath no bound.
      • II, xv, 29; translation by H.E. Butler
  • Absenti nemo non nocuisse velit.
    • Let no one be willing to speak ill of the absent.
    • II, xix, 32.
  • Unus quisque sua noverit ire via.
    • Let each man have the wit to go his own way.
    • II, xxv, 38.
  • Semper in absentes felicior aestus amantes.
    • Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
    • II, xxxiii, 43.
  • Cedite Romani scriptores, cedite Grai!
    Nescio quid maius nascitur Iliade.
    • Make way, you Roman writers, make way, Greeks!
      Something greater than the Iliad is born.
    • II, xxxiv, 65.
  • Sunt aliquid Manes: letum non omnia finit,
    Luridaque evictos effugit umbra rogos.
    • There is something beyond the grave; death does not end all, and the pale ghost escapes from the vanquished pyre.
    • IV, vii, 1.
  • Magnum iter ascendo; sed dat mihi gloria vires
    • I am climbing a difficult road; but the glory gives me strength.
      • IV. 10. 3
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