Raychelle Omamo

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Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs Ambassador Raychelle Omamo (cropped)

Raychelle Awour Omamo (born July 1962) is a Kenyan lawyer and politician and an advocate of the High Court of Kenya. From 2020 to 2022, she was the Kenyan Foreign Affairs Minister.



"Raychelle Omamo (Kenya, SC President) on Women and Peace and Security- Security Council Media Stakeout" (2021)

speech during the 21st Annual debate on Women peace and security. "Raychelle Omamo (Kenya, SC President) on Women and Peace and Security- Security Council Media Stakeout" (October 21, 2021)
  • We cannot think of a better outcome than calling on members to commit & invest in the existing recommendations and frameworks of the women peace and security agenda.
  • We must stand firm on the fact that there has to be inclusion of women in every sphere in life. Women have a right to education, they have a right to participate in decision making, they have a right to dignity and all the rights enshrined in the universal declaration of human rights.
  • The security council must raise its voice in favor of women who are suffering oppression, women who have been sidelined and marginalized.
  • Progress has been made and it has been made because women stand up and advocate. It has been made because women make other women visible.
  • We must not lose faith in the agency of women. We must not lose faith in the fact that women can change today and transform tomorrow.
  • When women come together, there's power.

"Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Raychelle Omamo has called for structural reforms to revamp agriculture in Africa in a bid to promote self-reliance.

during a Food Security Ministerial led by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.[https://www.capitalfm.co.ke/news/2022/05/omamo-urges-structural-reforms-to-revamp-agriculture-in-africa-at-blinken-led-session/ ( (NAIROBI, Kenya, May 20 2022)
  • We need to reflect on Africa’s unfavorable integration into the world economic order and our susceptibility to shocks from afar.
  • We need a global order that will release Africa from the shackles of dependency, from a State in which Africa is unable to make its own decisions. We need to return Africa to a state of self-reliance.
  • It is time that we must make and take bold actions. Our actions must solve problems in multiple ways and create solutions that are multifaceted. We must seek to achieve SDG 1 and 2,” CS Omamo said while referring to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty and hunger.
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